hydrocynus wrote: »ok this is now getting a little out of hand! I still get no hatchets, and they wont help me out with my PingShield, but those issues pale in comparison to this next problem. Its outrageous and too much for me to continue playing this game unless it changes right now.
I play in Ebonheart Pact, and i have been playing since 1.6 and have not been a major PVP'er but have done enough to experience the purple smurf/banana alliance against the Ebonheart Pact. We as reds always took this as a compliment; "Hahaha - look they have to team up against us - they cant beat us on their own! Hahaha!". It was easy to think that way as we are the superior faction but boy did we have big egos about it. Eventually it got irritating and many people Rage quit and never went back to PVP because it was just not fair with 2 v 1 any more. Why did they continue to double team us all the time? Those of us that were comfortable to go in 2 reds v 5 yellows and 5 blues remained in game and wiped them but still it was not apparent why.
Then this morning the answer came to me. For about 6 months i have only PVP'ed as EP, but then this morning a friend sent me a picture of Himself playing as a blue and being ganking and slaughtered by two of our other friends in a chance Cyrodiil encounter (what did he think would happen? he was playing as a stupid blue). 2 reds vs 1 blue is really overkill and you need usually 1 red against 5 blues or yellows cos they are a bit silly and tactic-less, but still these two reds really worked over this blue and as he lay dead in the photo, it was clear as daylight. The red shields over their heads. Oh the glorious red shields! So bright and shiny! So VISIBLE!! ZoS might as well have stuck a candle on top of all our helmets and made us run around in a windless world, and there it was - the best target is the easiest target to see!
These Blues and yellows were targeting reds first because they could see our Glorious red flame markers. Imagine how we would own PvP if they could see us as badly as we can see the yellow or blue shields? We should really have our shield changed to a nice dull pastel red and slightly see through like theirs are, which would be much less visible.
Nerf the red Shield ZoS or I and the Whole EPfaction are leaving the game. We all met on the rock in Reapers and thrashed it out and decided this is the best action to take. You will be left with two really poor factions running around aimlessly sneaking and streaking into walls and wreckingblow-ing daedrats - no fun for anyone!
hydrocynus wrote: »Clearly you all play at 04h00 when all AD is in bed as that is the only time when yellows not dominating map.
Come with your red army to the rock in reapers and see what happens to you!hydrocynus wrote: »ok this is now getting a little out of hand! I still get no hatchets, and they wont help me out with my PingShield, but those issues pale in comparison to this next problem. Its outrageous and too much for me to continue playing this game unless it changes right now.
I play in Ebonheart Pact, and i have been playing since 1.6 and have not been a major PVP'er but have done enough to experience the purple smurf/banana alliance against the Ebonheart Pact. We as reds always took this as a compliment; "Hahaha - look they have to team up against us - they cant beat us on their own! Hahaha!". It was easy to think that way as we are the superior faction but boy did we have big egos about it. Eventually it got irritating and many people Rage quit and never went back to PVP because it was just not fair with 2 v 1 any more. Why did they continue to double team us all the time? Those of us that were comfortable to go in 2 reds v 5 yellows and 5 blues remained in game and wiped them but still it was not apparent why.
Then this morning the answer came to me. For about 6 months i have only PVP'ed as EP, but then this morning a friend sent me a picture of Himself playing as a blue and being ganking and slaughtered by two of our other friends in a chance Cyrodiil encounter (what did he think would happen? he was playing as a stupid blue). 2 reds vs 1 blue is really overkill and you need usually 1 red against 5 blues or yellows cos they are a bit silly and tactic-less, but still these two reds really worked over this blue and as he lay dead in the photo, it was clear as daylight. The red shields over their heads. Oh the glorious red shields! So bright and shiny! So VISIBLE!! ZoS might as well have stuck a candle on top of all our helmets and made us run around in a windless world, and there it was - the best target is the easiest target to see!
These Blues and yellows were targeting reds first because they could see our Glorious red flame markers. Imagine how we would own PvP if they could see us as badly as we can see the yellow or blue shields? We should really have our shield changed to a nice dull pastel red and slightly see through like theirs are, which would be much less visible.
Nerf the red Shield ZoS or I and the Whole EPfaction are leaving the game. We all met on the rock in Reapers and thrashed it out and decided this is the best action to take. You will be left with two really poor factions running around aimlessly sneaking and streaking into walls and wreckingblow-ing daedrats - no fun for anyone!
hydrocynus wrote: »ok this is now getting a little out of hand! I still get no hatchets, and they wont help me out with my PingShield, but those issues pale in comparison to this next problem. Its outrageous and too much for me to continue playing this game unless it changes right now.
I play in all three factions, and i have been playing since 1.6 and have not been a major PVP'er but have done enough to experience the two other factions alliance against the faction I was on at the time. We as players always took this as a compliment; "Hahaha - look they have to team up against us - they cant beat us on their own! Hahaha!". It was easy to think that way as we are the superior faction but boy did we have big egos about it. Eventually it got irritating and many people Rage quit and never went back to PVP because it was just not fair with 2 v 1 any more. Why did they continue to double team us all the time? Those of us that were comfortable to go in 2 reds v 5 yellows and 5 blues remained in game and wiped them but still it was not apparent why.
