RoamingRiverElk wrote: »How many people will you be playing with in your group? What builds are they running? How many players do you expect to be facing with that group (or solo, if you want to solo)? The more people you're running with and the more templars there are healing you will determine in part how much you can invest in damage instead of survivability.
LiquidSchwartz wrote: »Hello, all.
tl;dr what weapons, armor, sets, jewelry, and skills should I be using to put out the maximum dmg available without losing a lot of sustain.
I played one on PC when the game first came out, but that build isn't viable anymore in the current game. I'm currently a V16 Vampire Dunmer DK. I played a stamina dps build (hunding/nightmother, S+B/2H) until a couple days ago. I really am not enjoying it, and it feels less and less fun to play every day so I decided to switch to a magicka build. At the moment, I hit like wet noodle.. I know magicka DK's aren't as strong as they used to be, but I really want to work at it and try to make it work well because it is way more fun to play than spamming puncture and wrecking blow.
What armor should I be running? I'm currently using 5 light (head, belt, shoulders, boots, gloves) and 2 heavy (legs and chest). with 5 pieces of Julianos and the rest with resto/desto Kagrenac. Should I be running a different pair of weapons and sets (include monster sets if needed)?
My jewelry is a set of willpower(arcane).
I'm working on leveling all my magicka abilities for DK right now so I know those will help when I get that all set up, but I need to know what abilities I should be using with them.
Skills I have so far:
-Flame Lash
-Burning Embers
-Burning talons
-Reflective Scales
-Shooting Star
-Dawnbreaker of Smiting
-Dragon Leap
-Corrosive Armor
-Draw Essence
-Mist form
-Bat Swarm
-Igneous shield
-Inner light
-Coagulating Blood
-Flames of Oblivion
All my DK skill lines and weapons are at lv 50 so I can get any skill.
imredneckson wrote: »LiquidSchwartz wrote: »Hello, all.
tl;dr what weapons, armor, sets, jewelry, and skills should I be using to put out the maximum dmg available without losing a lot of sustain.
I played one on PC when the game first came out, but that build isn't viable anymore in the current game. I'm currently a V16 Vampire Dunmer DK. I played a stamina dps build (hunding/nightmother, S+B/2H) until a couple days ago. I really am not enjoying it, and it feels less and less fun to play every day so I decided to switch to a magicka build. At the moment, I hit like wet noodle.. I know magicka DK's aren't as strong as they used to be, but I really want to work at it and try to make it work well because it is way more fun to play than spamming puncture and wrecking blow.
What armor should I be running? I'm currently using 5 light (head, belt, shoulders, boots, gloves) and 2 heavy (legs and chest). with 5 pieces of Julianos and the rest with resto/desto Kagrenac. Should I be running a different pair of weapons and sets (include monster sets if needed)?
My jewelry is a set of willpower(arcane).
I'm working on leveling all my magicka abilities for DK right now so I know those will help when I get that all set up, but I need to know what abilities I should be using with them.
Skills I have so far:
-Flame Lash
-Burning Embers
-Burning talons
-Reflective Scales
-Shooting Star
-Dawnbreaker of Smiting
-Dragon Leap
-Corrosive Armor
-Draw Essence
-Mist form
-Bat Swarm
-Igneous shield
-Inner light
-Coagulating Blood
-Flames of Oblivion
All my DK skill lines and weapons are at lv 50 so I can get any skill.
One of the best (and only) magicka DKs left in ESO
RoamingRiverElk wrote: »How much your whip, for instance, hits, is based on how many CPs you have in Elemental Expert, how much Max Magicka and how much Spell Dmg you have.
My advice, play a templar if you wanna play that playstyle. I really gave magdk a chance, but it is SO underpowered compared to all the other classes it is flat out ridiculous.
imredneckson wrote: »LiquidSchwartz wrote: »Hello, all.
tl;dr what weapons, armor, sets, jewelry, and skills should I be using to put out the maximum dmg available without losing a lot of sustain.
