@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_RichLambert
The shield DOES NOT shield you from damage at all, it does nothing. Can we get an ETA on a fix and not next week please it's kind of impossible to proceed from this stage
Hiero_Glyph wrote: »
Yes, this is extremely unfortunate. The shield no longer works to protect from enrage scream. It's possible to bash interrupt him and kill adds while kiting him and attempt to kill him but he never looses his enrage and you therefore get 1-shot if he manages to hit you. This is extremely broken at the moment.
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_RichLambert can you please look into this and get a fix ASAP.
asneakybanana wrote: »Yes, this is extremely unfortunate. The shield no longer works to protect from enrage scream. It's possible to bash interrupt him and kill adds while kiting him and attempt to kill him but he never looses his enrage and you therefore get 1-shot if he manages to hit you. This is extremely broken at the moment.
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_RichLambert can you please look into this and get a fix ASAP.
This is how I'm forced to do it on Dk since no ranged dps other than crushing lol. Just make sure you have 20k of shields stacked and you're g2g.
asneakybanana wrote: »Yes, this is extremely unfortunate. The shield no longer works to protect from enrage scream. It's possible to bash interrupt him and kill adds while kiting him and attempt to kill him but he never looses his enrage and you therefore get 1-shot if he manages to hit you. This is extremely broken at the moment.
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_RichLambert can you please look into this and get a fix ASAP.
This is how I'm forced to do it on Dk since no ranged dps other than crushing lol. Just make sure you have 20k of shields stacked and you're g2g.
Yeah i can see sorcs having an okay time with this, but for other classes it's simply unacceptable.