Then this morning the answer came to me. For about 6 months i have only PVP'ed as a player, but then this morning a friend sent me a picture of Himself playing as a another faction and being ganking and slaughtered by two of our other friends in a chance Cyrodiil encounter (what did he think would happen? he was playing as a stupid solo). 2 gankers vs 1 solo is really overkill and you need usually 1 red against 5 blues or yellows cos they are a bit silly and tactic-less, but still these two gankers really worked over this solo and as he lay dead in the photo, it was clear as daylight. The colored shields over their heads. Oh the glorious colored shields! So bright and shiny! So VISIBLE!! ZoS might as well have stuck a candle on top of all our helmets and made us run around in a windless world, and there it was - the best target is the easiest target to see!
These Colors and other colors were targeting other colors still first because they could see our Glorious colored markers. Imagine how we would own PvP if they could see us as badly as we can see the yellow or blue shields? We should really have our shield changed to a nice dull pastel red and slightly see through like theirs are, which would be much less visible.
Nerf the colored Shield ZoS or I and the Whole every faction are leaving the game. We all met on the rock in Reapers and thrashed it out and decided this is the best action to take. You will be left with two really poor factions running around aimlessly sneaking and streaking into walls and wreckingblow-ing daedrats - no fun for anyone!
[#NerfRainbowShield]hydrocynus wrote: »ok this is now getting a little out of hand! I still get no hatchets, and they wont help me out with my PingShield, but those issues pale in comparison to this next problem. Its outrageous and too much for me to continue playing this game unless it changes right now.
I play in all three factions, and i have been playing since 1.6 and have not been a major PVP'er but have done enough to experience the two other factions alliance against the faction I was on at the time. We as players always took this as a compliment; "Hahaha - look they have to team up against us - they cant beat us on their own! Hahaha!". It was easy to think that way as we are the superior faction but boy did we have big egos about it. Eventually it got irritating and many people Rage quit and never went back to PVP because it was just not fair with 2 v 1 any more. Why did they continue to double team us all the time? Those of us that were comfortable to go in 2 reds v 5 yellows and 5 blues remained in game and wiped them but still it was not apparent why.
Then this morning the answer came to me. For about 6 months i have only PVP'ed as a player, but then this morning a friend sent me a picture of Himself playing as a another faction and being ganking and slaughtered by two of our other friends in a chance Cyrodiil encounter (what did he think would happen? he was playing as a stupid solo). 2 gankers vs 1 solo is really overkill and you need usually 1 red against 5 blues or yellows cos they are a bit silly and tactic-less, but still these two gankers really worked over this solo and as he lay dead in the photo, it was clear as daylight. The colored shields over their heads. Oh the glorious colored shields! So bright and shiny! So VISIBLE!! ZoS might as well have stuck a candle on top of all our helmets and made us run around in a windless world, and there it was - the best target is the easiest target to see!
These Colors and other colors were targeting other colors still first because they could see our Glorious colored markers. Imagine how we would own PvP if they could see us as badly as we can see the yellow or blue shields? We should really have our shield changed to a nice dull pastel red and slightly see through like theirs are, which would be much less visible.
Nerf the colored Shield ZoS or I and the Whole every faction are leaving the game. We all met on the rock in Reapers and thrashed it out and decided this is the best action to take. You will be left with two really poor factions running around aimlessly sneaking and streaking into walls and wreckingblow-ing daedrats - no fun for anyone!
bchulettub17_ESO wrote: »DC teams with EP against AD,
AD teams with EP against DC,
DC teams with AD against EP,
....when it is mutually beneficial to do so
Why is this such a surprise to people? It's a tri-faction war...and no faction has any alliance to any other faction, so expect any faction to do what is necessary to win, temporarily or not.
If my faction has emperor, I expect the other two factions to team up in a sense.
Yep ^^^^bchulettub17_ESO wrote: »DC teams with EP against AD,
AD teams with EP against DC,
DC teams with AD against EP,
....when it is mutually beneficial to do so
Why is this such a surprise to people? It's a tri-faction war...and no faction has any alliance to any other faction, so expect any faction to do what is necessary to win, temporarily or not.
If my faction has emperor, I expect the other two factions to team up in a sense.
arcantonias wrote: »the amount of stupid in this thread is just mind boggling.
hydrocynus wrote: »Clearly you all play at 04h00 when all AD is in bed as that is the only time when yellows not dominating map.
The OP's entire post is testimony as to why we all hate yellows: arrogance. Hubris will continue to be your downfall.
TheShadowScout wrote: »Personally I always wished they would do away with the alliance indicators floating over peoples heads alltogether, and just slap mandatory EP/DC/AD tabards on everyone who enters cyrodil...
AtriasNaradan wrote: »hydrocynus wrote: »Clearly you all play at 04h00 when all AD is in bed as that is the only time when yellows not dominating map.
Ohhh you mean the time when you turds (yes, because turds are yellow...you turds) are cowering in fear calling "momma momma please don't leave me alone, the blues are coming" under your bed sheets?
p.s. it's astounding the number of people that don't seems to even bother to click open and read the *spoiler* part on your first comment there lol
The OP's entire post is testimony as to why we all hate yellows: arrogance. Hubris will continue to be your downfall.
I think the OP's entire post was a fun jibe towards Red and Blue, all said with sarcastic phrasing designed to get a rise out of Red and Blue. OP got what he wanted, and the message was funny. Nerf yellow shields, lol.