Are you happy about the removal of PvP component from the justice system?

As title.
Edited by b92303008rwb17_ESO on January 13, 2016 4:10AM

Are you happy about the removal of PvP component from the justice system? 126 votes

Joy_DivisionNewBlacksmurfDiviniusMoonshadow66dsa.adab16_ESOAimoraLark82AlienSlofKhenarthidennissomb16_ESOAthlesheledironadriant1978WingDocmanduNyghthowlerleeuxWeberdaSalmeynaTandor 40 votes
NobleNerdmanyrabidratsGidorickMessy1Lefty_LucyJahoelRDMyers65b14_ESOBeowulf_McCallumlolo_01b16_ESOFaulgorYulsitaybrodskyb16_ESOEnodocNeillMcAttackSnowstriderAketiumThe_SpAwNKorprokKnootewootFaunter 86 votes
  • Vlakmir
    Those that vote yes assume it would ruin their gameplay or want the developers focusing on other content.

    Sure shoving PVP in everyone's faces would ruin lots of gameplay for people. But I think it's a fair assumption that they would've implemented and designed it in a way that would've allowed players to opt in and out.

    My dissatisfaction is because it would've been fresh content, innovative for many, and would've brought something else to do in the world.

    The last thing I want is yet another large zone of quests to solo. I want spell-crafting just as much as I want cops and robbers. I want interesting things to do, not the same things to do in a new zone.

    I'm mostly sad that it's a sign that the game is no longer aiming to implement cool new systems, but rather focus on the cash shop and DLC solo questing time. This game has enough of the latter.
  • Gidorick
    Any problems that are perceived could be mitigated with controls... that's the long and short of it. So many people come in the game... and then don't want to play the game or want the parts of the game they want to play to just be handed over to them. PVP wouldn't be open world... law abiding citizens wouldn't be in danger and ZOS could even design it so that only the most notorious of player outlaws are the ones who are hunted so players would have to deliberately and continually break the laws of tamriel to be a target....

    I don't think there's any hope at this point.
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  • Sausage
    I think theres enough ganking already, Cyrodil dailies and IC. I think Guards should able to tackle Criminals, that would be fun concept, maybe somekind of tracking mechanism for both sides, really make some cat and mouse game.
    Edited by Sausage on January 13, 2016 7:05AM
  • Samadhi
    Without the PvP component, the Justice System lost the only real potentially interesting aspect it had.
    "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." -- the 14th Dalai Lama
    Wisdom is doing Now that which benefits you later.
  • Faunter
    Stop right there, criminal scum! You violated the law. Pay the court a fine or serve your sentence. Your stolen goods are now forfeit.

    Oh wait, no they're not.
  • Docmandu
    There's enough PvP options in the game already, in places where people know / expect PvP (consensual PvP).. this had too much potential of causing problems with people that like to harass others by tricking them into flagging themselves and things like that.
    A clear split between PvP and PvE zones is imho the best of both worlds.

    I'm a PvP player myself, but can understand some PvE players never ever want to get into a PvP fight. They currently have that option by never going to Cyrodiil / IC. The Justice system would change that and would mean no place is ever really safe.

    In addition, I think it would be too much development effort for something that will hardly get used after the first month.
    Edited by Docmandu on January 13, 2016 7:28AM
  • RAGUNAnoOne
    PvP balance sucks sohell yes I am happy but seriously how many polls do we need of this same topic?
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  • NovaShadow
    It's simple. You don't wanna be hunted for your bounty, don't get a bounty.

    This was the best part about the Justice System, it's useless as it is and now without the PVP aspect, I don't see why it should even stay in game.
    PC NA - EPHS
  • UrQuan
    To be perfectly honest, I have mixed feelings about it, as I'm concerned that if it wasn't implemented perfectly it could be terrible - especially for new players who don't know what they're doing. Having said that, I'm going to have to say that on balance I'm not happy about it, as I feel that if it was implemented well it could be a lot of fun, and it would be some new content for the PVP crowd (which I'm really not part of, but that doesn't mean I can't want them to get stuff too).
    Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC)
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  • Dubhliam
    Sausage wrote: »
    I think theres enough ganking already, Cyrodil dailies and IC. I think Guards should able to tackle Criminals, that would be fun concept, maybe somekind of tracking mechanism for both sides, really make some cat and mouse game.

    It is exactly this kind of thinking that drove ZOS into not doing it.

    Calling it "ganking" shows how little people even try to understand the mechanics that would be involved.

