That might be a viable idea, one way or another. A skill line where you can spend skill points for pet-related stuff... as long as having a pet doesn't give an advantage without equal disadvantage.1) Make it so you can train them somehow
Requires more coding... more meshes when you want visual stat differences...2) you have to feed them once a day and after a while they start to grow, so make them start off as babies
That would be really iffy unless any pets were redone as skills like sorceror pets, paying for the combat advantage with a filled ability slot.3) Make it so they can do damage pve but only a small amount
Agreed, that would be nice for any who like pets.4) add pet interactions so you can pat, talk, heal, whistle, etc to them
ESO the Gathering???5) trade pets with other players or even sell them at the guild with the stats you earned for them.