Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

CP Cap and Xp Scaling

  • pcripper39ub17_ESO
    Oh, almost forgot, at 389 champ points takes 455,802 to get to 390
  • Hiero_Glyph
    Ishammael wrote: »
    BEZDNA wrote: »
    Worst method they ever could implement. So the new system will reward ppl that grinded like monkeys prior and will shaft ppl that normally played without grinding. PLS FIX THIS ZOS.

    I have close to 350 points on Live right now. And I honestly dont feel like putting more effort in something that others got easier prior.

    So either recalculate all players to the new system. Or scale is differently. Example, the last point to reach the cap costs 400k xp. Everything before that costs less by a factor of whatever you desire. This would make the game alot more fair.

    The system as is on PTS now is even worse than live. I rather have no catch up that this. Coz this is goint to be a fall back mechanic afor me and alot of others. Also wouldnt be good for the competitive scene of ESO. A mechanic like that would honestly only motivate me to leave "The Elder Scrolls Online".

    System looks very fair to me.

    You wanted CP cap - you got it.
    You wanted catch up system - you got it.
    You wanted a system which would make cp gap much much lower - you got it.

    Ppl who grinded a lot are in much more disadvantage position then ppl who are below cap, yes they don't need to grind that huge amount of xp to get cp, but they will also never be able to spend cp they erned befor.

    As set right now, the people who grinded well beyond 500 are at a huge advantage in terms of CP per effort

    Wouldn't the only fair solution be to rescale everyone based on their total CP exp? Technically you haven't earned each CP only the experience to unlock them, so if the exp scale is changed so would the number of CP unlocked (based on the total CP exp for each player).
    Edited by Hiero_Glyph on October 7, 2015 4:26PM
    BEZDNA wrote: »
    Ishammael wrote: »
    Has anyone calculated how much experience is saved for a new player going from 0 CP up to the 501 cap?

    Read my posts, the info is there.

    ~11% doesn't seem like much of a catchup mechanic. I mean ESO+ would be a comparable catchup mechanic currently. The fact that this actually hurts players with just over 300 CP makes it even worse since eventually new players will reach that point as well. Shouldn't CP be hard capped at 400k experience per point unless you are over the cap?

    why shud cp cost more then 400k cp per point if you are over cap then? you can't use those cp anyway, why they shud cost more xp then?

    Please reread this thread. ZOS' proposed CP changes already make CP cost more than 400k once you pass 338. I am merely stating that this increased growth should not start until after you pass the current cap. This would be a faster gain rate than the proposed system. If you have a problem with CP costing more than 400k each then let ZOS know since this is what they will be doing once Orsinium launches.

    I know that you gonna need more than 400k xp to get CP if you are are over about 350 cp and i think that is very far. You should also understand that cap of 501 CP doesn't mean that it is minimum amount of CP required for you to play, and catch up mechanic doesn't mean that you should get CP with accelerated speed until you reach cap. What catch up system does in fact, it is giving newcomers and players with low cp fast reach average lvl of CP anong all players and ZOS somehow counted that it is 350 CP. So as i see these system working it is clear that you should get XP faster if you are below 350.

    Another question is want about getting CP when you are already over average amount of CP. How i personally see it - you definitely shouldn't be getting CP for less than 400k XP after you reached that lvl. On the other hand - should you earn more than 400k XP per CP - it is questionable.

    However i have a feeling that these is a new CP meta Z OS implements, it was since the beginning of patch 1.6 when ppl were saying that each next CP shud cost more and that would help to fix CP gap among players and it seems that ZOS is following that logic now. And for me it feels that ZOS made a seasonal CP cap as a save move. So in fact they do not take away CP from players (because with implementation of new XP valus for getting CP they could recount all the XP all players earned before and we would all lose ton of CP) but they also make a reasonable cap which is not far away from average lvl to limit power of ppl who played a lot.
    Edited by BEZDNA on October 7, 2015 4:27PM
  • Prizax
    What about enlightenment will it still give you 1 CP? or it will stay making 400k xp to 100k xp? :neutral:
  • Ishammael
    Ishammael wrote: »
    BEZDNA wrote: »
    Worst method they ever could implement. So the new system will reward ppl that grinded like monkeys prior and will shaft ppl that normally played without grinding. PLS FIX THIS ZOS.

