TheHereticMonk wrote: »@Tryxus why Kagrenac's? I'm soloing so the res perk is useless to me. As for Magnus over Seducer isn't an 8% guaranteed cost reduction better than an 8% chance at being free?
Again, like @MormondPayne_EP you're going for Mage's wrath. So clearly I'm missing a trick. Does it do a lot more damage than the description suggests?
I like the destro skills force pulse and elemental ring. But having dual wield gives me the extra armour set perk which seemed to outweigh having a destruction staff. Additionaly the increased spell power with dual wielding (especially with the DW passives) made me feel sacking off destro for DW was the way to go. Obviously I can't switch my resto for a destro staff as nothing restores ultimate or magicka as fast as continous resto staff attacks, or so I've found.
I went for Ice Comet over Shooting Star as it does more damage and the slow effect is a nice CC perk. There rarely seem to be enough targets grouped in PvE to make the Shooting Star ultimate restoring perk worth it
As I've sod all stamina Dark Conversion seemed pointless and why do you need Hardened Ward while using it? Does it make you vulnerable or something? Also, why Hardened Ward over Empowered Ward when you're not using summoned pets?
Healing Ward absorbs so much less than Hardened/Empowered Ward so why bother with that at all? It also lasts a lot less time.
Why so many points in Thaumaturge? All your main attacks seem to be elemental damage rather than magic damage. I'd understand if you were using Crystal Blast/Frags as your primary attack, but wouldn't Elemental Expert be more use with your set-up?
The third bar with Energy Overload is tempting but I found rotating through 3 bars cumbersome and slow in a manic fight. It's even worse when you need the 3rd bar skill and you're out of ultimate.
TheHereticMonk wrote: »@MormondPayne_EP I was under the impression that Bound Ageis and Inner Light were pretty much essential due to the max magicka increase which in turn boosts your spell damage. The extra crit given by inner light also works nicely with Power Surge to give me healing with most hits.
I never use stamina except for the occasional dodge roll and break free so I thought blue food was better than purple as it gives a higher increase on just health and magicka.
I don't have Inevitable Detonation because I do no PvP, but using Daedric Mines seems interesting. I didn't realise they immobilised targets so never considered them as a CC skill. Do you prefer the tomb or minefield morph? Just reading about it I would lean towards tomb as waiting 3 seconds seems useless in the heat of battle when I'm on my own.
Is the damage Velocious Curse deals decent enough considering you can only use it on one target at a time and it takes 3.5 secs to do anything?
Maybe I need to give Bolt another go. It didn't give me much breathing room as enemies just caught up to me rapidly so I started using hardened ward instead and just holding my ground. Once I level it to get the morph Streak may feel better.
The damage for Endless Fury seemed poor, just looking at the description, compared to Crystal Blast so I never gave it a go.
Hmmm... Dawnbreaker eh? Never even considered that. Seemed a bit weak unless you were fighting Daedra or Undead.
@Tryxus why Kagrenac's? I'm soloing so the res perk is useless to me. As for Magnus over Seducer isn't an 8% guaranteed cost reduction better than an 8% chance at being free?
Again, like @MormondPayne_EP you're going for Mage's wrath. So clearly I'm missing a trick. Does it do a lot more damage than the description suggests?
I like the destro skills force pulse and elemental ring. But having dual wield gives me the extra armour set perk which seemed to outweigh having a destruction staff. Additionaly the increased spell power with dual wielding (especially with the DW passives) made me feel sacking off destro for DW was the way to go. Obviously I can't switch my resto for a destro staff as nothing restores ultimate or magicka as fast as continous resto staff attacks, or so I've found.
I went for Ice Comet over Shooting Star as it does more damage and the slow effect is a nice CC perk. There rarely seem to be enough targets grouped in PvE to make the Shooting Star ultimate restoring perk worth it
As I've sod all stamina Dark Conversion seemed pointless and why do you need Hardened Ward while using it? Does it make you vulnerable or something? Also, why Hardened Ward over Empowered Ward when you're not using summoned pets?
Healing Ward absorbs so much less than Hardened/Empowered Ward so why bother with that at all? It also lasts a lot less time.
Why so many points in Thaumaturge? All your main attacks seem to be elemental damage rather than magic damage. I'd understand if you were using Crystal Blast/Frags as your primary attack, but wouldn't Elemental Expert be more use with your set-up?
The third bar with Energy Overload is tempting but I found rotating through 3 bars cumbersome and slow in a manic fight. It's even worse when you need the 3rd bar skill and you're out of ultimate.
@MormondPayne_EP and @Tryxus please don't think I'm being ungrateful I just would like to understand the logic/justification of your builds before I go respecing. Thank you both so very much for taking the time to read and reply to my post!
