I am going to disclaim now; this is going to be quite a long post. I do not come to the forums often for various reasons. Exceptions being when I have something to say or in response to someone. Everyone has their two cents about what’s going on with this game, these are mine.
It is no secret that Cyrodiil is in a poor state. Between the constant lag issues, the stale “how many can I stack and who’s got barrier” Meta, and the discouraged or tired out leaving Cyrodiil at a frightening rate leaves Cyrodiil feeling just a little emptier than it was before. I can agree as I think most all of us can that something needs to change. I mean we all wish the lag would be “fixed” or just go away but the reality of the situation is that the game cannot currently operate as was intended. Say what you will about how it “should” work or how the game has been out for two years why can’t they get it together already. Things are not as simple as “fix” or “make it work”, they take time and I hope to god they do figure something out because the number one reason people stop playing is because they literally can’t play.
What I am more concerned about further each day I watch this game is where we are currently headed. The upcoming changes to Alliance War Skills and Siege Weapons inside Cyrodiil are excellent examples. We are reducing the effectiveness of skills meant to be used inside the alliance war and increasing the effectiveness of siege damage. Why? What’s the problem?
The problem is evident and easily explained with the such a simple word that is has become casually interpreted as the root of all of the game’s problems.
“If people wouldn’t zerg.” “Zergs are the only reason it lags.” “Zergs ruin this game.”
Maybe so. It cannot be denied, when you stack even just 48 people in one Keep or Outpost, the ping skyrockets in search of the next galaxy over. Skills become things that just look pretty on your bar, movement looks like a poorly edited Claymation, and you sit back at your computer letting out a heavy sigh because that’s just about the extent of what you can do. And because of this, the forums, and zone, the community in general gets flooded with “anti-zerg” mentality and advocating warriors. I hate stacking, I hate fighting zergs, I hate when the game isn’t playable. Just like all of you.
But we’ve come to the point when a zerg is simply whenever you lose outnumbered, whether it be by a few or a dozen players. Quick, point and shout zerg! This mentality that has built up, and been encouraged by several players who have done nothing inside Cyrodiil but complain and keep to their corners of the map. It is plain toxic and not informative either. Zerg shaming has become a downright display of ignorance, no longer equitable.
I understand just as well as any of us, zergs are a problem. What I do not understand is reducing this games play to point and click on a siege weapon and removing the skills that allowed us to counter that. For those of you who do not know who I am, I am the GM of Vehemence (VE). I run 24 man raids every night.
The allotted group size in Cyrodiil, and yet I am constantly alongside my players accused of mindless zerging. Yet, every night the number of fights we do, the sheer numbers we face. I am outnumbered 8 out of ten times in any given situation in Cyrodiil. This is the fact of the game. Sometimes it works okay, sometimes it really sucks. It is not our fault, nor the players we are going up against that the game’s performance is poor.
Despite contending odds, we still manage to take objectives, defend objectives, sometimes with help sometimes alone. This is capable because of our teamwork and the skills available to us. I agreed that the
“how many can I stack and who’s got a barrier” Meta is boring and needs a change. However, making the skill almost completely useless in raid play alongside nerfs to purge, is not the solution in my opinion.
“The zerg is the problem so we’ll just make it so you can easily kill anything with siege and they won’t be able to defend themselves adequately.”
The game is slowly ever crawling to favoring the solo or smaller groups inside Cyrodiil. We are blaming the larger groups inside Cyrodiil for lagging the server and being “
what’s wrong with the game.” Who do you think responds to the hordes of the opposing factions when it’s called out in zone? Who pushes back the faction that is on your front door? Who went out of their way to save that scroll? The guilds and groups inside Cyrodiil that run “larger” numbers when they are simply filling the group size inside Cyrodiil. And it cannot be argued that the larger groups are more successful than the smaller ones. Zergs aside, take 4 against 10, unless you’re dealing with a severe gap in skill the 10 are going to win and that’s how it should be.
War is not a game of morale victories.
The mentality that has evolved inside this game is almost unbelievable. You are playing an RvR Game. We are all playing a game designed around taking objectives inside Cyrodiil that revolve around at the very least 18 man groups. This game does not support dueling or arenas (yet as they say.) And here we are shaming players and groups for playing the way it was intended…
Has anyone thought what Cyrodiil would like without all the large groups? Perfect right? You could all go do your solo and small man things to your hearts content inside an open world RvR realm where the Keeps simply become decorations on the map. A ghost town for your needs and desires. But we like playing this game too. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to play small. Nothing at all. You aren’t shamed or attacked for it. You aren’t blamed for things that are clearly out of your hands. And you also do nothing for your faction. You don’t take keeps. You don’t fight back. You don’t contribute to the score. You play alongside your faction's zergs and scold or you keep to your corners fighting duels while the map conflicts.
