With the new set coming tomorrow I'm unsure what to do on my sorc.
Currently, I'm running:
4 Martial knowledge VR 14
2 adrointness VR14
2 torug's VR 16.
I feel julianos would be nice on my sorc for the solo arena as crits heal me. Keep rapid regen ticking over, crits giving me instant heals.
So if switch to julianos, it leaves me with a few options.
Firstly, 3 piece arch mage. Regen and spell damage.
3 martial knowledge. Max magica and spell damage but it's vr14
My third andxprefered option, Molag Kena shoulder and two torug's.
Thing is, the Molag Kena is medium. I ideally want all light. Surely that extra spell damage far outweighs the spell pen and stuff I lose for dropping 1 piece of light for medium?
Also, how much spell damage would I be losing?
Switching 4 Mk, 2 ad and 2 to for the 5 julianos, 2 tp and 1 Molag would give me more crit without losing much spell damage from what I can see.
Edited by Brrrofski on November 16, 2015 3:54PM