Hello, fellow cyrodiilians. Blood Oath Knights are looking for new knights to join our order. One of the most helpful guilds of NA, we gear you up so you can run with the big dogs. Dozens of master crafters are here, ready to make the set you need to become the very best you, you can be. Currently we are running Scourge Campaigns and Exp Farms, it varies daily. We don't require deposit fees, however we do hold events because of em. Bring your friends and you might get a purple motif of your choice. Thanks for taking to the time to consider Blood Oath Knights as your new home. Post your XBL gamertags below, and feel free to ask any questions you feel necessary.
note; All new members have a trial period before being actually considered Knights of the Blood Oath. You can be terminated at any moment during this trial period. By posting your gamertags, you are accepting that the Council of the Knights, can reject anyone at any given moment during this time.