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Mount Royal Habitants

*(This guild page has been created due to lack of space in the "About Us" section in the game. Updates shall be given through MOTD in-game. Please don't respond to this post for you will likely not get a reply. If you're not already a member and wish to join; log onto ESO on your PS4 and send me (PSN: Fili-romeo) an in-game mail with subject tittle "Add Me to MRH".)

Mount Royal Habitants Guild
(last updated: Dec. 17th, 2015)

  • 2. About us
    3. Ranks
    • - Starter Ranks: Cultist, Truth Seeker, Constable
      - Promotional Ranks: Highborn Knight, High Priest, Quartermaster, Treasurer, Viceroy
      - Guild Attached Titles: Significant, Insignificant
    4. What this Guild Offers You
    • - Guild Store
      - Guild Bank
      - Guild Quests
      - Items Support
      - Growth Within Our Ranks
    5. The Inner Circle
    6. Guild Voice Channels
    7. In Closing

  • A laid back, cross alliance guild formed in December 2015, originating in the Ebonheart Pact alliance. Opened in leadership and direction. We're striving to achieve greatness in all areas Tamriel has to offer; trading, questing, dungeon raiding, alliance war. This guild welcomes all and doesn't require lower tiered ranks to be active. Being newly created, this guild is under a building process, but once roles get filled out it shall become a beast like none has ever seen!!! Hopefully...
  • Members could face demotion or removal for inappropriate behaviour, trolling, abusing use of power, or ransacking guild bank without approval. If such consequences occur, the Grand Cleric or senior Viceroy must be notified of the actions taken and the reasons behind why.
  • Starting Ranks:
    These ranks are never to be demoted as veterans will restart as a new character, creating an amount of confusion for character levels.
    -Cultist: New player, levels 1 - 7
    -Truth Seeker: levels 8 - 15, gain guild store access.
    -Constable: levels 16+, gain view member's notes in guild roster.
  • Promotional Ranks:
    Truth Seekers and Constables can be promoted in rank by the usual means of donating gold to the guild bank, recruiting, or both. Please contact an active Quartermaster or the Grand Cleric when applying for promotion and do it before recruiting or donating. Recruiting operates on honour based system unfortunately since guild history doesn't record the recruiter. That's why it's important as a member who is ranking up by recruiting to message before hand so that the guild can expect a hike in members. A recruited member that joins and immediately leaves counts only once towards the recruitment count (no loop hole of recruiting the same person multiple times!). Each rank toll must be paid, no skipping up ranks (Ex. Truth seeker to High Priest must donate 3.1K gold)

    - Highborn Knight: Donate 600 gold, or Recruit 10 members, or Donate 250 gold & Recruit 5 members. Gain access to bank withdrawal, and officer channel.

    - High Priest: Donate 2.5K gold, or Recruit 30 members, or Donate 1K gold & Recruit 15 members. Now an Inner Circle council member, and gain capability of creating in-guild quests. Access to Alliance war resources.

    - Quartermaster: Donate 10K gold, or Recruit 50 members, or Donate 4.5K gold & Recruit 30 members. Rank ceiling, issue of seniority #. Grants more guild access. Main role is to be guild moderator, keep tidy the guild bank, overlook the roster starting ranks, and making notes where required. Promotion of guild activities. Apply for a guild duty that gives an attached responsibility and title, and clears you from regular Quartermaster duty.

    - Treasurer: Promoted to after a lengthy time of Quartermaster duty (usually a consistent 30 days of activity), if a Quartermaster wishes to skip Treasurer duty then he must complete about approximately 60 consecutive days of activity to be promoted to Viceroy. (Don't worry, days consecutive is only broken by weeks of inactivity, not a few or several days.) Gain access to withdrawing gold from the guild bank. Duty is to procure trading merchants and funding Guild Quest rewards that require gold from High Priests and Quartermasters. *Member limit cap of 3 Treasurers at a time. If both Viceroy and Treasurer member caps are maxed, a 100 gold minimal donation paid by the end of each month ensures guild position and activity. Pre-payment of multiple months is disallowed. Inactivity demotes a Treasurer back down to Quartermaster. Promotion to this rank then goes by Quartermaster member activity and seniority.

    - Viceroy: Promoted to after approximately 30 days of Treasurer duty. Guild Leader and considered the Grand Cleric's "equal". *Member limit cap of 10. If member limit cap is reached, a 100 gold minimal donation paid by the end of each month ensures guild position and activity. Pre-payment of multiple months is disallowed. Inactivity demotes a Viceroy back down to Quartermaster. Promotion to this rank then goes by highest seniority of active Treasurers and Quartermasters.
  • Guild Attached Titles:
    These titles are edited into the member's notes in the roster section. Significant titles come with guild duties that can be applied for after reaching Quartermaster ranking and can also be dropped, or even removed by a senior ranking member if an individual consistently refuses to perform his duties, not necessarily inactivity. More than one member can apply for and hold an attached title. Utilizing the Guild's MOTD is strongly recommended in organizing guild quests and activities. Insignificant titles carry no weight concerning the guild.