I played one on PC when the game first came out, but that build isn't viable anymore in the current game. I'm currently a V16 Vampire Dunmer DK. I played a stamina dps build (hunding/nightmother, S+B/2H) until a couple days ago. I really am not enjoying it, and it feels less and less fun to play every day so I decided to switch to a magicka build. At the moment, I hit like wet noodle.. I know magicka DK's aren't as strong as they used to be, but I really want to work at it and try to make it work well because it is way more fun to play than spamming puncture and wrecking blow.
What armor should I be running? I'm currently using 5 light (head, belt, shoulders, boots, gloves) and 2 heavy (legs and chest). with 5 pieces of Julianos and the rest with resto/desto Kagrenac. Should I be running a different pair of weapons and sets (include monster sets if needed)?
My jewelry is a set of willpower(arcane).
I'm working on leveling all my magicka abilities for DK right now so I know those will help when I get that all set up, but I need to know what abilities I should be using with them.
Skills I have so far:
-Flame Lash
-Burning Embers
-Burning talons
-Reflective Scales
-Shooting Star
-Dawnbreaker of Smiting
-Dragon Leap
-Corrosive Armor
-Draw Essence
-Mist form
-Bat Swarm
-Igneous shield
-Inner light
-Coagulating Blood
-Flames of Oblivion
All my DK skill lines and weapons are at lv 50 so I can get any skill.
One of the best (and only) magicka DKs left in ESO
RoamingRiverElk wrote: »Some thoughts:
If you get healed now and then by a templar, you may not need to invest a lot in healing initiated and healing received. However, if you are NOT getting healed by a templar, you could consider sets like twiceborn star (for healing mundus + magicka regen mundus), healer set (even though it's v14), perhaps even twilight's embrace. Thing is, if you stack these sets and CPs, you CAN use Dragon Blood on the same bar as your 1H+shield (combined with Igneous Shield), making you tankier against burst by a few enemies until your group mates can put pressure on them.
For solo play, I think that as magicka DK even the highest skilled and experienced ones, depend HIGHLY on luck for the type of enemies they will face, whether they can survive/kill them if they are outnumbered.
I would say it's recommended to be using sword and shield on one bar with some way of reducing the cost of blocking, either through CPs, blocking cost reduction glyph(s) and/or by slotting defensive stance. Heavy armor is an option for a TANK in my opinion, but then I wouldn't expect to do damage. Heavy armor just makes magicka resource management a total pain.
For the other bar, I would use either another sword and shield (for 1 more set item, better blocking, being able to equip shield charge - but that drains so much stamina on a magicka build that it's highly dependent on the situation whether I'd slot it), or a resto staff for healing with blessing of restoration and healing ward. With healing ward, you could really help a groupmate in danger in some situations.
The thing that confuses me about your build and your aims is that you said you want to run a support build in a group, yet you've been using five light, two heavy, and damage based sets. However, using caltrops with a magicka, damage build, is something I would consider extremely dangerous due to the way it will use a ton of your stamina. IF you don't get CCd and IF you don't need to block, run and dodge roll, then there is enough stamina for you to use caltrops, but really... I would leave using caltrops to the stamina builds in your group. I find stamina management and how much you can block to be a huge issue with magicka DK, because one pretty much needs to block melee attacks.
Mistform is a great skill, as are invisibats for DKs. The downside is Camo Hunter and Dawnbreaker, which can really be lethal against you if you're focused by a couple of enemies.
If you want to deal some damage as a magicka DK, you can't really CC people as much as you could on a tankier build, but you can still use: reflective scales (I would NEVER not have this on my bars, no matter what kind of a dk build in pvp), draw breath (for the increased damage and aoe interrupt around you), talons (people say the damage morph isn't good but I don't know... it will still do damage against NPCs, which you still have to fight at times even in pvp), fossilize. Then you have to think whether you will invest in healing through sets and passives enough to make the use of Coagulating Blood an option. If not, you will need a resto, probably with both healing ward and blessing of restoration. But if you use only the resto staff for healing, you will be in trouble if you try to heal yourself with those by being heavily focused, because blocking with a resto staff just isn't good for anything other than emergencies, and even then... well... it just isn't efficient.