    I have close to 350 points on Live right now. And I honestly dont feel like putting more effort in something that others got easier prior.

    So either recalculate all players to the new system. Or scale is differently. Example, the last point to reach the cap costs 400k xp. Everything before that costs less by a factor of whatever you desire. This would make the game alot more fair.

    The system as is on PTS now is even worse than live. I rather have no catch up that this. Coz this is goint to be a fall back mechanic afor me and alot of others. Also wouldnt be good for the competitive scene of ESO. A mechanic like that would honestly only motivate me to leave "The Elder Scrolls Online".

    System looks very fair to me.

    You wanted CP cap - you got it.
    You wanted catch up system - you got it.
    You wanted a system which would make cp gap much much lower - you got it.

    Ppl who grinded a lot are in much more disadvantage position then ppl who are below cap, yes they don't need to grind that huge amount of xp to get cp, but they will also never be able to spend cp they erned befor.

    As set right now, the people who grinded well beyond 500 are at a huge advantage in terms of CP per effort

    Wouldn't the only fair solution be to rescale everyone based on their total CP exp? Technically you haven't earned each CP only the experience to unlock them, so if the exp scale is changed so would the number of CP unlocked (based on the total CP exp for each player).

    Yes, this should be done.
  • Paulington
    For those curious, I have done a rough spreadsheet that shows XP required from CP 1 to CP 3599.

    You can find the spreadsheet by clicking this link.

    For the lazy, here is the graph:


    I'll be updating this to be more accurate throughout the day.
  • Ishammael
    Paulington wrote: »
    For those curious, I have done a rough spreadsheet that shows XP required from CP 1 to CP 3599.

    You can find the spreadsheet by clicking this link.

    For the lazy, here is the graph:


    I'll be updating this to be more accurate throughout the day.

    Thanks for doing this, but you need to break the fit into two disjoint segments
  • Paulington
    Ishammael wrote: »
    Paulington wrote: »
    For those curious, I have done a rough spreadsheet that shows XP required from CP 1 to CP 3599.

    You can find the spreadsheet by clicking this link.

    For the lazy, here is the graph:


    I'll be updating this to be more accurate throughout the day.

    Thanks for doing this, but you need to break the fit into two disjoint segments

    Yeah that's next on the list, just threw this together, making a better job of it now. :).
    Paulington wrote: »
    For those curious, I have done a rough spreadsheet that shows XP required from CP 1 to CP 3599.

    You can find the spreadsheet by clicking this link.

    For the lazy, here is the graph:


    I'll be updating this to be more accurate throughout the day.

    Hm, 12 mil XP to get last CP - chalange acsepted =)))
  • Paulington
    Here are some better graphs:



    You can see how much the jump is after 501 CP, it's quite large. The gradient of the graph goes from ~2400 from 250-500 CP to ~15,000 from 500-600 CP, a 6-fold increase, after which it reduces again to ~3,000 or so, a 1.25-fold increase over pre-501 CP levels.
    Edited by Paulington on October 7, 2015 4:55PM
  • Hiero_Glyph
    BEZDNA wrote: »
    Paulington wrote: »
    For those curious, I have done a rough spreadsheet that shows XP required from CP 1 to CP 3599.

    You can find the spreadsheet by clicking this link.

    For the lazy, here is the graph:


    I'll be updating this to be more accurate throughout the day.

    Hm, 12 mil XP to get last CP - chalange acsepted =)))

    12 million on its own is doable, but the 1,000 CP or so before it make it rather impossible unless you play for years (which should have been the point of CP from day 1). I mean if you consider that the highest CP farmers only have 2k CP, even without enlightenment that's 800 million experience. That would only account for the final ~70 CP.

    Enlightenment becomes a major factor now and gives a reason to login and play at least every two weeks. The incremental growth on CP was needed, now ZOS just needs to rescale everyone based on total CP exp or else the system remains heavily skewed for high CP players.
    Edited by Hiero_Glyph on October 7, 2015 4:54PM
  • Leandor
    You guys should take into consideration that once the cap is raised, the discontinuity will also be raised. If you jump from cap to cap, you will have to put in something like 8 times (at starting point, up to 20 at the end) the effort to keep the edge, whereas those that stay under the cap will never see the discontinuity.