    You cannot gank a law abiding citizen. Also, If they would implement it in the way I proposed, only the thieves with the highest possible bounty (Fugitive) would be killable. Disreputable and Notorious could not be killed, much as guards don't kill those players.
    Docmandu wrote: »
    ... The Justice system would change that and would mean no place is ever really safe...
    I can't... I just can't... Must stop posting on forums.
    Edited by Dubhliam on January 13, 2016 7:56AM
    >>>Detailed Justice System Concept thread<<<
  • TipsyDrow
    I love pvp, i enjoy pve at times. However mixing the two never ever works well. They need to be kept seperate. So yes I'm quite happy the idea was abandoned.
    Oooh, what do we have here? Another scrumptious young plaything straight out of life and into my club? Mmm... you smell new, little boy, like fabric softener dew on freshly mowed Astroturf. Oh, I'm not frightening you, am I, duckling?
    Love, Mistress Pigtails
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    I don't believe the reasons behind it are related to the implementation, in spite of what they pretend.
    I think it's because this would have to be part of the base game update and could not be sold as a separate DLC.
    Which means a lot of resources for no direct income.
    As to indirect income (simply keeping more players into the game) they probably made their calculations and decided it wasn't worth it.
    It looks like a 100% business decision.

    I am sooo disappointed .... (not by the decision being a business decision, but by that decision altogether. Justice system is quite useless without its second half...)

    Edited by anitajoneb17_ESO on January 13, 2016 8:03AM
  • Messy1
    My first reaction is that I'm angry because I was looking forward to this aspect of the game. My second reaction is yeah it will probably be good for the health of the game and not create a toxic environment.

    Still, I'm a little disappointed this feature could not be made possible. I want ZOS to continue to think about it.

    -idea have daily quests that give you points towards being an enforcer or a criminal with different ranks. I.e. start as a foot pad and work your way up to master criminal or conversely start as a volunteer and work your way up to Justiciar
    Then criminals and enforcers could duel each other in arenas that way fights would not disrupt other adventurers in Tamriel i.e. no ganking. Then criminals and enforcers could have special places that only they could enter i.e. Outlaws refuge for criminals and something similar for enforcers
  • Messy1
    I don't believe the reasons behind it are related to the implementation, in spite of what they pretend.
    I think it's because this would have to be part of the base game update and could not be sold as a separate DLC.
    Which means a lot of resources for no direct income.
    As to indirect income (simply keeping more players into the game) they probably made their calculations and decided it wasn't worth it.
    It looks like a 100% business decision.

    I am sooo disappointed .... (not by the decision being a business decision, but by that decision altogether. Justice system is quite useless without its second half...)


    Wow, this is soooooo true. The game director does not have the liberty to make creative decisions for the game based on "fun factor" alone. Unfortunately, it is tied in some way to the business side. I just wish that improvements to the base game (besides bug fixes) would keep coming so that the game continues to evolve and that people can continually rediscover and enter Tamriel.
  • Thevampirenight
    Well, they are most likly doing a dueling system instead well the enforcer update would have been you had to wear an enforcer tabbered and a outlaw tabbered in order to be flagged for it me thinks, I guess they desided not to add this because they think it would replace pvp of cyridill with on purpose using this for a dueling pvp system.
    Edited by Thevampirenight on January 13, 2016 9:33AM
    PC NA
    Please add Fangs to Vampires.
  • Campana
    Soul Shriven
    Faunter wrote: »
    Stop right there, criminal scum!

    How much fun it would be to have your character actually say this to other players. *Sigh*

    Was the justice system originally intended to include PvP?

    If you wanted to make it totally consensual you could flag one area per day as the Justice System PvP area, hide lots of valuable goodies in various chests, then have a system where player thieves can try to sneak around and steal stuff. If they get detected by a player who has signed up to the justice event they are flagged for pvp.

  • deleted008293
    Mixed feeling... Thing is there are many other aspects that needs improvement and all of them takes time. There are also lots of other features missing like housing, barber shop, duels, vr removal, spellcrafting, etc. Also after such a long period without some major content to explore I think its time to explore other lands too. IC wasn't my favorite by far. O was what I really wanted but I want more... much more. TG and DB will most certainly bring some interesting mechanics to the game... Instead of small features that take tons of time and rises lots of issues i'd rather want something else. Like some more massive DLC's or even Huge expansion packs. The only issue is that every single small thing takes time... so lets wait and see what future will reserve us.

    Anyway here is my idea of a better justice system.

