I was under the impression that two players could access the same container and get different loot (so essentially each player has their own version of that chest).
Recently, I've experienced several instances of items vanishing from containers for no reason, and I believe that other players have essentially taken them.
Here's an example:
I was farming the Vulkhen Guard Bank with 2 other random players. I saw some palladium in a trunk that I wanted. I briefly closed the chest to get into sneak and make sure I wasn't being detected. One guy went past before I reopened the chest. There was literally nothing in the chest.
I thought players couldn't do that. I mean, when 2 players slay a monster they each get their own set of loot. I thought that all containers (besides chests) were the same.
What gives?
Edited by Azurephoenix999 on November 11, 2015 9:37PM Guildmaster of Spectral Liberty - Xbox One - European Megaserver