In one of his
recent posts, Brian pointed out that they were looking into ways to make the switching of keeps less frequent. And since I like figuring out new game mechanics and applying them to ESO, I gave it a shot:
First off before people start complaining, this approach assumes that there are only active, populated campaigns and is not tailored to solve the buff campaign problem. For this watch my
other threads.
I guess this seems like a rather random gameplay change, but it is a fundamental part of making keep ownership more important. This will in turn make potential keep upgrades (not the resource ones) more desired by players or guilds, as keeps shouldn't be flipping every 4h anymore. So it's actually a basis for further additions which would make the Alliance War feel more like an actual war with strategic pushes, retreats and long-time sieges instead of constant blitzkrieg.
Basically each keep battle has three stages. First, (sometimes) taking the resources and besiegeing the outer wall, second besiegeing the inner wall, and third taking the flags inside the keep. As you can see this is pretty straight-forward and doesn't allow for much gameplay diversity, so I decided to give boring parts (especially stage 1 and 2) some new flavour.
While reading this post, please keep in mind that giving the defender some significant streangth is intended. As a result I designed the attacking pattern to be about denying perks from the defender by taking certain objectives. Meaning invaders do not get any actual buffs from taking an intermediate objective, but equalize the power level between the two alliances by weakening the defenders.
Currently NPC's are rather a decoration than actual combatants, giving them battle leveling should solve this problem.
Stage 1: Resources and Outer Wall
While besiegeing can be interesting at times, it gets rather boring at some point, so I decided to shift the focus more on the resources and actual player-to-player combat.
The changes in numbers:
- Once an attacker takes a ressource the keep downgrades once every 5min
- Once a defender takes a ressource the keep upgrades once every 40s
- Each resource yields specific boni
- Increases the range of siege engines by 4/8/12/16/20%
- Increases the damage dealt by NPC's by 6/12/18/24/30%
- Increases the HP of doors by 50k/100k/150k/200k/250k (400k total health at level 5)
- Increases the healing value of door repair kits by 20/40/60/80/100%
- Increases the defensive values of NPC's by 6/12/18/24/30%
- Increases the HP of walls by 70k/140k/210k/280k/350k (550k total health at level 5)
- Increases the healing value of wall repair kits by 20/40/60/80/100%
- Increases the damage of siege engines by 20/40/60/100%
- Grants NPC's modified versions of skills or 5pc set boni
- Mender: Remembrance (Ressource level increases: healing value/duration/radius)
- Honor Guard: Apprentice Set 5pc (Ressource level increases: radius/healing value)
- Guard: Guard (AvA skill) (Ressource level increases: frequency of projectile interception)
- Mage Guard: Valkyn Skoria (Ressource level increases: proc chance/damage)
- Archer Guard: Kyne's Flight Set 5pc (Ressource level increases: speed reduction)
- Reduces the "Under Attack Repairing" percentage of walls and doors to 94/93/92/91/90%
The base values for wall and door HP remain the same but the hitpoints gained from the resources increased a lot. In theory, this should encourage the attacker to take the resources a bit in advance as it makes the siege a lot easier. For that it is key that all resources are on the same level, otherwise everybody will take the one(s) that matter and leave the other one(s) behind. Apart from that, all buffs apply to units on the keep as well as the resources so they are no longer yolo'able. While this might seem overkill,
resources are thought for 4-5 players and not as solo content.
There are some perks that might seem pretty useless to you, so I'm going to elaborate on my ideas behind them:
Siege weapon range:
Two thoughts on that, first it should enable to pressure invaders on an allied resources from an outer wall. Yes this does not work everywhere but it will help at some points. Second, the inner keep has very limited space to place down siege engines so having an increased range can help a lot, which in turn gives defenders more reason to go for a stealthy retake of the lumbermill.
Repair Kits Healing Value:
Again, two reason for this, on the one hand it makes it easier to stealth repair an unattended breach, and on the other hand you get more AP for your AP, given you bother to take the corresponding ressource.
Special NPC perks (skills and set boni):
I know this looks like: "WTF? He probably run out of ideas. LOL.", and yes this is true to some point but on the other hand those additions really push the NPC's to the next level, which is key to prevent groups of 3-4 from taking a keep at off-times.
Even though most resources should be taken to launch an assault, it is still possible to make strategic decisions. For example: only taking the Lumbermill allows to set up for a quick take of the keep by burning through the weakened doors.
Regarding the HP of walls and doors, the walls need to have more HP as they are way easier to attack based on the tactical positions. Doors are easier to defend and have therefore less HP. The big overall increase should give defenders more time to take position, push the attackers back or set up their defenses.
Stage 2: Courtyard, Inner Wall and mini POI's
Each keep has 5 (7 for large keeps, main gate included) mini towers distributed on the outer wall. As
@ZOS_BrianWheeler pointed out in a
previous post, it would be possible to add additional flags to POI's, so adding a flag to each of those towers would create some more things to fight over. However, unlike the two main flags in the inner keep, they don't count towards the keep ownership as such but grand special perks to the defenders, while they are under their control.
The perks would be as follows:
2x 120 Weapon/Spell Damage
2x 4k Armor/Spell Resistance
2x 120 Stamina/Magicka Regeneration (large keeps only)
5k Max HP (main gate)
As the flags are a mini version of the ones inside the keep they can easily be swapped by 2-3 players in 5-10 seconds. The buff gets reapplied every 30s to all player within the area, so it works very similarily to the Continuous Attack buff (which by to way doesn't get granted upon taking a mini-flag as it would encourage swapping). Since invadors cannot get the buff it would mainly be an incentive for the defenders to go offensive and get some buffs. Additionally it gives solo players a place to shine in large keep battles, while still offering counterplay. Beside that it will give attackers something more to look out for.
Stage 3: Inner Keep, Flags
Due to the NPC's and the many opportunities to LOS, this stage is already rather entertaining on live. After adding the buffs NPC's mentioned above, it will be a lot easier to defend against big numbers. However, there is one major problem: while inside a keep numbers get far more important because of the limited space. Adding the following mechanic will help defenders even the odds:
Mini-Siege engines:
During the Flesh Sculpurer fight in the Imperial City Prison players have to use ground targeted synergies to kill zombies. The synergy can be actived while standing on certain green stones. The mini-siege can be placed down like the mercenaries, and activated like the synergy in the Imperial City Prison.
- mini-sieges can only be placed in the inner keep
- mini-sieges have a range of 3-25m
- mini-sieges have a smaller target AOE than normal sieges
- mini-sieges deal the same damage and cooldown as normal sieges
- mini-sieges do not count towards the normal siege counter
- you can place a maximum of 10 mini-sieges at a keep
- each type of siege weapon has a mini version
- mini-sieges cannot be directly targeted by players (like normal siege engines)
- only the defender can set up mini-sieges
- you can set up mini-sieges nearby a normal siege, and vice-versa (like mercenaries used to be)
This may not make up for the lack of space for big sieges at stage 2, but it definetely gives defenders a clear edge once the fights transitions into the stronghold of the keep.