Its also been undodgeable for the longest time, fubar.
dodgehopper_ESO wrote: »I've never had a problem with Reverberating Bash. The defile should remain. What is the problem with the breakout?
- If you do reverb twice in a row, you can double stun someone.
- If you cast reverb first for a CC, and use invasion after you can double CC. If you cast invasion first and reverb second, it applies the effect but not the buggy CC (currently the best way to safely use the ability for its defile).
- If you connect with someone coming out of a dodge, it might slide them across the floor.
- If you cast reverb to CC and use dragon leap, they will get the same second CC as from the first 2 points but will additionally slide on the floor like the third point.
- If you do reverb twice in a row, you can double stun someone.
- If you cast reverb first for a CC, and use invasion after you can double CC. If you cast invasion first and reverb second, it applies the effect but not the buggy CC (currently the best way to safely use the ability for its defile).
- If you connect with someone coming out of a dodge, it might slide them across the floor.
- If you cast reverb to CC and use dragon leap, they will get the same second CC as from the first 2 points but will additionally slide on the floor like the third point.
Most stuns are short so you don't notice this but CC-immunity is applied after the effect so it does not prematurely cancel it. Try using Fossilize on someone and then hitting them with Uppercut - both CCs should occur because the CC-immunity is not yet applied until Fossilize ends.
This is also how Disorients work. For a while Disorient did not apply CC-immunity whatsoever (excluding Break Free). Now it applies immunity at the natural end of the duration. If you end the Disorient by dealing damage, CC-immunity will not be applied, allowing the target to be Disoriented once again.
Power Bash applies a 2 second stun followed by a 15 second Disorient. So both can stick (and the ability work properly) CC-immunity is not granted at the end of the stun.
Very few abilities cause Disorient and it is visually identical to a stun so information on Disorient is not widespread.
I hear you, I'll do some more testing.
I hear you, I'll do some more testing.
It's been quite some time since I paid close attention to the CC-immunity of Disorient. It may apply immunity now when canceled by damage without CC attached.
And regarding the video you posted showcasing the slide effect - that has to do with how roll dodging works. What many players have learned from evading red circles in PvE is the server does not register your new position until the roll dodge animation finishes (i.e. you are standing once again). Until that moment, the game registers your character at where the roll dodge started.