25 writs done - o glass fragments

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  • AlnilamE
    Doing 10 equipment writs every day, and while in some rare occasions I got none, I usually get 1-3 per day. Its just RNG... (and yes, I'm doing all the writs that reward only the IX containers, which as stated in patch notes have higher chances of dropping fragments)

    Was this actually stated in the patch notes? I did not see it.
    The Moot Councillor
  • Leggi
    Doing 10 equipment writs every day, and while in some rare occasions I got none, I usually get 1-3 per day. Its just RNG... (and yes, I'm doing all the writs that reward only the IX containers, which as stated in patch notes have higher chances of dropping fragments)
    I've stopped getting glass pages at one moment. Yeah, top writs, sure.
    I've got 1 after 50 done? 70? Dunno.
    Nothing comparable with 42 glass fragments after 120-130 writs done.
    AlnilamE wrote: »
    Was this actually stated in the patch notes? I did not see it.
    Yeah, with the "New items in Crown Store part."
    Edited by Leggi on October 5, 2015 1:51PM
  • Hyperplexed
    AlnilamE wrote: »
    Was this actually stated in the patch notes? I did not see it.

    Its explicitly stated on the Psijic Ambrosia patch notes when it was released (PC/Mac Patch Notes v2.0.11):
    The recipe for Psijic Ambrosia cannot be found whole. Rather, it comes in seven parts, each distinct from the other. These recipe fragments can be found by completing Provisioner Writs; the higher ranked Writ you complete, the more likely you are to find a fragment of the recipe. Recipe fragments can be traded or sold to other players, however, so an industrious Provisioner who has two fragments could trade or sell one of them to get a fragment they do not have.

    While this mechanic is not explicit on the Glass Motif release patch notes, since their intent is just the same as the Psijic Ambrosia (a reward for those who are dedicated crafters), I'm almost pretty sure it works the same way.

    Also makes sense, otherwise, anyone could just make a new character, power lvl the skills in just a few hours, and have the same reward chance as a character that has completed the main story up to Coldharbour and leveled up to VR1.
  • Deheart
    On my main, I do everything craftingwize in craglorn, even refining from raw mats no mater what level. I have like 4 glass fragments, 3 pages for a glass motif, and 3 nircrux, all in the last 5 days since I got the DLC. Do all you who are not getting the glass, have the DLC? I just thought of that.

    On the other chars that I have set up for doing crafting writs that can't get to craglorn, nada. So I am pretty sure its location where you do crafting writs and where you open the writ rewards up that matter.
    As a casual player I was satisfied that at one point I had a char max level and near max crafting with almost all motifs and I pretty much lost interest. Then ESO discovered DLC's and now my main is just a wanabe and I am happily pulled back into the game.
  • Hyperplexed
    its not the location per se, but the rewarded container... a IX container will have better drop rates than a VIII one, but both are delivered in Belkarth.

    Where you open said container is completely irrelevant. Loot Tables are assigned to the containers, and would make no sense to be bound to any specific location
    Edited by Hyperplexed on October 5, 2015 2:09PM
  • Leggi
    I have bought the IC DLC at release.
    And I have 7 vet toons.
  • Hyperplexed
    Leggi, I feel for you but... I'm sure its just an extremely RNG bad luck. And while you say you don't trust anyone that says that are getting just because there are other bugs that only afflict some players, Loot Tables are exclusively setup on the server side. Other bugs that you mention are most likely due to interaction between Client and Server being out of sync or whatever.

    Also, while my glass fragments are an average of 1-3 per day (doing 10x IX writs) I also kept doing the provisioning ones since IC got released, and I got a single one up until last week, when I got 3 Psijic Fragments (3 times more then I was having in a third of the time span)

    Are you sure you have at least 9/10 on the skills you're making the writs? Are the containers being rewarded IX?
  • Preyfar
    Knootewoot wrote: »
    You know I have been playing since early access and I loot every dang chest/closet/sack/corpse I come across.

    - never found any purple/yellow motif
    - never found any purple recipe
    - never found any collectible
    - hardly got any Kuta
    - From pledges never had any good loot
    Some people just are not favored by the RNG gods. I bet it must be Sheogorath who is the god of all RNG related things. I gave up on pledges, but I still loot every chest/closet I see. I might get lucky someday.
    I played since launch, and I used to think Imperial motifs were jokes and didn't exist. I looted everything, and never found a single one for half a year... then one day, I made a new character, and *LITERALLY* the very first thing I looted was an Imperial motif.

    I just about threw my hands up in the air.

    The RNG is a strange creature.
  • Leggi
    Leggi, I feel for you but... Are you sure you have at least 9/10 on the skills you're making the writs? Are the containers being rewarded IX?
    7 vet toons.
    Cloth 6 - 10/10, 1 - 8/10 (got tonns of V7-8 mats)
    Blacksmth and Wood - 4 - 10/10, 3 - 8/10 (have lack of mats for top writs so don't spend SPs)

    Same story earlier granted me 42 glass fragments (from tier 8 too) after 120-130 writs done. Now... nah.

    The thing is bugs in ESO are not a common ones. They are quite people specifique.
    For example, I face falling/skydiving bug maybe up to 8-10 times a day. There are lots of player who never faced it more than five times in total.

    ESO plays different games with different players.
    Preyfar wrote: »
    then one day, I made a new character, and *LITERALLY* the very first thing I looted was an Imperial motif.

    There is The difference between 30%, 3% and 0.000003% droprate.

    Edited by Leggi on October 5, 2015 2:48PM
  • eliisra
    Tors wrote: »
    Because you don't get a 30% drop rate you think its a bug?

    What a massive ego!

    They are rare

    They are supposed to be rare

    Whats your problem?

    Out of around 400 I got 20 which is around 5%. You were never getting 3 out of 10

    Than you have really crappy rng to.

    They're not rare at all for some people. I've been getting about 2-4 fragments a day since IC, depending on how many alts I can be arsed doing them on. For me the drop rate is about 20%.

    Isn't it a bit strange, how much it differers, from so many writs completed?

    But yes, rng sucks. I only get well-fitted Maw of the Infernal shoulders from gold keys, for example. At least you can buy glass frags and motifs from other players :disappointed:
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