hammayolettuce wrote: »
Regardless of whether or not this thread is a joke, are you saying that you would want to intentionally lag out other players? Because it sounds like you're interested in figuring out how to do so.
@altemrielI am thinking that lagging my own network will only lag my game, not the game of the players around me.
If this whole thread is a joke, then nothing.
But if not, then I am thinking that lagging my own network will only lag my game, not the game of the players around me.
To lag also the players around me I would need to use something else, which would work similar to ddos attack, which overloads the megaserver, not just my own network.
If this whole thread is a joke, then nothing.
But if not, then I am thinking that lagging my own network will only lag my game, not the game of the players around me.
To lag also the players around me I would need to use something else, which would work similar to ddos attack, which overloads the megaserver, not just my own network.