I would always have at least 25k max health on a magicka DK, 27k even better, but that does eat away from max magicka. If you have the gold, using hakeijos for the enchantments on the armor is the best option for a magicka DK. It just costs so much, it's not really viable for experimenting...
For traits on the armor, I would use Impenetrable, or possibly Infused for the big pieces with Hakeijos.
MadNeedHelp wrote: »@LokoMatic Will do! I really appreciate the help even if we are enemies in Cyrodiil which I think I have seen you in PC or Xbox NA on my EP Sorc. As for the Kena..bah I doubt it, the RNG Lords laugh at me everytime I waste a gold key and get greens or blues.
DoctorSwampy wrote: »I'm called by my friends as "Last of a Dying Breed" because I still play magicka DK in 5 light with 392 CP x.x
Right now fully buffed my tooltip whip is about 8k, which isn't much but it's something.
The main advice I can give is to NOT use Kena unless you are not using a 5 piece and a 4 piece bonus. Kena is good but I find it better to stack regen on armor and just put spell damage glyphs on your jewelry. You can also choose everything you want about your craftable piece that you use over Kena. I also run divines on all my armor to boost my regen, but if I could remake it I would use Impen because it is back in the limelight. Sword and Board helps survivability and invasion is nice, but once DKs chains becomes an effective gap closer next update DW is the way to go.
But the sad part is no matter what you do, magicka DK is still going to be at a disadvantage damage-wise. If we're tanky we do no damage, if we do all damage we survive about as long as an ant on a countertop with no effective shields or escape. I'll keep experimenting, and I'm happy to share anything I've found with anyone that wants to know.
LiquidSchwartz wrote: »DoctorSwampy wrote: »I'm called by my friends as "Last of a Dying Breed" because I still play magicka DK in 5 light with 392 CP x.x
Right now fully buffed my tooltip whip is about 8k, which isn't much but it's something.
The main advice I can give is to NOT use Kena unless you are not using a 5 piece and a 4 piece bonus. Kena is good but I find it better to stack regen on armor and just put spell damage glyphs on your jewelry. You can also choose everything you want about your craftable piece that you use over Kena. I also run divines on all my armor to boost my regen, but if I could remake it I would use Impen because it is back in the limelight. Sword and Board helps survivability and invasion is nice, but once DKs chains becomes an effective gap closer next update DW is the way to go.
But the sad part is no matter what you do, magicka DK is still going to be at a disadvantage damage-wise. If we're tanky we do no damage, if we do all damage we survive about as long as an ant on a countertop with no effective shields or escape. I'll keep experimenting, and I'm happy to share anything I've found with anyone that wants to know.
I don't think chains will ever be better that invasion
DoctorSwampy wrote: »LiquidSchwartz wrote: »DoctorSwampy wrote: »I'm called by my friends as "Last of a Dying Breed" because I still play magicka DK in 5 light with 392 CP x.x
Right now fully buffed my tooltip whip is about 8k, which isn't much but it's something.
The main advice I can give is to NOT use Kena unless you are not using a 5 piece and a 4 piece bonus. Kena is good but I find it better to stack regen on armor and just put spell damage glyphs on your jewelry. You can also choose everything you want about your craftable piece that you use over Kena. I also run divines on all my armor to boost my regen, but if I could remake it I would use Impen because it is back in the limelight. Sword and Board helps survivability and invasion is nice, but once DKs chains becomes an effective gap closer next update DW is the way to go.
But the sad part is no matter what you do, magicka DK is still going to be at a disadvantage damage-wise. If we're tanky we do no damage, if we do all damage we survive about as long as an ant on a countertop with no effective shields or escape. I'll keep experimenting, and I'm happy to share anything I've found with anyone that wants to know.
I don't think chains will ever be better that invasion
Depending on the implemented changes it could be. As long as it gives an idiotic snare like Ambush/Crit Rush or something we'll be fine.