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• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – October 21, 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Legion of Lost Souls

Hey everybody, we are accepting everybody, new to max level, any alliance in the NA server. We are mainly AD and EP right now with, but are recruiting now for DC also. We have 185+ ppl and growing. No weekly fee required, but any donations are greatly appreciated. Info on twitter and the message of the day we put out!!

Services and guild activities include:

Pvp nights[IMPERIAL CITY GROUPS INCLUDED], fun, casual people of all levels welcome. Most events start @ 7pm Eastern time.
Twitter @LegionLostSouls for up to date info
All who follow twitter get a prize & promotion to use our bank full of crafting writ mats, set pieces, etc...

CRAGLORN GROUPS [NEW!] dungeons + trials


In game tips/advice from high lvl and experienced ppl for easier playing

Free werewolf & vampire bites

Access to mats, gear, set pieces, & craftables

& ALL other normal traits [wood, cloth, smithing]

Psijiic Ambrosia [for sale & we will craft for u if u bring ingredients, 3 for u, 1 for us as payment]

Help with getting motifs & other items!

& more!!!

We bid weekly on guild traders and have been able to retain one several weeks of the last few months. We also hold weekly raffles 75% to winner. Raffle is very easy: you depsoit 501 gold into guild bank for every ticket desired.

Anybody interested contact the GUILDMASTER: philbthe2nd on xbox live for invites, or xl Da3 lx or Methadone Man (that's me) if you have any questions. You can also reply here and Methadone Man will send an invite. Guild bank is to be used ONLY for spare items, set pieces/ items u don't want/ want to take out for yourself [not to sell], and items to complete writs [take what u would logically need, not the whole stacks]

If interested throw out your gt and what youd be interested in: PVP, dungeons, crafting, craglorn, or just want a guild that offers help & services :)
Gamertag is Methadone Man
  • ComboBreaker88
    Add me ComboBreaker88
  • Methadone_Man
    I've been a member of their guild for more than a month. A great group of casual gamers who are very helpful. Thanks for the interest ComboBreaker88. I'll add you this morning.
    Gamertag is Methadone Man
  • Methadone_Man
    We just inducted our 200th member this morning. And we now have a guild trader this week.

    Our 75/25 raffle ends tonight. 501 gold into guild bank for each raffle ticket desired and the winner collects 75% of the raffle gold. Contest: whoever mails in guildmaster the most raw materials (ore, scraps, etc.) gets 20k gold and second place gets a Psjic Ambrosia potion. That ends tonight.

    ** ---> Starting tomorrow, the new raffle will have a special prize. This raffle will help raise money for the guild trader bid at the end of the week. We are trying to retain a trader weekly. ***

    Come and join us. No mandatory fees and gaining officer status is easy by merely joining the Twitter feed and messaging guildmaster. All that info is in the MOTD.
    Edited by Methadone_Man on November 9, 2015 7:50PM
    Gamertag is Methadone Man
  • Methadone_Man
    We've added about 5 new people in the past few days. We still growing strong. Guild trader is available for all members. Message Methadone Man on Xbox live for invite.
    Gamertag is Methadone Man
  • Methadone_Man
    This week's PvP nights for Legion of Lost Souls will be 11/13 (Friday the 13th) for Ebonheart Pact and 11/14 (Sat) for Aldmeri Dominion. Both start @ 8pm Eastern. Come in to guild chat 1 and you can get an invite. Message philbthe2nd for the specific campaigns.

    Anyone who wants in the guild, message philbthe2nd or Methadone Man for an invite.

    I can help any new characters who need some crafted armor (light/heavy) sets or blue provisions. I've already done that for two of our newer members.
    Gamertag is Methadone Man
  • Methadone_Man
    And now we are adding our first Dagerfall PvP event, starting 8 pm this Sunday night, the 15th. We are up to 214 members as of last count. About 6 of us made brand new Daggerfall characters to get ready for our first PvP night. So, if you are a new DC character, now is a great time to get in on the action.

    Current raffle is going well. And we are kicking around the idea of holding auctions to raise gold for guild traders. We may auction off some high value in-game items such as a rare motif or Psyjic Ambrosia recipe, or some of those Prismatic triple enchantments.

    You can send Live message to philbthe2nd or Methadone Man for guild invites. All alliances and all character levels welcome. No mandatory membership fees. This is a gamer-oriented guild, not a gold-oriented guild. Although we do use gold to help, it is merely a tool not the main focus.
    Gamertag is Methadone Man
  • Methadone_Man
    This week's raffle is coming to an end in a few hours. It has raised over 150k gold for the guild, which will be used to bid on a Trader. We are already planning something big for the next raffle. It will be a two week raffle and entry will be to follow the guild on Twitter. That's it. You follow the Twitter feed and message the guildmaster, you gain an entry into the raffle which will end on Cyber Monday (Monday after Thanksiving). Prize will be 100,000 gold plus a special item. Twitter feed is @LegionLostSouls

    For an invite to the Legion of Lost Souls, simply message philbthe2nd or Methadone Man on Xbox Live. You could also join the Twitter feed directly and Tweet him for an invite. Then you'd be entered into the raffle at the same time.

    We finished our first Daggerfall event last night, in a non-vet campaign. Since most of us created new characters. The core members of the guild are dedicated to representing all 3 alliances, so any alliance is welcome to join.
    Gamertag is Methadone Man
  • xxtestamentxx
    Soul Shriven
    Been away from the game for a while mainly run Pact. Started a new toon / class to try something else out. xTestamenTx is my GT, looking to see if I am a fit with you guys.
    Xbox1 NA
    GT: xTestamenTx
    Main: Dark Elf Templar DPS
  • Methadone_Man
    Thanks for replying. I'll invite you and you can give our group a try. Check the message of the day for info about our two raffles going on now.
    Gamertag is Methadone Man
  • profecy2profitub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Interested in joining, online right now GT is: GIVEROFBEATINGZ
  • Methadone_Man
    Sending invite out. Thanks for replying.
    Gamertag is Methadone Man
  • bredro13
    Soul Shriven
    Add me : Droney13
  • AverageJo3Gam3r
    Looking for AD folks to run PvP with. On that vigor/caltrops grind. I'm on most nights and am a VR 1 WW DK tank. My GT is the same as my forum username.
  • Methadone_Man
    Invites coming. We have AD PvP on Tuesday this week. EP in Wednesday, and DC is Thursday. All start 7 pm eastern.
    Gamertag is Methadone Man
  • AverageJo3Gam3r
    Invites coming. We have AD PvP on Tuesday this week. EP in Wednesday, and DC is Thursday. All start 7 pm eastern.
    Cool. I get on a little later than that, around 9pm EST.
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