Flyersfan314 wrote: »ESO is played across three platforms, Destiny only one.
I would guess the player base for Destiny is smaller than ESO.
Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »Destiny is a shooter first. And shooters draw FPS Players. FPS Players are used to the B2P/Every Few Months DLC setup.
ESO is an MMO that started out as a Buy and Sub set up and only recently changed to the B2P/Every Few Months DLC setup.
The difference here is that games like Destiny will cash in big time on initial purchase and above average with DLCs. Especially if the company is renowned like Bungie is. Compared to ESO where the expectation is that players will buy the game (sometimes an above average sale up front) and then a solid portion of them will abandon the game after the first month. This happens even for F2P/B2P MMOs. MMOs in general have a smaller market than FPSs where players are used to new FPSes every year. MMO players will stick with said MMO for years, sometimes the life of the game. MMOs in general have smaller populations, not including WoW since its the exception here, so they used to have to rely on subs to keep the lights on. With the popularity of F2P/B2P MMOs hitting the market not long after WoW soared to popularity it became a lot harder for Sub based MMOs to continue to keep their doors opened. Especially when F2P/B2P MMOs were offering continued updates every few months compared to every few years that Sub Based MMOs offered.
Both models can work. But FPS Gamers are more reluctant to buy into microtransactions (although EA has been slowly trying to introduce them to games like Battlefield). Where as F2P/B2P Gamers are already used to opening their wallets monthly for sub based games and are comfortable with doing it for microtransactions. Of course, some will pay into the store more than others.
Bethesda != ESOShadowstep2003 wrote: »Is Activision pouring more money into Destiny than Bethesda is into ESO?
Strider_Roshin wrote: »Okay, as someone who has played Destiny and hit max light level twice, played the crap out of PvP, Raids, etc. Let me say this: Destiny had a $500 Million dollar budget and the game is garbage. Crap story, limited/almost zero customization, horrible imbalances that get worse with each update, and a beautiful world with a maximum of 50 people per instanced world with zero exploration, and if you do explore you get punished and killed for going too far, and the only items you can interact with are quest related or are item chests. Oh and Destiny has ZERO economy.
This isn't comparing apples to oranges, this is comparing apples to dry rotted fruit.
ESO's budget was less than $200 Million, and is a much more accomplished game with a crew that actually gives a crap about the opinion of its fan base.
As far as scrolling combat on console goes, it was mentioned in the last ESO live that it's coming to console.
1st, thank you for not starting a gameplay comparison.
I think it really has to do with the pay model. Destiny understands it has a socially minded player base that will pay for DLC. So it can make 500 mil in one day if it wants to.
ESO loyalty is very tentative. It removed its subscription to compete with other MMOs and draw in a crowd that would shell out money for micro transactions. Couple that with terrible customer support and console favortism and you have a lot of hurt subs who really believed in the game and would've probably bought DLC too. That might be the major difference.
ESO has every other MMO to battle against while Destiny, fueled by halo loyalty hype, has only two major titles to fight against (BF and COD), one of which is already looked upon negatively.
Finally, there is a legacy to think about. ESO has had some lore breaking moments, but it hasn't messed up in a major way yet. In order to provide content, the devs must think of lore friendly story and incorporate with new gameplay and goals. Destiny has no lore foundationl; nothing to protect. You can design content and write off the story later. Get new guns, shoot more stuff, beat new content. For ESO it's: Get new gear, fight more enemies, and OH MY GOD DID YOU JUST SAY PELINAL WHITESTRAKE WAS STILL ALIVE? ARE YOU KIDDING ME YOU IDIOTS.
Destiny has a established company that knows it will profit and doesn't try to push that limit. ZOS is a lot like an american corporation that focuses on Short term profit and shareholder value. So which do you think has the leeway to provide content?
Strider_Roshin wrote: »Okay, as someone who has played Destiny and hit max light level twice, played the crap out of PvP, Raids, etc.....the game is garbage.
Strider_Roshin wrote: »Okay, as someone who has played Destiny and hit max light level twice, played the crap out of PvP, Raids, etc.....the game is garbage.
how can you play a game you dislike so much to max level... TWICE?
statisticalanomaly13ub17_ESO wrote: »You people that keep saying Destiny had a 500 million dollar budget need to get your facts straight. 500 million over 10 years. It's been 1 year. Stop spewing that nonsense like they spent 500 mil on the base game and that's just it. Idiots.