Cinnamon_Spider wrote: »There were changes to how gap closers work in a recent patch. They apply a 200% movement speed debuff to the target. When you're targeted by one or more gap closer abilities at a time, you cannot move, attack, or defend yourself. Often you are stuck in place until the player gap closing you connects, which leaves you open to other attacks and usually results in a death.
Before this change, combat felt more fluid. You could apply a shield, block, dodge, or even use an offensive ability. It did not mean imminent death as it does now.
This change, along with the nerfs to dodge, streak, and block negatively affect combat in PVP. I've spent so many days and nights playing with friends that are now deciding to leave the game because of how frustrating combat has become in the more recent patches. They could deal with the bugs, but the bugs compounded with these changes are what made up their minds.
I've compiled some clips from before and after the 200% speed reduction was added. @ZOS_BrianWheeler and @Wrobel which of these two versions of the game would you prefer to play?
I was pointing out that this isn't a Sorcerer QQ post and I included two classes and multiple builds in the video. Dampen Magic wouldn't even offer any protection against stamina based gap closers.
to be fair, you have annulment instead of harness on your templar and you have balzing shield + healing ward xD
other than that, you're completely right and I fully support his thread.
Cinnamon_Spider wrote: »Then you didn't watch the video, or you'd see my Templar and another clip with only one shield (no resto or harness magic). This isn't something that only affects Sorcerers.
This has nothing to do with shields and is simply about improving combat and movement.
DK isnt even able to use leap when gapclosered
RoamingRiverElk wrote: »Agree 100% with this thread.
People thought this was a BUG until they learned it was an "intended feature". Change it back to how it was before, no snare either. Just. Change. It. Back. To. The. Way. It. Was.
Source: (December 2015)Currently gap closers apply a -100% movement speed debuff for .5 seconds. This snare cannot be avoided or reduced by any abilities, so it locks your character in place. It works this way because we want charges to reliably hit enemies. It means if 2 players are casting Ambush on a target every half second, they will not be able to move. This is too strong of a lockdown and we would like to relax it, while still making charge abilities get to the target.
To accomplish this, we'll be reducing the snare to -60% and increase the duration to .75 seconds. This will make it feel more responsive as a person being charged because you can still control your character instead of getting stuck in place. With the change you can move slightly further with 1 person charging you, and much further if multiple enemies are charging you. Note that these values aren’t final and we will be adjusting based on PTS feedback.
Yes (apparently I got the number wrong - oops), but that change is going to be just as bad. For example, Crit Rush does more damage based on distance while the other morph adds in a snare. Anyone using Stampede will just respec to Crit Rush and get the best of both worlds.I have a question.
Is what you're showing above (the NEW version) what is supposedly explained here?
Source: (December 2015)
Or is the above what they plan to change the gap closers to work like? (instead of how they currently do)
[EDIT] I ask because if I understand correctly.. they do already plan to change how gap closers currently work. (But doesn't sound like it will change to "how it was")