    That is the core of the catch-up mechanism, not the sloped progression of xp requirements. Those guys that have accrued 2k cp will never see progression at reasonable speed, since they will remain above the discontinuity forever. The only adjustment that I would like to see is a slightly less steep slope prior to cap, otherwise the efficiency of the catch-up will see too strong of a diminishing return once cap has been raised a couple times.
    Edited by Leandor on October 7, 2015 5:01PM
  • Hiero_Glyph
    Leandor wrote: »
    You guys should take into consideration that once the cap is raised, the discontinuity will also be raised. If you jump from cap to cap, you will have to put in something like 8 times the effort to keep the edge, whereas those that stay under the cap will never see the discontinuity.

    That is the core of the catch-up mechanism, not the sloped progression of xp requirements. Those guys that have accrued 2k cp will never see progression at reasonable speed, since they will remain above the discontinuity forever. The only adjustment that I would like to see is a slightly less steep slope prior to cap, otherwise the efficiency of the catch-up will see too strong of a diminishing return once cap has been raised a couple times.

    The players with high CP will not gain as many CP naturally but with enlightenment they will still remain ahead of the curve. Considering that those high CP players would keep all of their CP gained at 400k and those below now have to earn the same CP at 400k+ each, even with an increased gain rate they will still be ahead by a significant margin.

    In fact, the catchup mechanic only helps players significantly below the cap and hurts everyone else except those that are significantly above the CP cap. The proposed system is a half-measure unless ZOS also rescales everyone's CP based on their total CP exp.
    Edited by Hiero_Glyph on October 7, 2015 5:14PM
  • xMovingTarget
    BEZDNA wrote: »
    Worst method they ever could implement. So the new system will reward ppl that grinded like monkeys prior and will shaft ppl that normally played without grinding. PLS FIX THIS ZOS.

    I have close to 350 points on Live right now. And I honestly dont feel like putting more effort in something that others got easier prior.

    So either recalculate all players to the new system. Or scale is differently. Example, the last point to reach the cap costs 400k xp. Everything before that costs less by a factor of whatever you desire. This would make the game alot more fair.

    The system as is on PTS now is even worse than live. I rather have no catch up that this. Coz this is goint to be a fall back mechanic afor me and alot of others. Also wouldnt be good for the competitive scene of ESO. A mechanic like that would honestly only motivate me to leave "The Elder Scrolls Online".

    System looks very fair to me.

    You wanted CP cap - you got it.
    You wanted catch up system - you got it.
    You wanted a system which would make cp gap much much lower - you got it.

    Ppl who grinded a lot are in much more disadvantage position then ppl who are below cap, yes they don't need to grind that huge amount of xp to get cp, but they will also never be able to spend cp they erned befor.

    I personally didnt want any of those things. :P I know you have been grinding like a monkey and got far above 1k CP. So this system will benefit you alot. Others will have to put double and more effort in it to even come close to your CP amount. And that´s what I dont get.

    I dont wanna get penalized for not having grinded like a monkey. That´s all. The System on live lets me progress alot faster to 501 then the one on PTS. And that´s the issue.
  • Paulington
    I've added a lot to the spreadsheet and I think an important thing to realise is that whilst the XP required per CP is more than 400k after 338 CP, it is faster to get to 501 from zero CP under the new system than the old system.

    Pre-2.2 cumulative XP from 0 CP to 501 CP: 200,400,000 XP.
    Post-2.2 cumulative XP from 0 CP to 501 CP: 153,010,170 XP.

    This means you need to gain 47 million XP less under the new system than the old. However this doesn't take into account those currently above 338 CP.

    XP required 338-501 new system: 79,790,187 XP.
    XP required 338-501 old system: 65,200,000 XP.

    It is slower in the new system above 338 CP however before that it's a lot quicker.

    If you are currently around the ~340 CP mark, do some grinding. You're better off getting to 501 CP under the current system than the new one.
  • xMovingTarget
    Paulington wrote: »
    XP required 338-501 new system: 79,790,187 XP.
    XP required 338-501 old system: 65,200,000 XP.