    Phase 1 Crime. Steal, kill, etc...
    Phase 2 Report. Seen someone who just stole something? Seen someone with a bounty on their heads? Report it to the guards. Guards can also act on their own.
    Phase 3 Dungeon time. For any crime committed guards should send the thief to the Dungeon instead of acting on the spot. There he is put on holding until the guards will give the sentence.
    Phase 4 Sentence. Now you have few options:
    - Wait for the guards to come back with the sentence. He will either take your money or it will take you to the hangings. Either way you are going to get out of the cell and you have to follow the guard to the guard's office and after that you're either go free or you're being walked to the gallows.
    - Right there you can take your chance and run from the guard. So you don't pay any Septim or you won't be hanged. To do that wait until you enter the office then make your run for the chest in which the guard put your things and steal them using "E" and you're good to go.
    - Option one guard will take his chance and try to kill you. Fight back or run as fast as your feet can hold you.
    - Option two the person/persons who reported you might be able to jump in a pvp freenzy and try to stop you.
    - If you lose the battle against the guards of against the players then you will be forced to pay twice as many money than before. If you have none then you are going to get a negative balance.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno naBruno
    Edited by deleted008293 on January 13, 2016 12:05PM
  • acw37162
    You need a don't care option.
  • Tandor
    I'm opposed to PvP penalties for PvE crimes in PvE areas. I have no problem with the Enforcer system being applied in PvP areas if PvPers want it, but it has no place in the open world. PvP and PvE do not mix well, and there is no justification for excluding PvEers from the PvE Justice System by arguing "Don't do the PvE crime if you don't want to suffer the PvP penalty". It's a good decision by ZOS.
    Edited by Tandor on January 13, 2016 12:02PM
  • petraeus1
    Tandor wrote: »
    I'm opposed to PvP penalties for PvE crimes in PvE areas. I have no problem with the Enforcer system being applied in PvP areas if PvPers want it, but it has no place in the open world. PvP and PvE do not mix well, and there is no justification for excluding PvEers from the PvE Justice System by arguing "Don't do the PvE crime if you don't want to suffer the PvP penalty". It's a good decision by ZOS.

    But they seemingly axed it entirely, which is a shame. I would've loved to see a new DLC down the road which was specifically designed for Justice PvP, without affecting the vanilla zones.

    @nordmarian cool ideas. I agree that I hope the Justice System at least becomes a bit more fleshed out. Currently it's laughably easy to get away with things, and it doesn't add too much gameplay at all. Presumably this is gonna change with Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood, but still.
  • Dubhliam
    I don't believe the reasons behind it are related to the implementation, in spite of what they pretend.
    I think it's because this would have to be part of the base game update and could not be sold as a separate DLC.
    Which means a lot of resources for no direct income.
    As to indirect income (simply keeping more players into the game) they probably made their calculations and decided it wasn't worth it.
    It looks like a 100% business decision.

    I am sooo disappointed .... (not by the decision being a business decision, but by that decision altogether. Justice system is quite useless without its second half...)


    Definitely not the reason.

    They could lock it behind a DLC in many ways.

    I guess they just did not want to invest so much resources into something that a fraction of the playerbase might complain about.
    >>>Detailed Justice System Concept thread<<<
  • ralonasan
    What justice system? You can steal and murder with no consequence if you have half a brain.
    The ESO Forum Common Complaint Checklist: ☑
    ☐ Nerf/Buff Sorcerers.
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    ☐ Nerf/Buff Templars.
    ☐ THIS IS P2W!
    ☐ L2P n00b.
    ☐ Where is the LOL button??
    ☐ Fix PvP lag.
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    ☐ Natch Potes.
    ☐ Nerf Veteran Maelstrom Arena.
    ☐ Race Change ETA?
    ☐ Please add the Barber Shop!
    ☐ Why don't Trials scale?
    ☐ Working as intended.
    ☐ Why did you nerf/buff this?
    ☐ When will "thing" be added?
  • SirCritical
    Sausage wrote: »
    I think theres enough ganking already, Cyrodil dailies and IC. I think Guards should able to tackle Criminals, that would be fun concept, maybe somekind of tracking mechanism for both sides, really make some cat and mouse game.

    In my suggested and supported version the criminals could attack only the NPCs, not the PCs; PCs could only be pickpocketed. The criminal is who can be attacked by any other PCs.
  • I_killed_Vivec
    Dubhliam wrote: »
    I don't believe the reasons behind it are related to the implementation, in spite of what they pretend.
    I think it's because this would have to be part of the base game update and could not be sold as a separate DLC.
    Which means a lot of resources for no direct income.
    As to indirect income (simply keeping more players into the game) they probably made their calculations and decided it wasn't worth it.
    It looks like a 100% business decision.

    I am sooo disappointed .... (not by the decision being a business decision, but by that decision altogether. Justice system is quite useless without its second half...)


    Definitely not the reason.

    They could lock it behind a DLC in many ways.

    I guess they just did not want to invest so much resources into something that a fraction of the playerbase might complain about.

    I'm not sure how easy it would be to lock behind a DLC, but I imagine that after IC ZoS would be wary about doing so in any case. Battle-levelling would be interesting to say the least and I can easily see a loss in popularity when would-be level 10 thieves stop thieving because they are fed up of "VR16 ganking guards".

    Then the gankers would complain that there are no thieves...

    Just like IC.

    I guess they did not want to invest so much resource into something that a fraction of the player base might want until they get bored with it.

    And I guess they'd prefer to invest the resources in the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood - both of which will undoubtedly require "crime" to play and would therefore be affected by PvP Justice.
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