Considering the size of the update and it being completely fresh, it didn't take me all that long either. Took about 1 minute 30 seconds or so.My initial load after a patch is always garbage, this was no exception. The load to orsinium wasn't that bad honestly, but I haven't gone beyond that, will have more feedback later today.
Dude, it literally just came out and everyone is logging on at the same time, you've got resources to download and a bunch of other factors. Give it some time before judging the load screens.
It's weird, some people experience the loading screen more than others. It took me just over a minute to load Wrothgar after freshly downloading Orsinium.There were many other patches before, but the loading screens remained intact. I am telling you, it is broken for sure and the answer still remains hidden within the IC DLC patch.
It's weird, some people experience the loading screen more than others. It took me just over a minute to load Wrothgar after freshly downloading Orsinium.There were many other patches before, but the loading screens remained intact. I am telling you, it is broken for sure and the answer still remains hidden within the IC DLC patch.
Not denying anyone's extended load screens, but there's something weird going on if it's affecting some players and not others.
Or people with active memberships get 10% reduction on loading screens which they forgot to mention in the benefits.b92303008rwb17_ESO wrote: »
Those who have not been defending and singing ZOS' praise are probably the ones that get the worst loading screen.
Or people with active memberships get 10% reduction on loading screens which they forgot to mention in the benefits.b92303008rwb17_ESO wrote: »
Those who have not been defending and singing ZOS' praise are probably the ones that get the worst loading screen.
b92303008rwb17_ESO wrote: »Honestly, this kind of poll is getting old. ZOS has implied that they are not going to fix it and it is going to stay. Learn to live with it.