Halloween was celebrated with the pumpkin and scarecrow polymorph I don't know why Christmas isn't being celebrated in the same way but hey they are bringing back some good items this month like the black panther so im happy finally get a chance to buy it since it was never available for console players
Halloween was celebrated with the pumpkin and scarecrow polymorph I don't know why Christmas isn't being celebrated in the same way but hey they are bringing back some good items this month like the black panther so im happy finally get a chance to buy it since it was never available for console players
Halloween wasn't celebrated in ESO. The Witches Festival was. Here are some excerpts from the ElderScrolls Holiday Calendar:
Annual Events during Frostfall
5th of Frostfall: Dirij Tereur celebrated in the Alik'r Desert.
13th of Frostfall: Witches' Festival celebrated in Tamriel. It is the day when the forces of Sorcery and Religion clash.
23rd of Frostfall: Broken Diamonds celebrated in Tamriel. The day on which, in 3E 121 when Kintyra II was killed in Glenpoint (referenced in Daggerfall).
30th of Frostfall: Emperor's Birthday celebrated
Evening Star
Evening Star is the final month of the 12 Months in the Elder Scrolls universe. It is considered to be a Winter month (by our definition). It is homologous to December. (June in the Southern Hemisphere.)
Annual Events during Evening Star:Edit
15th of Evening Star: North Wind's Prayer is celebrated.
18th of Evening Star: Baranth Do is celebrated (Redguard festival). It is a celebration of the new year.
20th of Evening Star: The Invocation of Molag Bal.
24th of Evening Star: Chil'a is celebrated. (Redguard festival). It is a celebration of the new year.
25th of Evening Star: New Life Festival is celebrated. The New Life Festival comes a few days early in Wayrest. Originally a holiday for a long forgotten god of debauchery, it has become a time of gift giving, parties, and parading.
31st of Evening Star: Old Life Festival is celebrated.
Source link: elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Calendar
The lore breaking argument set aside, ZOS could certainly host some in game events to celebrate the more important ES holidays (which happen to coincide with RL Holidays).
My f2p casino mmo has Christmas content. They have text chat on console too. Puts ESO to shame lol
BarbarianRogue wrote: »I really don't see Christmas decorations as being tacky or lore breaking. Not if they use the old ones.
Every single decoration except the nativity is borrowed from, not just more ancient holidays but each one was already borrowed over and over, being used by many holidays by the time that the early Christians borrowed them. Original Christmas lights, luminary is one term or device. Usually red, green, blue, yellow, purple and sometimes orange (meant to represent gold) filter (usually paper, fabric, glass or even thin wax, not sure how that worked) placed between a series of lanterns or candles to make beautiful colored lights.
Bringing greenery and trees inside.
Decorating with precious metals.
A winter feast (the feast of saturnalia to name one)
Brightly colored clothing.
Singing in the streets.
OH! The Wild Hunt! The wild hunt was something watched for by nearly every European group this time of year and blamed on everything, gods, elves, fairies, the dead. They could have a chariot piloted by Talos careen around the country side with his hunting dogs and huntsmen. Always under a dense fog with thunder and lightning! And they could come up with their own thing for what to do if you meet the dogs or the men or Talos. I think the irl thing was to carry bread incase of the dogs and steel incase of the men. I don't remember much more.
Would anyone else love to see the wild hunt? It was actually a bizarre weather pattern that hasn't existed in hundreds of years and likely never will again. They could recreate something spectacular and then inject it with the fantastic!