lolo_01b16_ESO wrote: »You are comparing an aoe skill to a single target skill.
If you look at Ransack, you'll see that SA is reasonable. It costs 50% more than Ransack and deals 25% more damage.
Same Gearsetup on Tempalr and NB
Surprise Attack Instant cast: Major Fracture, Major Resolve, Major Ward, Stuns+off balance out of stealth
Jabs 1,1s Channel: Major Savagery
lolo_01b16_ESO wrote: »You are comparing an aoe skill to a single target skill.
Rushed Ceremony OP compared to Strife?
Ceremony can heal for 20k instantly while strife needs to hit a target then heals slowly over time.
edit - You see how this works?
But strife does a lot of damage in the hands of a magicka nb AND heals them at the same time, whereas rushed ceremony is a straight heal. See how that works?
I do. Class skills are different. Different so that classes will be different, you know?
well to be fair, bitting jabs is capable of almost stun locking people if they get stuck, but yes SA does do a bit much in terms of damage. Nerfing SA will not solve this however, as players will find another skill to replace it. Perhaps the way weapon damage can be brought to extremely high proportions should be looked at. Maybe even bring back softcaps.
nordickittyhawk wrote: »
you mean wreckling bow... seriously stam blades have 2 options. SA/WB .__. i like using my class skill. besides we dont have anything else... no one in there right mind would use rapid strikes.
mr_wazzabi wrote: »
I still see many stamblades usig rapid strikes. Don't ask me why...
nordickittyhawk wrote: »
you mean wreckling bow... seriously stam blades have 2 options. SA/WB .__. i like using my class skill. besides we dont have anything else... no one in there right mind would use rapid strikes.
I don't think surprise attack is OP exactly, but the idea of ability is just dumb. A generic, "press 1 to kill" button that you're encouraged to use over and over is just poor design.
nerf nbs though
leepalmer95 wrote: »Jabs doesn't work on shields either, and how many times are you realistically going to hit all 4 jabs on a half decent player?
Your lucky if you hit them 2/3 times at most. You actually have to aim jabs.
Jabs doesn't work on shields, but if were going to include passive, SA gives the user 5.2k armour on use as well.
Plus all nb's have high crit which high crit dmg. 50%+ is the min but usually i see people with 70% with 180%~ crit dmg.
Thats were SA suddenly starts doing stupid dmg.
Plus the first SA will be empowered usually. If ambushed in or the HA/SA from stealth weave will kill someone or take them to 25% hp.
Looks balanced to me.... <
( Sarcasm)
dwemer_paleologist wrote: »and btw the only way to pull numbers like that off would be through pure "light armor" magicka build.
stamina build medium armor could never get that high in damage.