No one has taken into account the reintroduction of forward camps, which will make it much less of an impact if raid 1 wipes to the ulti/siege bomb, as they can just spawn up with full resources and come back to assist raid 2.
Yes! By all means let's have more people in the vecinity of a keep so we can enjoy the flawless performance this game has!
I think you're taking more offense to that than is intended. It was not directed at you, or any guild, or anyone in particular. It was directed at the mindset of "something is hard, I need more people to achieve this." Within reason, I don't think anyone should use this logic as a crutch.
Haxus still runs on average 12-16 people daily. Even when we run 20-24, ask Hek, it's not something I'm usually in favor of because it diminishes the challenge of combat. And yes, my previous post talks about how numbers are the deciding factor, which I disagree with that being the meta. We've discussed this a number of times but I always go back to a very insightful thing you once said to me. You said the ability to PVP is power. And Numbers and Skill are the two power modifiers. These two power modifiers are very out of whack in this patch as numbers modifies power 10-fold and skill falls by the waistside in most engagements. Though the challenges of the next patch may be speculated about, I look forward to finding and adapting to new methods of guild gameplay. And I hope you guys do too.
No one has taken into account the reintroduction of forward camps, which will make it much less of an impact if raid 1 wipes to the ulti/siege bomb, as they can just spawn up with full resources and come back to assist raid 2.
Joy_Division wrote: »Maybe this doesn't make me one of the cool kids and gives others the impression that I'm a carebear or something, but I always found the response, "get good," to be disrespectful.
Joy_Division wrote: »Maybe this doesn't make me one of the cool kids and gives others the impression that I'm a carebear or something, but I always found the response, "get good," to be disrespectful.
Joy_Division wrote: »Maybe this doesn't make me one of the cool kids and gives others the impression that I'm a carebear or something, but I always found the response, "get good," to be disrespectful.
You should have gotten good when the game was still good. We might have actually gotten some pvp updates if they weren't constantly trying to change the game for people who fail to L2P.
You should have gotten good when the game was still good. We might have actually gotten some pvp updates if they weren't constantly trying to change the game for people who fail to L2P.
Joy_Division wrote: »Maybe this doesn't make me one of the cool kids and gives others the impression that I'm a carebear or something, but I always found the response, "get good," to be disrespectful.
Leave my girl Jules alone - she will not be subjected to scrutiny .. Im marrying her!
I have no faith that ZOS is going to solve Cyrodiil's performance issues. If it truly had an "ah-hah" moment, ZOS would be marketing the hell out of the upcoming changes to PVP. If anything, it is downplaying the upcoming changes.
While I don't think improved siege itself will solve the issue of lag, I look forward to the diminished effectiveness of the purge/barrier blobs.
I very much respect how well VE executes. I know the majority, if not all, of its members are very good in any kind of group. However, I find that gameplay to be kind of terrible.
I know many players who blob up feel the same. It's kind of like an arms race that ends in the mutually assured destruction of the server.
I resent that it pretty much takes a group playing the same style to stop a well-executed blob. I am glad there will be new counters and perhaps a shake-up of the VERY stale gameplay of Cyrodiil today. You guys lament what you foresee as the siege meta, but I lament what we have today as just as bad, if not worse.
The meta certainly needed changes, as Bulb points out in the OP. But change does not equal good change. I would argue having INSANE ulti gain was in need of a change, but 1.6 (while fixing that problem) ultimately introduced further problems that were much much worse.
ESO has constantly solved problems in a terrible manner, killing flies by dropping bombs on them. I won't be making rage threads when the patch drops: I'll let everyone else do that as the good guilds adapt to another stupid meta and the Game gets dumbed down further.
I think ulti gain and how it worked was in a good spot and went hand in hand with the 6 player aoe cap. If my four man rushed into a 24 man raid we were generating ulti way faster than they could because we are only 4 targets. But that was the balance the game had. We were fighting potentially 24 ultimates while they only had to deal with 4 but we were pumping them out at a faster pace. While also only being able to hit 6 targets we werent able to completely wipe the whole group instantly we had to position and react to their counters to win.
Thats why back in those days when ever you come across a 1vx player everyone in yell chat is yelling SPREAD OUT DONT STACK ON THE NB/DK.. But you have the plebs who just stand on them feeding them ulti. L2P
I'm excited for the changes as I have said before. Bulb brings up some valid points that he has vehemently (see that *** there?) defended, so I feel those have been covered pretty well.
Here is the good part. Siege will be buffed again damage wise. I remember setting up traps late night with tea pot, tbois, dshotz, and a few others. Kite zergs around the corner, one ballista shot and bomb. Boom goes 20 people. That to me is exciting. Same with oils on rocks. Love it.
So many players don't use siege, and don't adapt (the not top guilds), that I am excited for the small scale side again. The dps opportunities now are so much better overall, and that is really what it need. A high damage thing, with no aoe caps. Unfortunately it has to be siege, but its better than nothing.
What is kinda lame is the source drain value is so high, but such is life. Twice born with double serpert on my sorc for group play. Meh, ill do it, but not really, just adds alot of versatility.
We will see how it goes. People had the same thoughts about siege buffs before, and it was rough for a week. But once we started bombing the people up top of a keep with trebs, or my favorite, shooting front flag right from outside, it started to work in our favor again.
Leave my girl Jules alone - she will not be subjected to scrutiny .. Im marrying her!
"Yes! By all means let's have more people in the vecinity of a keep so we can enjoy the flawless performance this game has!
booksmcread wrote: »
So.....Lady Jules-Fengrush?
We'll have to see how the replacement version of FCs work out in practice. But, there is at least the possibility that their return will encourage groups to move deeper into enemy territory. That would spread out the population and (hopefully) lower lag.
All of this talk of "well if you make it harder for us to do this, we'll need to bring more people."
Here's a thought:
Get good.
Instead of just getting more people to accomplish the 'impossible' goal, accomplish it with less and learn to thrive in different ways. Improve the overall individual player capability rather than just stacking more people because "F it, half of us are wiping anyway." That's a cop out.
Siege will drain resources, sure. Training ourselves in better methods of resource management will be necessary. Purge and barrier will be capped, sure. We will need to consider our defensive vs offensive abilities and ultimates even more now. We will need to consider the pros and cons of stacking up vs spreading out. There will need to be thought. There will be disadvantages to this style of gameplay. That is NECESSARY. As it stands now, ball up, rotate barriers is infallible to everything other than another ball up, rotate barriers group. The very way that we think about large group gameplay will need to change. And that is good.
Does no one remember massive pile ups at BRK , Alessia and Chal *With* forward camps in full swing?
Dee Ticks were 30k+ on the regular for a reason.
I've got it! Give dynamic ult gen back and fix it the ZOS Way(TM), just give it infinitely stacking cost increases like bolt escape and dodge roll!
I always felt ulti needed slight adjustment, having permbats was stupid. But certainly not the nerf hammer it got .