    It is slower in the new system above 338 CP however before that it's a lot quicker.

    Thats the problem, right there. Thanks Paul.
  • Ishammael
    Paulington wrote: »
    I've added a lot to the spreadsheet and I think an important thing to realise is that whilst the XP required per CP is more than 400k after 338 CP, it is faster to get to 501 from zero CP under the new system than the old system.

    Pre-2.2 cumulative XP from 0 CP to 501 CP: 200,400,000 XP.
    Post-2.2 cumulative XP from 0 CP to 501 CP: 153,010,170 XP.

    This means you need to gain 47 million XP less under the new system than the old. However this doesn't take into account those currently above 338 CP.

    XP required 338-501 new system: 79,790,187 XP.
    XP required 338-501 old system: 65,200,000 XP.

    It is slower in the new system above 338 CP however before that it's a lot quicker.

    If you are currently around the ~340 CP mark, do some grinding. You're better off getting to 501 CP under the current system than the new one.

    Thanks for getting the exact numbers. My rough calcs had the same conclusion. They need to recalculate CPs based on total xp for their new scaling for everyone under 501. Otherwise it is totally unfair.
  • AlnilamE
    Paulington wrote: »

    XP required 338-501 new system: 79,790,187 XP.
    XP required 338-501 old system: 65,200,000 XP.

    It is slower in the new system above 338 CP however before that it's a lot quicker.

    If you are currently around the ~340 CP mark, do some grinding. You're better off getting to 501 CP under the current system than the new one.

    And the difference in XP for that group is more than what it takes to level a character from V1 to V16.
    The Moot Councillor
  • Hiero_Glyph
    Paulington wrote: »
    I've added a lot to the spreadsheet and I think an important thing to realise is that whilst the XP required per CP is more than 400k after 338 CP, it is faster to get to 501 from zero CP under the new system than the old system.

    Pre-2.2 cumulative XP from 0 CP to 501 CP: 200,400,000 XP.
    Post-2.2 cumulative XP from 0 CP to 501 CP: 153,010,170 XP.

    This means you need to gain 47 million XP less under the new system than the old. However this doesn't take into account those currently above 338 CP.

    XP required 338-501 new system: 79,790,187 XP.
    XP required 338-501 old system: 65,200,000 XP.

    It is slower in the new system above 338 CP however before that it's a lot quicker.

    If you are currently around the ~340 CP mark, do some grinding. You're better off getting to 501 CP under the current system than the new one.

    The problem remains that for players above 200 million CP exp, their gains are incrementally better than anyone attempting the same gains after the system is implemented. ZOS just needs to own up to the fact that they waited 8 months to fix what was reported as a problem during PTS in February. They need to rescale everyone according to the new system. Account for enlightenment since CP were implemented( ~260 CP at 100k each), give players the bonus ~70 CP, and make all other CP based on the new scale. ZOS made a huge mistake with CP initially and the least they can do is fix it for everyone equally even if it costs them to do so.
    Edited by Hiero_Glyph on October 7, 2015 5:48PM
  • Paulington
    Last post on this today as I actually have in-game things to do! :).

    Total cumulative XP 1-3,600 pre-2.2: 1,440,000,000 XP.
    Total cumulative XP 1-3,600 post-2.2: 21,214,688,770 XP.

    It now takes over fourteen times more experience to cap CP than it did pre-patch. This system is great for those currently under 338 CP but for those of us over but not at cap it really screws us over and puts us at a lasting disadvantage to those with more CP than us.
  • AlnilamE
    ADarklore wrote: »
    Jura23 wrote: »
    Im not saying this is a good solution they decided to implement, but you cant just take away someones CPs and justify it with "recalculating". Capping it is one thing, but taking points away is entirely different story.

    Actually, yes they can, if they want to keep new players- who will be the ones to pay the bills and keep ESO going for years to come. Besides, as they've stated, they are not taking points away per-se, they are simply making them inaccessible until the cap is raised again- meaning- those players above the cap will never have to grind for CP again because they'll instantly have full cap once the cap is raised.

    Can you explain the logic behind thinking that a player that has been here for a few months will do more for the longevity of the game than someone who has been playing since launch?

    I mean, I'm sure there are folks out there that stumbled upon the game a while after launch (and definitely after it went B2P) that really enjoy it and will stay a long time, but on average, aren't new players more of the crowd that will play a game for a few months and then move on? If they are not, why were they not here earlier?
    The Moot Councillor
  • Cously
    Suggestion 1: 100K XP each point. Max 1200 points.
    Suggestion 2: 3-6 CP passives slots, must choose which passives are "active".
    Suggestion 3: Bind CP to Achievements. Either one per account or account wide.

    Seriously, no player who spent 90% of his ESO career inside Cracked Wood Cave running in circles like a mindless hamster is able to say they experienced your game more than I with 14K+ Achievement points. People who did PVP, people who did PVE, people who explored the zones, who completed your finely designed quests, people who harvested 10K nodes, people who mastered all crafting and styles. These are the true Champions.
  • Hiero_Glyph
    Paulington wrote: »
    Last post on this today as I actually have in-game things to do! :).

    Total cumulative XP 1-3,600 pre-2.2: 1,440,000,000 XP.
    Total cumulative XP 1-3,600 post-2.2: 21,214,688,770 XP.

    It now takes over fourteen times more experience to cap CP than it did pre-patch. This system is great for those currently under 338 CP but for those of us over but not at cap it really screws us over and puts us at a lasting disadvantage to those with more CP than us.

    Just a small note but for players below 338 their catchup bonus is a drop in the bucket compared to catching up to players over 501. Sure it's a bonus that those above 338 don't get but everyone is screwed compared to those over 501 when this change is implemented. The higher you are above 501 when this goes live, the bigger the advantage you get.
  • Paulington
    Paulington wrote: »
    Last post on this today as I actually have in-game things to do! :).

    Total cumulative XP 1-3,600 pre-2.2: 1,440,000,000 XP.
    Total cumulative XP 1-3,600 post-2.2: 21,214,688,770 XP.

    It now takes over fourteen times more experience to cap CP than it did pre-patch. This system is great for those currently under 338 CP but for those of us over but not at cap it really screws us over and puts us at a lasting disadvantage to those with more CP than us.

    Just a small note but for players below 338 their catchup bonus is a drop in the bucket compared to catching up to players over 501. Sure it's a bonus that those above 338 don't get but everyone is screwed compared to those over 501 when this change is implemented. The higher you are above 501 when this goes live, the bigger the advantage you get.

    Absolutely, I did state in a previous post that anyone below 501 suffers a lasting disadvantage here. The XP "gained" during pre-2.2 days is essentially never going to be gained back. The higher your CP, the better off you are.
    Edited by Paulington on October 7, 2015 6:11PM
  • VoiDGhOs7
    GGWP Zos if this goes live i can finally quit for 2nd and last time i had the hopes for a catch system so i can reach the average 350 cp but jeez the new system will just [SNIP] up the players who havent grinded CWC or whatever else to get insane amount of cp.

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Cursing & Profanity]
    Edited by ZOS_Racheal on October 7, 2015 10:12PM
  • Hiero_Glyph
    Paulington wrote: »
    Paulington wrote: »
    Last post on this today as I actually have in-game things to do! :).

    Total cumulative XP 1-3,600 pre-2.2: 1,440,000,000 XP.
    Total cumulative XP 1-3,600 post-2.2: 21,214,688,770 XP.

    It now takes over fourteen times more experience to cap CP than it did pre-patch. This system is great for those currently under 338 CP but for those of us over but not at cap it really screws us over and puts us at a lasting disadvantage to those with more CP than us.

    Just a small note but for players below 338 their catchup bonus is a drop in the bucket compared to catching up to players over 501. Sure it's a bonus that those above 338 don't get but everyone is screwed compared to those over 501 when this change is implemented. The higher you are above 501 when this goes live, the bigger the advantage you get.

    Absolutely, I did state in a previous post that anyone below 501 suffers a lasting disadvantage here. The XP "gained" during pre-2.2 days is essentially never going to be gained back. The higher your CP, the better off you are.

    What if you could only be enlightened if below the current CP cap? That would account for ~90 CP each quarter and would provide a balanced means to catch up over time.
  • OGLezard
    Paulington wrote: »
    I've added a lot to the spreadsheet and I think an important thing to realise is that whilst the XP required per CP is more than 400k after 338 CP, it is faster to get to 501 from zero CP under the new system than the old system.

    Pre-2.2 cumulative XP from 0 CP to 501 CP: 200,400,000 XP.
    Post-2.2 cumulative XP from 0 CP to 501 CP: 153,010,170 XP.

    This means you need to gain 47 million XP less under the new system than the old. However this doesn't take into account those currently above 338 CP.

    XP required 338-501 new system: 79,790,187 XP.
    XP required 338-501 old system: 65,200,000 XP.

    It is slower in the new system above 338 CP however before that it's a lot quicker.

    If you are currently around the ~340 CP mark, do some grinding. You're better off getting to 501 CP under the current system than the new one.

    The problem remains that for players above 200 million CP exp, their gains are incrementally better than anyone attempting the same gains after the system is implemented. ZOS just needs to own up to the fact that they waited 8 months to fix what was reported as a problem during PTS in February. They need to rescale everyone according to the new system. Account for enlightenment since CP were implemented( ~260 CP at 100k each), give players the bonus ~70 CP, and make all other CP based on the new scale. ZOS made a huge mistake with CP initially and the least they can do is fix it for everyone equally even if it costs them to do so.

    @ZOS_RichLambert have you guys considered rescaling everyone to match the new system to bring everything into line? Seriously, this needs to happen. It might not be a popular idea, but you can compensate the 23/7 grinders/account sharers. No offense to anyone who did nothing but eso with their lives.
    Edited by OGLezard on October 7, 2015 8:06PM
  • Ezareth
    Ishammael wrote: »
    BEZDNA wrote: »
    Worst method they ever could implement. So the new system will reward ppl that grinded like monkeys prior and will shaft ppl that normally played without grinding. PLS FIX THIS ZOS.

    I have close to 350 points on Live right now. And I honestly dont feel like putting more effort in something that others got easier prior.

    So either recalculate all players to the new system. Or scale is differently. Example, the last point to reach the cap costs 400k xp. Everything before that costs less by a factor of whatever you desire. This would make the game alot more fair.

    The system as is on PTS now is even worse than live. I rather have no catch up that this. Coz this is goint to be a fall back mechanic afor me and alot of others. Also wouldnt be good for the competitive scene of ESO. A mechanic like that would honestly only motivate me to leave "The Elder Scrolls Online".

    System looks very fair to me.

    You wanted CP cap - you got it.
    You wanted catch up system - you got it.
    You wanted a system which would make cp gap much much lower - you got it.

    Ppl who grinded a lot are in much more disadvantage position then ppl who are below cap, yes they don't need to grind that huge amount of xp to get cp, but they will also never be able to spend cp they erned befor.

    As set right now, the people who grinded well beyond 500 are at a huge advantage in terms of CP per effort

    I thought the entire issue was the problem of Balance with CP? Now you have issue with the fact they are set on CPs for awhile?

    I for one am fine with people who spent their *Time* on something in a game being rewarded for their time. I know people who have perfectly traited Molag Kena sets and Power Cure because they've spent the past month grinding it. That's the nature of MMOs.

    If the formula changes every season (which is pretty much will have to) the people will the most CPs are going to slowly be caught up to by the rest of the players no matter what they do.

    I actually kind of the like the *slight* increase in CP cost from the 338-500 cap. It keeps as many people as possible progressing until the cap is raised. The *majority* of the players that everyone who wasn't nerfed was supposedly trying to make the game fair for are still never going to hit even 338 CPs before the season moves on. Now that people other than those with 500+CPs are going to have some negative impact for the "Health of the game" it's suddenly not OK?

    Reminds me of this:

    Permanently banned from the forums for displaying dissent: ESO - The Year Behind
    Too Much Bolt Escape - banned for "hacking the game to create movement not otherwise permitted by in game mechanics."
    Ezareth VR16 AD Sorc - Rank 36 - Axe NA
    Ezareth-Ali VR16 DC NB - Rank 20 - Chillrend NA
    Ezareth PvP on Youtube
  • Ezareth
    OGLezard wrote: »
    Paulington wrote: »
    I've added a lot to the spreadsheet and I think an important thing to realise is that whilst the XP required per CP is more than 400k after 338 CP, it is faster to get to 501 from zero CP under the new system than the old system.

    Pre-2.2 cumulative XP from 0 CP to 501 CP: 200,400,000 XP.
    Post-2.2 cumulative XP from 0 CP to 501 CP: 153,010,170 XP.

    This means you need to gain 47 million XP less under the new system than the old. However this doesn't take into account those currently above 338 CP.

    XP required 338-501 new system: 79,790,187 XP.
    XP required 338-501 old system: 65,200,000 XP.

    It is slower in the new system above 338 CP however before that it's a lot quicker.

    If you are currently around the ~340 CP mark, do some grinding. You're better off getting to 501 CP under the current system than the new one.

    The problem remains that for players above 200 million CP exp, their gains are incrementally better than anyone attempting the same gains after the system is implemented. ZOS just needs to own up to the fact that they waited 8 months to fix what was reported as a problem during PTS in February. They need to rescale everyone according to the new system. Account for enlightenment since CP were implemented( ~260 CP at 100k each), give players the bonus ~70 CP, and make all other CP based on the new scale. ZOS made a huge mistake with CP initially and the least they can do is fix it for everyone equally even if it costs them to do so.

    @ZOS_RichLambert have you guys considered rescaling everyone to match the new system to bring everything into line? Seriously, this needs to happen. It might not be a popular idea, but you can compensate the 23/7 grinders/account sharers. No offense to anyone who did nothing but eso with their lives.

    This actually fixes your issues with the CP system perfectly over time and really screws the people who grinded over the most regardless. Everything they've earned over the cap and everything they're earning while at cap is effectively devalued. The Champion System should be renamed the Communism System.
    Permanently banned from the forums for displaying dissent: ESO - The Year Behind
    Too Much Bolt Escape - banned for "hacking the game to create movement not otherwise permitted by in game mechanics."
    Ezareth VR16 AD Sorc - Rank 36 - Axe NA
    Ezareth-Ali VR16 DC NB - Rank 20 - Chillrend NA
    Ezareth PvP on Youtube
  • OGLezard
    Ezareth wrote: »
    OGLezard wrote: »
    Paulington wrote: »
    I've added a lot to the spreadsheet and I think an important thing to realise is that whilst the XP required per CP is more than 400k after 338 CP, it is faster to get to 501 from zero CP under the new system than the old system.

    Pre-2.2 cumulative XP from 0 CP to 501 CP: 200,400,000 XP.
    Post-2.2 cumulative XP from 0 CP to 501 CP: 153,010,170 XP.

    This means you need to gain 47 million XP less under the new system than the old. However this doesn't take into account those currently above 338 CP.

    XP required 338-501 new system: 79,790,187 XP.
    XP required 338-501 old system: 65,200,000 XP.

    It is slower in the new system above 338 CP however before that it's a lot quicker.

    If you are currently around the ~340 CP mark, do some grinding. You're better off getting to 501 CP under the current system than the new one.

    The problem remains that for players above 200 million CP exp, their gains are incrementally better than anyone attempting the same gains after the system is implemented. ZOS just needs to own up to the fact that they waited 8 months to fix what was reported as a problem during PTS in February. They need to rescale everyone according to the new system. Account for enlightenment since CP were implemented( ~260 CP at 100k each), give players the bonus ~70 CP, and make all other CP based on the new scale. ZOS made a huge mistake with CP initially and the least they can do is fix it for everyone equally even if it costs them to do so.

    @ZOS_RichLambert have you guys considered rescaling everyone to match the new system to bring everything into line? Seriously, this needs to happen. It might not be a popular idea, but you can compensate the 23/7 grinders/account sharers. No offense to anyone who did nothing but eso with their lives.

    This actually fixes your issues with the CP system perfectly over time and really screws the people who grinded over the most regardless. Everything they've earned over the cap and everything they're earning while at cap is effectively devalued. The Champion System should be renamed the Communism System.

    In the end whatever they choose is what we will be stuck with.
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