Probably just the RNG gods ragging on you. I had similar recently with survey scrolls, I was getting at least one every three or four writs, then suddenly for three weeks nothing, now I've been getting one every writ for the last week or so.
What's going on?
I do tonns of writs every day to get glass fragments. Earlier I had 3 every 10 writs.
Now I've done already 25 and got absolutely zero.
Another boody bug, ZOS?
And I don't anymore trust in "I get it, you should have it too" cause there are tonns of bugs that don't happen to everyone and are quite uncommon like falling/skydiving bug, like dismount troubles, abilities don't working and so on.
imredneckson wrote: »
Well, it wouldn't profit ZOS if you found a lot. They want players to buy the glass motif in crown store for $50 so they made it as rare and as hard on your toon as they wanted it to be.
I do writs from the IC start.
I've done close to 120-130 top writs and got 42 glass gragments.
Last 25 top writs I got nothing.
It's not RNG, it's another bug.
Yup me too.
Initially quite a lot, then suddenly the drop rate seems to have nose dived. And that's doing a full set of top tier writs on 4 characters every day.
Knootewoot wrote: »You know I have been playing since early access and I loot every dang chest/closet/sack/corpse I come across.
- never found any purple/yellow motif
- never found any purple recipe
- never found any collectible
- hardly got any Kuta
- From pledges never had any good loot
Some people just are not favored by the RNG gods. I bet it must be Sheogorath who is the god of all RNG related things. I gave up on pledges, but I still loot every chest/closet I see. I might get lucky someday.
I receive 5 writs from 25 writs turn in.
Not a bug, but just a bad RNG for you mate. Some are winners, some are ....out of luck .
7 vets, 4 tier 7-8 (32-42 in skills), 10 max tier writs.@Leggi what level writs are you doing? If you do the highest level (Vet /voidsteel/night wood etc) then you have better chances of getting writs
1 writ done is almost 90 mats. 30% droprate mean you need 450-500 writs done to get 140 pages.Because you don't get a 30% drop rate you think its a bug?
Cherryblossom wrote: »I have a nightblade who is my only toon that loots anything good!
What tier writs have you done?FireCowCommando wrote: »Took me about 180-200 writs to get 10 fragments, or roughly one month to complete one chapter. If i keep this up and im lucky ill get it by next year.
What tier writs have you done?
Low level and non-vet writs are almost useless to do.
Example. My non-vet toon with maxed prov skill has brought me absolute zero ambrosya fragments after 90-100 done.
In total I've sold maybe 50. Maybe more.
That is terrible!! I can send you something if you are on EU PCthen you can laugh in RNG'S face
@Leggi what level writs are you doing? If you do the highest level (Vet /voidsteel/night wood etc) then you have better chances of getting writs
Prof_Bawbag wrote: »
I don't think it matters a jot what tier you are. I got a lot more fragments and maps doing the quicksilver/mahogany/silverweed writs than I do for the void steel/nightwood writs.
Knootewoot wrote: »You know I have been playing since early access and I loot every dang chest/closet/sack/corpse I come across.
- never found any purple/yellow motif
- never found any purple recipe
- never found any collectible
- hardly got any Kuta
- From pledges never had any good loot
Some people just are not favored by the RNG gods. I bet it must be Sheogorath who is the god of all RNG related things. I gave up on pledges, but I still loot every chest/closet I see. I might get lucky someday.