I pull around 18-20k in a magicka NB hybrid build, which could be boosted more if I wanted to be exclusively DPS.
A friend of mine is a bow stamblade and averages about 25k, though it varies from pull to pull (I've seen it go waaay higher, but a sustained test like blood spawn, about 25k).
I have a stamplar friend who usually maintains between 18-20k as well, and magicka dk friends who can do anywhere between 20-25k.
I have a couple of sorc friends who can pull 25-30k pretty easily as well, but I'm not certain what their numbers look like without the use of any ultimate. I know a couple of them see 45k crits for Overload.
Ethos_evos wrote: »On my Magicka DK I can pull 16+ no less. some instances on lesser bosses like vet spindle, the first zombie boss I manage to do 70k DPS on him but I had my standard of might + spell damage pot, and I think everything just crit on him like crazy. bosses that are resistant to fire though, my DPS is poop.
Nothing beats a 30 sec Bogda fight though as soon as I hit the cap for CPs i think everything will melt around me
Note: one thing that destroys my DPS is lag/low FPS. with a good machine I'm sure i would be doin a lot better.
A Stamblade using a bow and pulling 25k? Pics or you're a terrible liar.
Stamblade with a bow is literally the worst DPS class in the game. Even worse than stam sorcs. I refuse to believe anyone has ever gotten 25k Bloodspawn parses on a bowblade...
bsmorrowb14_ESO wrote: »And you'd be wrong. Our guild's stam nb uses bow as his 2ndary. He's pulling 25k as a minimum. His average pushes 32k+. Edit: This is single target dps.
This is from @Gilliamtherogue Stam NB DPS article, his Bloodspawn, Self-buffed DPS. Bow and DW I believe: