A Tank's suggestions

Got 3 things to suggest from a PvE tank perspective.

The Maelstrom's Sword/Mace: Your Low Slash grants 430 additional damage and restores 232 additional Stamina on your next fully charged Heavy Attack within 5 seconds. While equipped, grants 1651 additional Physical and Spell resistance.

More damage is fine, more resistance is great but 232 additional stamina on a fully charged heavy attack is very very low. 232 stamina is a fraction of my total stamina pool as a tank. @Faulgor suggested in another thread: For 5 seconds after using Low Slash, heavy attacks restore 200% more stamina.
This would make it far more interesting and useful with the added benefit of making tanks more independent and less reliant on templar healers for extra stamina recovery. Which would then also mean healers using other classes would be more usable in group content.

The Maelstrom's Shield: This has a stat enchant and thats it. Seems kind of pointless since it will make it fairly useless to take over a crafted set shield for example. I wrote a suggestion in another thread about it that I figured I'd share here. Having the shield affect another skill would make it unfair, so how about making the shield have a synergy with the 1h weapon. It would also require you to have both of them equipped to gain the full effects.
"After using Rampaging Slash(1h weapon effect) your heavy attacks do X% more damage and has a 25%-50% increased attack speed for 5 seconds."
So now using both of them as a tank I'd have the option to drop my defence to do a bit of extra damage, go on a short rampage. The new bosses in the Imperial City dungeons do a lot of damage and quite fast so heavy attacks are risky to do, with that increased speed it would be more manageable and fun in my opinion. A short window between boss attacks, hit rampaging slash, drop block and get some quick heavy swings in then raise shield again.

Mark of the Pariah set: I love this set. I love the 5 piece bonus. Increases resistances based on missing health, the more health I lose the harder I become to kill. Love it. But I'd personally like to see a 5%-10% additional healing recieved from all sources added to that effect on top of the resistance gain. (Please be a good looking set..)
  • Cously
    Got 3 things to suggest from a PvE tank perspective.

    The Maelstrom's Sword/Mace: Your Low Slash grants 430 additional damage and restores 232 additional Stamina on your next fully charged Heavy Attack within 5 seconds. While equipped, grants 1651 additional Physical and Spell resistance.

    More damage is fine, more resistance is great but 232 additional stamina on a fully charged heavy attack is very very low. 232 stamina is a fraction of my total stamina pool as a tank. @Faulgor suggested in another thread: For 5 seconds after using Low Slash, heavy attacks restore 200% more stamina.
    This would make it far more interesting and useful with the added benefit of making tanks more independent and less reliant on templar healers for extra stamina recovery. Which would then also mean healers using other classes would be more usable in group content.

    The Maelstrom's Shield: This has a stat enchant and thats it. Seems kind of pointless since it will make it fairly useless to take over a crafted set shield for example. I wrote a suggestion in another thread about it that I figured I'd share here. Having the shield affect another skill would make it unfair, so how about making the shield have a synergy with the 1h weapon. It would also require you to have both of them equipped to gain the full effects.
    "After using Rampaging Slash(1h weapon effect) your heavy attacks do X% more damage and has a 25%-50% increased attack speed for 5 seconds."
    So now using both of them as a tank I'd have the option to drop my defence to do a bit of extra damage, go on a short rampage. The new bosses in the Imperial City dungeons do a lot of damage and quite fast so heavy attacks are risky to do, with that increased speed it would be more manageable and fun in my opinion. A short window between boss attacks, hit rampaging slash, drop block and get some quick heavy swings in then raise shield again.

    Mark of the Pariah set: I love this set. I love the 5 piece bonus. Increases resistances based on missing health, the more health I lose the harder I become to kill. Love it. But I'd personally like to see a 5%-10% additional healing recieved from all sources added to that effect on top of the resistance gain. (Please be a good looking set..)

    Spot on! The shield master enchantment...WHAT! I CAN CRAFT THAT SHIELD! C'mon, we need something special for that!
  • ThatNeonZebraAgain
    Overall, I like the DSA Master's 1h sword better still since I rarely use Low Slash, while I always use Puncture (I also play a Magicka NB tank, so that's part of it). The bonus to spell/phys res is also kind of a moot point because at endgame you want those stats capped anyways without the sword, again making other options more attractive (not to mention, the amount it adds is basically the same amount as a Minor buff, which isn't much). Your suggestions make the new Maelstrom sword/mace somewhat more attractive, but still not enough for me to risk dying and wiping the group to drop block for a heavy attack -- DSA Master's sword looks better in comparison again. The shield desperately needs a revamp though. If they just want to give it an enchant, give it a gold Prismatic one at least. I'd also like to see something that buffs passives from the Heavy Armor line (eg similar to what Black Rose set does, but more useful).

    In general as a tank, my new dream sets would be combining 5pc Brands of Imperium with 5pc Trinimac set -- damage shields and heals for everyone! Ultimate tank support setup, so long as Imperium's damage shield triggers Trinimac's heals/damage (and you can source complete complementing pieces of each...). Pariah also looks nice but again, you want your spell and phys res capped (or very close to it) already anyways, so it seems there can be better utility gained from other sets.
    Edited by ThatNeonZebraAgain on October 7, 2015 6:51PM
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  • slumber_sandb16_ESO
    Overall, I like the DSA Master's 1h sword better still since I rarely use Low Slash, while I always use Puncture (I also play a Magicka NB tank, so that's part of it). The bonus to spell/phys res is also kind of a moot point because at endgame you want those stats capped anyways without the sword, again making other options more attractive (not to mention, the amount it adds is basically the same amount as a Minor buff, which isn't much). Your suggestions make the new Maelstrom sword/mace somewhat more attractive, but still not enough for me to risk dying and wiping the group to drop block for a heavy attack -- DSA Master's sword looks better in comparison again. The shield desperately needs a revamp though. If they just want to give it an enchant, give it a gold Prismatic one at least. I'd also like to see something that buffs passives from the Heavy Armor line (eg similar to what Black Rose set does, but more useful).

    In general as a tank, my new dream sets would be combining 5pc Brands of Imperium with 5pc Trinimac set -- damage shields and heals for everyone! Ultimate tank support setup, so long as Imperium's damage shield triggers Trinimac's heals/damage (and you can source complete complementing pieces of each...). Pariah also looks nice but again, you want your spell and phys res capped (or very close to it) already anyways, so it seems there can be better utility gained from other sets.

    I fully agree on the DSA sword, its far superior to the new one in terms of tanking potential and sustain, its part of my planned build.
    With the new one they seem to be going for a more damage focus than sustain focus and hey thats fine, more options is never bad. Doing those changes or something like that would make it a better tank damage weapon than it currently is and I would be far more inclined to use it and the shield together to get that bonus especially with the DK Molten Armaments ability, could work fantastic in the execute phase of a boss fight.
    Could have the DSA on the first bar for full defensive tanking, could have the new one on the second bar for offensive tanking. Switch to second bar, rampaging slash, heavy attack rampage, switch back to first bar and continue tanking and self healing. Would be fun to try that I think.

    I also agree on the heavy armour passives, would be nice to have a set that improves them in a good way, hopefully they will make more of those sets.

    As for resistances being capped, I assume you mean with an armour buff. I'm getting close to that myself, but would be nice to get near the cap without an armour ability active, that way I could switch that skill out for something else that either increases defenses in some way or more damage, would also mean less stamina usage since there wont be any armour ability to activate(Unstoppable Brute).
  • chaseman245
    I don't think having a shield affect another skill would be unfair at all (as long as its chosen wisely). I'd love to see a shield give a bonus to defensive posture (maybe like +3-5% block mitigation) or an increase to the Constitution heavy armor passive.

    As for the Maelstrom Sword/Mace, I think its a TERRIBLE weapon for tanks. Low slash increased damage? WHO CARES?! Tanks don't go for higher damaging abilities/spells. 232 additional stamina is very low, considering the cost of low slash and the 5 seconds time limit, you won't be able to recover the stamina used to cast low slash (excluding the heavy attack stamina regain). I do like the idea of 200% more stamina regain from heavy attacks for 5 seconds instead. As far as the increased spell/phys resistance, the phys resistance would be the only one to have usefulness (at least for me). Spell resist is easy to come by and most tanks I know are over hard cap w/o buffs. And if you are using Hardend Armor, Immovable Brute/Shuffle with the Armor Master set, both physical and spell resistance from the Maelstrom Sword/Mace will be negligible.
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