TheHereticMonk wrote: »First off thanks to everyone for taking the time to share you advice, it is greatly appreciated!
Secondly I made a mistake in my original post which I've corrected; I am using Hardened Ward not Empowered. My bad!
@Johngo0036 & @Brrrofski are you saying that all damage hits Hardened Ward first? There's no seep through effect? So as long as I have the ward up I will never take any elemental/poison/disease status effects? That would immediately make my CPs in elemental defender redundant. Also do critical hits apply to the ward or are they mitigated to deal normal damage levels?
Many of you have advocated Healing Ward as my main heal so I can drop Blessing of Restoration. The amount healed is based on ward strength left when it expires so it seemed a bit useless to me. However, if you have Hardened Ward and Healing Ward active, which takes damage first? If it's Hardened Ward then, yeah, it's quite likely that when Healing Ward disperses it'll have a decent amount left to heal. If not then hmmm... as one or two Blessings gives me full health guaranteed.
So everyone has advised me to switch to Fragments over Blast. Considering you're all saying that at most I only need Bound Aegies or Inner Light. Then I'll be freeing up a space up for another skill that I can use to proc frags. So I'll be giving that a play. On this point @Brrrofski stated that frags will only proc off skills on the same bar as frags. Can anyone else verify this? As @Brrrofski is the only person that mentioned it and that's a pretty important point. Oh and just to clarify do staff attacks proc frags? As I've neve bothered with weaving (which again, you all suggest) but if staff heavy and light attacks do proc frags then I can see the benefit of weaving.
I'm gonna play about with Velocious Curse, Daedric Tomb and Mage's Wrath as my new proc sklls as I've never used those. I'm hesitant to switch out DW for Destro Staff as I do like the extra armout trait and Spell Damage they give. The destro skill mentioned are nice but I don't know if they're worth it to give up DW.
Using the 3rd bar granted by Overload as a soley magicka restoring bar is a nice idea. I'll give that a go.
Using Overload means I'll probably not try Dawnbreaker as Ice Comet is so good, at least to me.
Nobody's advocated Structured Entropy over Power Surge I noticed. Is this just because Power Surge lasts so much longer? As the extra health with Entropy seemed nice.
Thanks again to everyone for taking the time to help me out!
TheHereticMonk wrote: »First off thanks to everyone for taking the time to share you advice, it is greatly appreciated!
Secondly I made a mistake in my original post which I've corrected; I am using Hardened Ward not Empowered. My bad!
@Johngo0036 & @Brrrofski are you saying that all damage hits Hardened Ward first? There's no seep through effect? So as long as I have the ward up I will never take any elemental/poison/disease status effects? That would immediately make my CPs in elemental defender redundant. Also do critical hits apply to the ward or are they mitigated to deal normal damage levels?
Many of you have advocated Healing Ward as my main heal so I can drop Blessing of Restoration. The amount healed is based on ward strength left when it expires so it seemed a bit useless to me. However, if you have Hardened Ward and Healing Ward active, which takes damage first? If it's Hardened Ward then, yeah, it's quite likely that when Healing Ward disperses it'll have a decent amount left to heal. If not then hmmm... as one or two Blessings gives me full health guaranteed.
So everyone has advised me to switch to Fragments over Blast. Considering you're all saying that at most I only need Bound Aegies or Inner Light. Then I'll be freeing up a space up for another skill that I can use to proc frags. So I'll be giving that a play. On this point @Brrrofski stated that frags will only proc off skills on the same bar as frags. Can anyone else verify this? As @Brrrofski is the only person that mentioned it and that's a pretty important point. Oh and just to clarify do staff attacks proc frags? As I've neve bothered with weaving (which again, you all suggest) but if staff heavy and light attacks do proc frags then I can see the benefit of weaving.
I'm gonna play about with Velocious Curse, Daedric Tomb and Mage's Wrath as my new proc sklls as I've never used those. I'm hesitant to switch out DW for Destro Staff as I do like the extra armout trait and Spell Damage they give. The destro skill mentioned are nice but I don't know if they're worth it to give up DW.
Using the 3rd bar granted by Overload as a soley magicka restoring bar is a nice idea. I'll give that a go.
Using Overload means I'll probably not try Dawnbreaker as Ice Comet is so good, at least to me.
Nobody's advocated Structured Entropy over Power Surge I noticed. Is this just because Power Surge lasts so much longer? As the extra health with Entropy seemed nice.
Thanks again to everyone for taking the time to help me out!
I am going to say this straight out, none of the things that have been described are maximally damaging in any scenario. Some are straight up bad.
