MountainHound wrote: »Most games I have played, limited choices have actually lasted LONGER.
Extreme example, Call of duty 4 (Using this as it is way more popular than Socom - which I would have used). COD4 had limited guns, limited abilities. It was the most fun COD of all time and required the most "skill".
Then they introduce World at war which again was OK but every other tripe they introduced after that with 40 different lazers for a weapon + different grips, silencers and other trash on weapons, an ability to bomb the map after a 2 kill streak, auto head shot aim killed it for the hardcore players that had skill. There was no skill left.
This is my first actual MMORPG I have played seriously (I played wow, ff11, ff14, LoL but never got 'addicted' too it) but I like the limited options. I am a pvper though and hate PVE so any time away from it for me is better. More races / personalities and other stuff may require me to level a new character again for the 3rd time to "compete".
willymchilybily wrote: »skill/morph changes yes, new skills. not so much. Ie. improving crap morphs yes, adding morphs and options for stamina on a few more classes yes, new weapon skills yes. new class skill trees on all classes no.
I just want ESO with RIFTs soul tree. That stuff was so good, and one of the most brilliant things to ever come out of an MMO. Just a shame the game sucked.
Vicente Valtiere, Dark Brotherhood, OblivionSpill some blood for me dear brother
MountainHound wrote: »Most games I have played, limited choices have actually lasted LONGER.
Extreme example, Call of duty 4 (Using this as it is way more popular than Socom - which I would have used). COD4 had limited guns, limited abilities. It was the most fun COD of all time and required the most "skill".
Then they introduce World at war which again was OK but every other tripe they introduced after that with 40 different lazers for a weapon + different grips, silencers and other trash on weapons, an ability to bomb the map after a 2 kill streak, auto head shot aim killed it for the hardcore players that had skill. There was no skill left.
This is my first actual MMORPG I have played seriously (I played wow, ff11, ff14, LoL but never got 'addicted' too it) but I like the limited options. I am a pvper though and hate PVE so any time away from it for me is better. More races / personalities and other stuff may require me to level a new character again for the 3rd time to "compete".