So i just want to say that I personally dislike we here the game is going I was a very happy customer spending a lot of crowns and paying my sub.... But I think that zos start to ruin the game with the dlcs.... Why? Because we use to play to have fun but we have the chance to have good gear and enjoy the game, we use to have the chance to have all the motif without spending months to find them, now I must admit that I bought the glass motif in the crown store but I will never gonna do it again with another horrible grinding motif.... I can pass the akaviri motif, I don't have enough alliance points and I don't want to farm them, I don't have enought gold, and I don't want to continue giving money to zos for a horrible motif paywall that they want to implement now..... As for the end game there is no real end game now, there is so many people leaving on consoles that with 5 guilds I very hard to find a group for the daily, they kill the trials dsa, so they basically kill all the game in order to sell the dlc, so our endgame is grinding in the sewers or grinding in the arena district, I used to play everyday for the last two weeks I had only play like 2 days because there is no reason to log in to the game anymore, they want to make it even hard I get it but they are no going in the hard direction they're going in the insane grinding direction with 150 mats for a piece of set, 3 weeks for a page of glass motif or buy it in the crown store, stop playing everything else and only play the DLC, because we gonna nerf everything else in order to sell more, so this is my first mmo and I have to say that I esotu was the best game that I played in Xbox, but there are just killing it
Now orsinium is coming and they're only making the grind more terrible.... So why is zos trying to do?? Why don't let us have fun instead of making us grind