The current setup that does the highest PvE damage is the overload setup. I'm not going to even touch the slideshow that PvP is. Currently power overload is bugged and doesn't gain any +% damage(read: power overload is 3% less damage), so use either the unmorphed or the magicka return morph which name eludes me right now
For Gear: 5x Julianos, 1 Kena, 1 Torug, 3x Willpower. You want 5 Light, 1 Medium, and 1 Heavy for the 6% from Undaunted Mettle (Run your pledges if you don't have undaunted high enough, it's damn important). Ideally you'd want 3x Spell power enchants on the jewelry but if you are having sustain problems you can put one minus magicka cost and 2 spell power enchants instead until CP's allow otherwise. You want to shoot for about 20k HP on your dual swords bar, and 19k on the staff bar after BLUE food. Easily doable, and makes getting willpower jewelry that much cheaper, with the healthy affix on them until your CP's get high enough to swap to arcane.
For Weapons: Torug Fire Destro Staff/2 Torug Swords - Twin Blade and Blunt passive makes all your attacks on that bar do 5% more damage. So liquid lightning and the execute hit that much harder. Fire destro staves do much more single target damage, lightning destro are more AoE centric. I prefer fire as most the time I want ST damage.
Destro Bar - Force Shock, Crystal Frags, Pulsar (Or Velocious if there's nothing to AoE), Inner Light, Bound Aegis w/ either Overload or Shooting star as the ult depending on how much magicka you have. More than likely you'll be using Overload as the breakpoint is something like 40k magicka. (We are not ever casting shooting star)
Dual Sword Bar - Liquid Lightning, Mage's Wrath, Power Surge, Inner Light, Bound Aegis w/ Overload
Overload Bar - Liquid Lightning, Power Surge, Hardened Ward, Inner Light, Bound Aegis
As far as CP's go, you want to max the Elemental Expert and then Elfborn for blue as something like 90%+ of your damage with this setup will be elemental. For Green you want the Magician and then Arcanist. %reduction is more important than increased regen for DPS.
Despite seemingly popular belief, for red you will EQUALLY distribute between Bastion, Hardy, and Elemental Defender. The reason being in trials and dungeons you do not WANT to have to spam your shield to survive. It's a waste of damage and magicka when you can get CP's to simply have that healer you brought actually ... you know, just heal your ass through the reduced damage instead. This is double true in PvP areas where your shield strength is HALVED.
As far as a general read through to how this build is supposed to play you can use the YOLO sorc guide on Tamriel Foundry as a guide:
Just ignore the 2 piece Kena stuff as that really is only a thing with damn near, if not maxed CPs.
On a side note, I would recommend going to Tamriel Foundry in the future for this kind of information. Not to be rude but the responses I have read in this thread are probably the reason why there are so many 5k dps sorcs out there that could be pushing 15k instead.
jakeedmundson wrote: »
Are you ok?.... all the way up there?
Try being polite... no one takes advice from an arrogant jerk. Is every person that plays an amazing player? no.... and they don't have to be to enjoy playing.
First of all... it's a game. Get over yourself.... i know it will be hard... but with some time and practice, i think you can do it.
Second....literally everything you just went through was discussed in this thread in some variation....
The OP wasn't looking for specific info on how to do trials (read the title).... so everyone put some ideas out there in a mixed bag to give him/her some basic suggestions on common build ideas.
jakeedmundson wrote: »
Are you ok?.... all the way up there?
Try being polite... no one takes advice from an arrogant jerk. Is every person that plays an amazing player? no.... and they don't have to be to enjoy playing.
First of all... it's a game. Get over yourself.... i know it will be hard... but with some time and practice, i think you can do it.
Second....literally everything you just went through was discussed in this thread in some variation....
The OP wasn't looking for specific info on how to do trials (read the title).... so everyone put some ideas out there in a mixed bag to give him/her some basic suggestions on common build ideas.
The OP asked for build advice and tweaking, or so says the title, so I gave him the optimal build advice and tweaking. And, in an attempt to educate the OP some, I wanted to drive home the sentiment as to just how un-optimized some of the suggestions are.
I quite frankly don't know why anyone wouldn't point the OP in the direction of what is numerically the absolute best and then the OP can tweak variations of that to his/her liking. It sounds like the OP didn't like getting rolled in Crag, and with the suggestions the rest of you made he might survive Crag but will just get rolled in the Imperial City/Sewers instead.
That's just me. I play to win as I find winning fun. If you find doing some ... other activity as enjoyable power to you. I merely wanted to educate.
As far as the personal attacks, I think you might reconsider who needs to get over themselves.