Where are we headed like this? Are we going to continue experiencing game changes that favor simplified play and how much siege you can set down? As a community there are no other options we can come to? No other solutions besides complaining and shaming and name-calling? This is what this game is becoming?
Do you think we enjoy the lag as well? Do you think I get into cyrodiil and immediately ask, “
who can I stack with?!” I spend half my night making calls to avoid colliding with friendly guilds and I still end up surrounded by DC at times. You think I run 24 members so I can chase down 3 or 4 people in a field and exclaim, “Get rekt! We are so good!” That's it, I've been compiling footage for my Xv1 video for the past year and a half guys. No. We don’t play for that. It’s not fun to play in lag, but the next time you’re fighting “a zerg” take off your own zerg goggles and take a quick look around you. Chances are, you are surrounded by your own faction. Just because you aren’t grouped doesn’t mean you aren’t a large force. Taking objectives and defending in Cyrodiil against the masses would not be possible without large groups.
You are inside an RvR game. There are going to be large groups, and it’s not our fault. We aren’t what’s wrong with this game. The mentality and hate inside the community is what’s wrong. If you didn’t have large groups in Cyrodiil what a sad place it would be. But we keep pushing for groups to get dissolved.
Food for thought:
Stacking is a problem right now because the game can’t handle it. If we can’t fix the lag right now, why not institute more objectives inside Cyrodiil required for scoring? Force factions to spread for teamwork. You’re always going to have that jerk who stacks a raid or two because L2P but are there no ways for us to create or force factions to spread? If all we have left to defend is Aleswell and EP is pushing from Bleakers. Where do you think these two factions will collide? And quite literally the factions will collide. Because there is no other objective to push now. The next course of action has already been decided. The game was designed with natural choke points in Cyrodiil without the actual ability to handle the confrontations. It’s not EP nor DCs fault for going towards the objective when there’s no other option provided. They are playing as intended.
The removal of Prox Det as a skill entirely. No matter how you look at this skill or how many times you want to change it, it favors the group. It will never favor the smaller force enough to justify it. This is by far the best group AoE ever given to group players.
The adjustment of Barrier and Purge to only effect group members with the possibility of a slight number reduction. Not a drastic drop to where it’s not even worth mentioning as an Alliance War Skill.
The abolition of AoE caps and return of dynamic ultimate. Without AoE cap reduction and dynamic ultimate regen returned to players, you would be able to fight larger forces more easily as your ultimate would generate faster and your damage would not be mitigated because they stacked raids.
Strengthen AoE damage across the board for all class based skills. Pull players away from the stale "impulse and steel tornado only please". Nerf steel tornado’s range and remove the execution proc completely.
Institution of completely group based effects. This would include heals, set bonus buffs(as they already implemented), and all Alliance War Skills and any skills that effect nearby allies. Encourage players to group, stop discouraging and shaming it. This game was made to play with a group, stop arguing it.
Do not adjust siege damage against the player further, revoke the idea that siege should drain resources as well. If this becomes nothing but a siege vs siege game, it will be the most boring pvp experience on the market right now. All siege effects should be purgable as an alliance war skill inside alliance war siege damage.
Adjustment of the mentality that groups are what’s wrong with this game. Remember you are playing an RvR game. This PvP is undeniably group based. It is not the group’s fault that the lag is present. That is a strictly development issue. And I’m not saying scream at ZOS either. Exercise some patience and grace. We are all playing this game, just because someone plays a way you don’t doesn’t even come close to making them wrong.
I love this game; I seriously have never had so much fun playing a game. During the frustrations, the lag, the disappointment, we are all still playing for some reason. We love this game. I don’t want to watch this game drift into a brain dead hate fest dumbing down the game every patch. If you ask a majority of players they will tell you something similar to, “just here waiting for the next game to come out.” Hearing that phrase always saddens me, I love playing this game, but what’s the point if no one wants to and the people who still will are going to constantly harass the way you play? I am starting to count myself among those waiting for something else, because I’m not quite sure where TESO is headed like this.
-Like a Bulbasir/Permarekt
@Wrobel @ZOS_BrianWheeler @ZOS_GinaBruno