Very true, I found an Imperial Motif in Vulkhel, but this is a long time ago, when my new main was level 16 or so I think.
Purple motifs fall more in vet areas, but Imp motifs can fall anywhere, at any level.
My new character at level 5 found an Imperial Motif in a bin in the bank at Vulkhel Guard. Sold right away (after I laundered it) and my brand new toon had 50k gold. It was a real treat.
I have also noticed an increase in the drops of blue motifs though. I have scads of them since the 2.2 patch.
bigbabyleonb16_ESO wrote: »
Whos moaning? i've asked if its a bug. others have given advice to others so please don't say we or i am moaning just for a post as no one is.
WhiskeyRiver.AZub17_ESO wrote: »
I've gotten Purples in non-vet zones quite a few times. A lot more lately,in Reapers March.
and IMO it is just so RUDE and CRASS to say MOANING - as if you're having some kind of big *cancer of the puppy* moment...
Those people who say 'stop crying/moaning' when you just asked a question are The Worst. Seriously.
Then they usually follow it up with 'I played since... and I never got....' but how much you wanna bet they don't spend nearly as much time looking. either.
PSA: Stop telling people to stop crying/moaning. It's rude and if you do it to me, I will immediately disregard the rest of anything you've taken the time to write.
Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »
This is absolutely untrue.
My level 22 DK found a Purple Dwemer Page in the first Dwemer Ruins that you meet the Dunmer Siblings in in EP.
sickboy2808 wrote: »If i annoyed anyone i do apoligise. I just get frustrated not ever finding one. Again i apoligise
sickboy2808 wrote: »If i annoyed anyone i do apoligise. I just get frustrated not ever finding one. Again i apoligise
sickboy2808 wrote: »Never even found a purple motif never mind gold. Been playing since Launch so pls dont moan just because u havent found one this week
I hear those drop in the two orsinium public dungeons - half ine one, half in the other.IDK re the Orsimer Ancient Orc or whatever.
bigbabyleonb16_ESO wrote: »Is this a bug or something as all i keep getting are blue motifs! All i have got are around 15 blues this week and its only early wendesday, I got a rank 2 mage and 39 nightblade and both just keep getting blue.
I know the purple/yellow are meant to be rare but its kinda strange its always blue and i've been playing a few months with no sign of anything nearly to rare
KanedaSyndrome wrote: »
TheShadowScout wrote: »I hear those drop in the two orsinium public dungeons - half ine one, half in the other.
BtW, you forgot:, which comes from completing equipment writs or so I hear...
...imperial, which can be found anywhere, at every level, but is super-ultra-rare...
Looking at all that, I realize it will be -ages- before my crafting alt learns all the styles. So much fun spending time hunting all those motivs down - yay!
bigbabyleonb16_ESO wrote: »
That is all i do, they go very quick after i put them in.
I still sell blue ones for low prices to people - but then I put the gold in the GB so we can rehire our Kiosk
bigbabyleonb16_ESO wrote: »
If i got it already I give it away. Don't think i've sold anything to anyone really. I like giving away.
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
The original purples, save Dwemer, should not be available from what I understand in non-vet areas via containers and the like (Ancient Elf, Barbaric, Primal, and Daedric). Has that changed without us knowing or are you referring to other purples? lol
I give lots of stuff away. I also sell stuff ;-)