NovaShadow wrote: »Purple's will only come in vet zones. You'll get blue until you get there.
bigbabyleonb16_ESO wrote: »
I have been in vet zones with my rank 2 mage, i'm getting nothing and been searching for 2 weeks with him and got nothing but blue.
Where are you searching for them? Particular rare motifs drop in certain places e.g. Dwemer pages only drop in Dwemer ruins.
Where are you searching for them? Particular rare motifs drop in certain places e.g. Dwemer pages only drop in Dwemer ruins.
bigbabyleonb16_ESO wrote: »
Vulkhel and Skywatch in Auridon
Dwemer pages only drop from dwemer containers, those containers dont have to be in a dwemer ruin
Dwemer pages only drop from dwemer containers, those containers dont have to be in a dwemer ruin
I have the farming secrets you want. I find purple motifs on an almost daily basis now. Just gotta know where to look
NovaShadow wrote: »Purple's will only come in vet zones. You'll get blue until you get there.
No. Orsinium is the home of Blue Motifs. And lockpicks. Lots and lots of lockpicks...
Dwemer pages only drop from dwemer containers, those containers dont have to be in a dwemer ruin
TheShadowScout wrote: »Purple motivs are pretty rare... especially since its hard to focus-farm for them. Dwemer pages are easiest, since you can generally expect to get one if you just go through a dwemer ruin, and look into every single container...
The "normal" ones on the other hand... with them, you're at the mercy of the gods of the die roll. I think in all my time playing, I found what, three or four of those?
Blue motivs on the other hand, enough to drown in...
Yeah, I too would appreciate it is purple motivs got a tad easier to find. but with them selling those in the crown store for the people who really cannot be patient, I don't see this happening.
NovaShadow wrote: »Purple's will only come in vet zones. You'll get blue until you get there.
WhiskeyRiver.AZub17_ESO wrote: »
I've gotten Purples in non-vet zones quite a few times. A lot more lately,in Reapers March.
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
I've farmed today, (don't like farming) and i must have been in them around 20-30 times already with no pages. get back to stromhaven and what do i get, 2 blues.
NovaShadow wrote: »Purple's will only come in vet zones. You'll get blue until you get there.
What I don't understand is how these Blue motifs can still sell on the guild traders. Between my main and my 4 alts I usually find 7 or 8 a day and I sell them all within a days time. With that said, since I started playing in July I have only found about 12 purple motifs and 1 Gold (Imp) motif. I still have all the purple ones in my bank since none of my characters have lev 50 in crafting yet.
What I don't understand is how these Blue motifs can still sell on the guild traders. Between my main and my 4 alts I usually find 7 or 8 a day and I sell them all within a days time. With that said, since I started playing in July I have only found about 12 purple motifs and 1 Gold (Imp) motif. I still have all the purple ones in my bank since none of my characters have lev 50 in crafting yet.
sickboy2808 wrote: »Never even found a purple motif never mind gold. Been playing since Launch so pls dont moan just because u havent found one this week
Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »
This is absolutely untrue.
My level 22 DK found a Purple Dwemer Page in the first Dwemer Ruins that you meet the Dunmer Siblings in in EP.