I would hazard a guess to this change being Cyrodiil based as players tend to purge DOTs. If that is the case, it may turn out to be an over all buff to those that run a DOT build. <shrug>
So I guess I don't understand. If they reduce the number of damage tics but increase the damage of each tic that does occur so that the overall damage is the same, how is this a nerf?
mr_wazzabi wrote: »So I guess I don't understand. If they reduce the number of damage tics but increase the damage of each tic that does occur so that the overall damage is the same, how is this a nerf?
People use dots to set off abilities that proc on damage tics. Examples are expert hunter, burning light, valkyn skoria set and siphoning attacks. The more ticks a dot generates, the higher chance for that ability to proc. We don't care about the damage. We want dots to have as many ticks as possible to increase our chances of getting these abilities to activate.
The current change will drastically drop our chances of getting these abilities to activate. Many of these abilities only have a 10% chance, or less for activation.
Do you see why the community is outraged?
Joy_Division wrote: »IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/mibxanadu/valkyn nerf 2_zpscdjmg2gd.png[/IMG]
8 ticks in a 167 second fight. Once every 20 seconds.
Remember that there is a cooldown after every meteor, so a nice bunch of ticks do not even count.
Oh_Skrivva wrote: »I'm starting to think they are nerfing sets we like to force us to grind for the new stuff. Busy work. I bet now that I've finally completed the new sets for this current meta the nerfing on those sets will follow.
I'm glad pvp I get hit by three meteors in a row sometimes annoying. Best news I heard all day