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Hestia Familia [AD] Guild Looking for active members.

As the titles says we are currently recruiting members. For the most part our players are PvE players that like to dabble in some PvP from time to time. Anyone interested is welcome to come and gives us a try. If you are interested feel free to message me on xbox one GT: FEV Owli Or you can reply to the post as well. Come check out a little about us at our parent Communitie's website

"Every moment is an adventure"
-Hestia Familia- [AD] NA
Characters - Owli / Celestial Hestia
Check out Bad Life Choices Gaming at
  • Owli
    Hello! We are still looking for new members feel free to contact me :)
    -Hestia Familia- [AD] NA
    Characters - Owli / Celestial Hestia
    Check out Bad Life Choices Gaming at
  • Owli
    Just to let everyone know we are on the NA Servers. We are always looking for more active people. Feel free to contact me. We accept everyone new or veteran.
    -Hestia Familia- [AD] NA
    Characters - Owli / Celestial Hestia
    Check out Bad Life Choices Gaming at
  • mrpunisher7
    How many members do you have? Do you do PvP?
  • Owli
    We are still a small group currently sitting at about 18 members. A few of us do go out and PvP from time to time.
    -Hestia Familia- [AD] NA
    Characters - Owli / Celestial Hestia
    Check out Bad Life Choices Gaming at
  • Owli
    Hello again. We are still looking for members. All levels are accepted.
    -Hestia Familia- [AD] NA
    Characters - Owli / Celestial Hestia
    Check out Bad Life Choices Gaming at
  • wondercloudy
    Soul Shriven
    Please invite me!
    GT: WonderCloudy
  • HelloZepp
    What levels do you guys range? Is this an older group or a mixture of ages?
  • Owli
    @ wondercloudy I will send out an invite in the morning when I get online.

    @HelloZepp As far as level ranges we have members from 10 up to Vet 9. Levels are kinda in clusters few Vet 8-9 and few in the 20s mostly. As far as ages go we have a range I guess you could say most of our members are 18+. Myself I am 29 and the 2nd oldest in the group.
    -Hestia Familia- [AD] NA
    Characters - Owli / Celestial Hestia
    Check out Bad Life Choices Gaming at
  • suzestia
    Soul Shriven
    Edited by suzestia on September 3, 2016 5:40PM
  • Owli
    Invites have been sent to those would requested them. We are always looking for more to increase activity.
    -Hestia Familia- [AD] NA
    Characters - Owli / Celestial Hestia
    Check out Bad Life Choices Gaming at
  • Owli
    I just wanted to add we accept members from all Alliances though the majority of our members are strictly [AD].
    -Hestia Familia- [AD] NA
    Characters - Owli / Celestial Hestia
    Check out Bad Life Choices Gaming at
  • Jason31721
    Soul Shriven
    Hi I'm new and would like to join a guild - could really use the help. I'm level 16 and trying to move up fast. GamerTag is WebbierAce1766. Thanks.
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