Pls don't kill ESO as an MMO by removing literally the only thing that's still difficult. Why don't people understand that Trials (hard/vet modes of which) are by definition supposed to be difficult and should only be do-able by those at the very top of the game to give everyone aspirational something to work for.
Paying money for multiplayer content does not entitle you to access all the content at the difficulty of your choice!
Pls don't kill ESO as an MMO by removing literally the only thing that's still difficult. Why don't people understand that Trials (hard/vet modes of which) are by definition supposed to be difficult and should only be do-able by those at the very top of the game to give everyone aspirational something to work for.
Paying money for multiplayer content does not entitle you to access all the content at the difficulty of your choice!
Paying money keep this game on its feet. And im sure majority wont like this...
I entered vet Maelstorm arena first time today I stuck on arena 5 round 3 with my magicka sorcerer no matter what i did i just kept fail. Mobs were just so overwhelming for a sinle player...
Also i got minumum 225-260 ping on NA server maybe thats the reason but i think it should get nerfed.
With pugs few times i was able to finish vCoA and Never finished IC dungeons on vet so with these statistics this arena is not for %95 of the players.. Which they've paid for that DLC and they cant finish the content...
Thats why i canceled my sub few minuntes ago because i pay money for DLCs and i expect entertainment in return not headache or rage or mindless difficulty...I like challenge too i really do i hate easy games i didnt even bother with normal arena.
infraction2008b16_ESO wrote: »Pls don't kill ESO as an MMO by removing literally the only thing that's still difficult. Why don't people understand that Trials (hard/vet modes of which) are by definition supposed to be difficult and should only be do-able by those at the very top of the game to give everyone aspirational something to work for.
Paying money for multiplayer content does not entitle you to access all the content at the difficulty of your choice!
Paying money keep this game on its feet. And im sure majority wont like this...
It's a solo challenge, not P2W loot.
1)your ping is horrible
2)make your own build that suits your style, but julianos/willpower/torug/kena is the 2nd best atm (best includes vMA staff)
3) L2P, i "wasted" 40 hrs at vMA- i trained, now i do it in 80 mins
Which they've paid for that DLC and they cant finish the content...
Thats why i canceled my sub few minuntes ago because i pay money for DLCs and i expect entertainment in return not headache or rage or mindless difficulty...I like challenge too i really do i hate easy games i didnt even bother with normal arena. But this is too much.
I really dont care about the challenge and the loot i just want the baron costumeReally its not challenging also any stubborn person can finish it after all you have unlimited tries. Its just mindless to me. I dont know why people againts it best players still have the highest score also who cares.
I haven't even gotten past the second stage in vMSA and I don't want it to be nerfed. The weapons you get from there are good and so only good players should get them. The truth hurts. (And I know I just called myself a bad player.)
I entered vet Maelstorm arena first time today I stuck on arena 5 round 3 with my magicka sorcerer no matter what i did i just kept fail. Mobs were just so overwhelming for a sinle player...
Also i got minumum 225-260 ping on NA server maybe thats the reason but i think it should get nerfed.
With pugs few times i was able to finish vCoA and Never finished IC dungeons on vet so with these statistics this arena is not for %95 of the players.. Which they've paid for that DLC and they cant finish the content...
Thats why i canceled my sub few minuntes ago because i pay money for DLCs and i expect entertainment in return not headache or rage or mindless difficulty...I like challenge too i really do i hate easy games i didnt even bother with normal arena. But this is too much. We have already score system and leaderboard its already competitive making this bit easier wont change anything in competition sense, better players still will have better score.
Cyrodiil is unplayable with insane lag and DLC contents are too hard solo/pugging what else left to do? Daily quests i guess..
I haven't even gotten past the second stage in vMSA and I don't want it to be nerfed. The weapons you get from there are good and so only good players should get them. The truth hurts. (And I know I just called myself a bad player.)
I really dont understand this logic. If these weapons are so good and you give these weapons to only the best players. These "best players" already beaten the hardest content with their previous non best weapons... so these weapons doesnt make any sense its all about skill...
Band Camp statements: To state "But this one time I saw X doing X... so that justifies X" Refers to the Band camp statement.
Coined by Maxwell
Pls don't kill ESO as an MMO by removing literally the only thing that's still difficult. Why don't people understand that Trials (hard/vet modes of which) are by definition supposed to be difficult and should only be do-able by those at the very top of the game to give everyone aspirational something to work for.
Paying money for multiplayer content does not entitle you to access all the content at the difficulty of your choice!
Paying money keep this game on its feet. And im sure majority wont like this...