So I guess I don't understand. If they reduce the number of damage tics but increase the damage of each tic that does occur so that the overall damage is the same, how is this a nerf?
Joy_Division wrote: »It has been this way ever since the IC Launch.
Yes they were told.
No they don't care.
Gilliamtherogue wrote: »Joy_Division wrote: »It has been this way ever since the IC Launch.
Yes they were told.
No they don't care.
Keep in mind FTC cuts out damage sources past 10 seperate damage sources. Anything under the 10th recorded damage isn't displayed in the pull down menu, but is still recorded.
Notice if you add up all the damage sources in your FTC post you get 1,208,437 damage, but FTC recorded 1,277,209. Almost 70k damage isn't being shown because of FTC's API limits. Valkyns definitely procced on that parse if you were wearing it, and with the nerfed set ~5k per proc (assuming true damage) it probably procced roughly 10-14 times. 14/236 = ~6% proc chance. Valkyns is at a 4% proc. Myth busted.
Another templar nerf (did templars really need nerfing?) - less burning light proccs on spears now.
People at ZOS are so clueless.
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
rager82b14_ESO wrote: »If the nerf makes the game run better. Good.
I wonder how many of you won't notice any changes in that area.
It seems Skoria was stealth nerfed in some way with the launch of IC based on that screenshot. However, some of the changes to skills ticking only once per second now instead of twice per second are new and have been added with today's patch. On the EU server, where the patch hasn't been applied yet, my Eruption skill still ticks twice per second. So this might be an additional (probably unintended) nerf to the Valkyn Skoria set or it might not be, depending on how exactly Skoria was nerfed at the launch of IC.Joy_Division wrote: »It has been this way ever since the IC Launch.
Yes they were told.
No they don't care.
Hiero_Glyph wrote: »Is anyone really surprised that ZOS failed to make any balance adjustments to the passives/procs that are affected by this change?
Joy_Division wrote: »IMG] nerf 2_zpscdjmg2gd.png[/IMG]
8 ticks in a 167 second fight. Once every 20 seconds.
So they stealth nerfed Skoria set today by dramatically reducing the number of damage tics on a bunch of skills. They say in the patch notes the overall damage will be the same, and this may be true as far as the skills themselves go, but it hoses the Skoria set again (which already lost 1/3 of its damage in a prior nerf). This is particularly bad for DK's, as they generally use the most dots, and thus benefit most from that set. Thanks, ZOS, for yet another hosing of DK's. The way this company hoses sets we spend a lot of time getting, and doing it over and over and over again is very disheartening.