Hello everyone,
I've updated the intro to PvP content on https://darkelves.com/
Thoughts / comments / suggestions are welcome. If you have any content you'd like to write up and have added, feel free to post that as well.
Have a nice day,
@Minno can you link to the drawing or a synopsis of what @ZOS_BrianWheeler said?
I originally added the section to respond to people who were suggesting that the info I put up encouraged zerging..
Thanks heaps for taking the time to write & share that guide Crown! I am still very noob @ PVP & this guide has taught me a lot. EG : I was always under the impression that fire siege was the best to use against players... I guess I need to but some meatbag catapults & stone trebs!
In the current state of PVP, do you think it is better for a Stam DK to run heavy armour or medium or a mix? At the moment I am running 7 pieces of heavy (all with reinforced trait)... it made me quite tanky for PVE but after reading your comments about no real tanks in PVP.. would it be better to change to Impenetrable ? I just use crafting sets... Hundings Rage & Night Mother.
@Minno can you link to the drawing or a synopsis of what @ZOS_BrianWheeler said?
I originally added the section to respond to people who were suggesting that the info I put up encouraged zerging..
@Minno can you link to the drawing or a synopsis of what @ZOS_BrianWheeler said?
I originally added the section to respond to people who were suggesting that the info I put up encouraged zerging..
link for the video, jump to about 42:00 for the beginning of @ZOS_BrianWheeler brief explanation of the mechanics of the server's process for calculating stuff for players
Layman's terms: The server takes in, calculates and spits out info for everyone and everything around you; skills, siege damage, AP calculations, Dots, purges, AOE, deer, everything. The more crap you have going on in one small area (lets say inside a keep for example) means more crap the server has to calculate....FOR EVERYONE in that area.
so, if you are dethroning Meth in BRK, and you have 100+ people or more in there spamming purges, sharknado and heals, the server has to calculate purges, heals, crits, dots and every AOE hitting EVERY person in that one small space. It basically comes down to a bunch of stuff the server has to do, very fast and it gets to a point the server can't keep up, so it slows down thus causing lag.
Thanks heaps for taking the time to write & share that guide Crown! I am still very noob @ PVP & this guide has taught me a lot. EG : I was always under the impression that fire siege was the best to use against players... I guess I need to but some meatbag catapults & stone trebs!
In the current state of PVP, do you think it is better for a Stam DK to run heavy armour or medium or a mix? At the moment I am running 7 pieces of heavy (all with reinforced trait)... it made me quite tanky for PVE but after reading your comments about no real tanks in PVP.. would it be better to change to Impenetrable ? I just use crafting sets... Hundings Rage & Night Mother.