    - Grand Cleric: Highest rank, Guildmaster and founder, and of course can't be applied for. Has the power of Veto if needed. If I were to become inactive, all of the guild's power shall fall to an Interim Grand Cleric selected from a Viceroy until my return.

    - Interim Grand Cleric: This rank shall be made when Grand Cleric plans to become inactive. Viceroys will apply and be selected based off of guild activity or in a contest. This title is only to ensure that the guild is kept running smoothly and capped limit Viceroys continue to pay their minimal monthly dues. An Interim doesn't need to pay dues. If the member plans on becoming inactive as well before Guildmaster Grand Cleric returns, he/she must promote a nominated Viceroy to position. This should ensure that the guild never dies and falls into obscurity.

    - General: Taking the duty of either Alliance War or PvP seriously, or does both. The constant promotion of said activities among members of the guild. A name chosen by the member can usually be found attached to the title of General.

    - Dungeon Master: Promotes guild dungeon raiding activities.

    - Master Artificer: Dedicated to all six trades of crafting. Keeps the guild bank & store well supplied and takes requests from guild members. Member needs to edit his own member's note in what levels can be supplied.

    - Master Craftsman: Capable of crafting armour, clothing, and wood work. Supplies guild bank, store, and members upon demand. Member needs to edit his own member's note in what levels can be supplied.

    - Grand Shaman: Capable of provisioning, enchanting, and alchemy. Supplies guild bank, and store on a regular basis when active.

    - Individual duty titles: Cook, Alchemist, Enchanter, Black Smith, Tailor, Lumberer. Supplies guild bank, store, and members who request. Member needs to edit his own member's note in what levels can be supplied. Members of only individual tasks will still need to carry out some aspects of Quartermaster duty.

    - Vampire Lord: Gives out free Vampire bites on demand.

    - Werewolf: Gives out free Werewolf bites on demand.

    *When a member contacts a guild title holder, remember the ones that are usually active can be found at the top one third of the roster sheet since the most inactive members is found at the bottom.


    - Founding member: One of the 102 members that stayed, started, and stabilized the guild in the first week and a half of its inception.

    - Veteran: Has a character leveled to 50 and higher.

    - Hand of the Grand Cleric: Local friend of Fili-romeo

    *Members capable of editing notes are also encouraged to list their most used characters by [Name]/[Race]/[Class]/[Alliance], abbreviated or in acronym.
  • Guild Store, immediately at rank Truth Seeker. You'll find better deals in guild stores at your banker than cpu merchants.
  • Guild Bank, exclusively reserved for members who are dedicated to the growth of the guild once they rank up to Highborn Knight. It is well worth the 600 gold deposit. Members who abuse the bank by clearing out large amount of stock without reason may face demotion, then removal. Please deposit any unwanted or excessive items and materials. Big or small, it all adds up.
  • Guild Quests, as the guild becomes more established with duties and roles filled out and with an excessive guild bank gold savings, be on the lookout for guild initiated quests that will reward members who participate. They will show up on the guild's MOTD.
  • Items Support, guild dedicated craft specialist who will mail you items on demand as long as you supply the right material for them to use.
  • Alliance War, questing, dungeon raiding, PvP; as the guild becomes more fleshed out over time these activities will start to take more precedent among active guild members.
  • Growth Within Our Ranks; the quicker you rank up, the more sway and input you'll have into the guild and it's direction. Make this guild your own, become a Quatermaster or if possible a Viceroy that commands the guild.

  • Once you're at the promotional rank of High Priest or higher, you are part of the inner circle! A council dedicated to the workings of the guild. At times the Grand Cleric, Viceroy, Treasurer, or a Quartermaster may bring a topic up for debate that may effect the guild as it stands. Examples being creation or change; of Heraldry colours, in rank formation, tolls being paid to guild, of rules and regulations, etc. If so, valued opinions may be tallied by inner circle members. Oh and these opinions are weighed by rank:
  • High Priest: x1
  • Quartermaster & Treasurer: x2
  • Viceroy & Grand Cleric: x3

  • Utilize the appropriate guild voice channels of 2, 3, or 4 to find other questing or dungeon raiding members in your alliance, then form a group channel. If you're passive or inactive and do not wish to participate in groups, stay off the war alliance designated channels please.
    -Channel 1: For general chat between guild members to socialize.
    -Channel 2: Ebonheart Pact, general questing, dungeon raiding
    -Channel 3: Daggerfall Covenant, general questing, dungeon raiding
    -Channel 4: Aldmeri Dominion, general questing, dungeon raiding
    -Officers Channel: When active, and not in a private group, you'll find the Grand Cleric (moi) in this channel Monday to Friday.

    If you don't want to be bothered by random mail messages from members at all, it's best to set your guild online status to Do Not Disturb.

  • Make Mount Royal Habitants your own and decide its future! Or hang back, make use of our guild store and guild bank, it matters not. Stay and come grow with us, together we shall lay waste to all who would dare oppose us!

    Sorry for the long and tedious tome, hopefully you read only what you needed to know, or all of it in small doses. For any more questions, please message me on ESO through in-game mailing system.
Edited by Fili-romeo on December 17, 2015 2:42PM
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