Shadesofkin wrote: »This is exactly the sort of thing I meant in my question on ESO live, I was really happy to see them head in that direction with the Wrothgar bosses and I hope all future content reflects the same level for these.
Shadesofkin wrote: »This is exactly the sort of thing I meant in my question on ESO live, I was really happy to see them head in that direction with the Wrothgar bosses and I hope all future content reflects the same level for these.
This is similar to what the bosses in Vet used to feel like before dumbing down and then CP.
Remember evening groups to clear boss, dolmens and sometimes public dungeons in zones?
We didn't even have a quest lol but that's a nice bonus. Id be happy to see this setup in all zones.
true had a really hard time on my redguard dk first time i ran into her. i couldn't beat her cause of the heals so i left came back at lvl 15 and defeated her. don't see why people can't do this ...poodlemasterb16_ESO wrote: »Remember Doshia. The level 10 check, I think, that's where it started.
true had a really hard time on my redguard dk first time i ran into her. i couldn't beat her cause of the heals so i left came back at lvl 15 and defeated her. don't see why people can't do this ...poodlemasterb16_ESO wrote: »Remember Doshia. The level 10 check, I think, that's where it started.
and doshia was a area were you COULDN'T get help because it was a solo area. so i kinda get why they nerfed this one but other bosses you could get help with...
poodlemasterb16_ESO wrote: »true had a really hard time on my redguard dk first time i ran into her. i couldn't beat her cause of the heals so i left came back at lvl 15 and defeated her. don't see why people can't do this ...poodlemasterb16_ESO wrote: »Remember Doshia. The level 10 check, I think, that's where it started.
and doshia was a area were you COULDN'T get help because it was a solo area. so i kinda get why they nerfed this one but other bosses you could get help with...
I think most of us got our asses handed to us there. I too went back later, I thought that was normal.
poodlemasterb16_ESO wrote: »true had a really hard time on my redguard dk first time i ran into her. i couldn't beat her cause of the heals so i left came back at lvl 15 and defeated her. don't see why people can't do this ...poodlemasterb16_ESO wrote: »Remember Doshia. The level 10 check, I think, that's where it started.
and doshia was a area were you COULDN'T get help because it was a solo area. so i kinda get why they nerfed this one but other bosses you could get help with...
I think most of us got our asses handed to us there. I too went back later, I thought that was normal.
yes and sure i was kinda pissed of after the 3rth time ill give you that. but when i did beat Dosha it was all rewarding that i was /dancing on top of her
part of the RP
poodlemasterb16_ESO wrote: »poodlemasterb16_ESO wrote: »true had a really hard time on my redguard dk first time i ran into her. i couldn't beat her cause of the heals so i left came back at lvl 15 and defeated her. don't see why people can't do this ...poodlemasterb16_ESO wrote: »Remember Doshia. The level 10 check, I think, that's where it started.
and doshia was a area were you COULDN'T get help because it was a solo area. so i kinda get why they nerfed this one but other bosses you could get help with...
I think most of us got our asses handed to us there. I too went back later, I thought that was normal.
yes and sure i was kinda pissed of after the 3rth time ill give you that. but when i did beat Dosha it was all rewarding that i was /dancing on top of her
part of the RP
Took my level 8 DK in there a couple of months ago, she'll go VR15 tonight, and did not even get started, boom she's gone.
poodlemasterb16_ESO wrote: »Remember Doshia. The level 10 check, I think, that's where it started.
true had a really hard time on my redguard dk first time i ran into her. i couldn't beat her cause of the heals so i left came back at lvl 15 and defeated her. don't see why people can't do this ...
true had a really hard time on my redguard dk first time i ran into her. i couldn't beat her cause of the heals so i left came back at lvl 15 and defeated her. don't see why people can't do this ...
because when a boss is listed at a certain level, you shouldn't have to be almost twice that level to actually beat it.
Yeh, I agree.
Still doesn't stop me wanting to solo them
Yeh, I agree.
Still doesn't stop me wanting to solo them
ye but making them so damn hard to solo will just make the achiefment for yourself way bigger. now if you go in another zone do a worldboss it doesn't really feel like an achiefment. only achiefment i get is in my logg... ;P
poodlemasterb16_ESO wrote: »Remember Doshia. The level 10 check, I think, that's where it started.