dudenamedchris wrote: »Whatever gets the developers attention
kevlarto_ESO wrote: »With the cp power gaps, splitting up pvp players even more, you think the IC killed cyrodiil proper anything like this would nail the coffin shut, pre-made groups, all reasons for no arena, I can see the lfg must have 500 cp to group, until ZOS gets a handle on the cp power gap any kind of queued up battle system would be horrible. Not to mention the total rebalance of toons, even more constant calls for nerfs, we think the game is not balanced now this would exacerbate all the imbalances in in the game.
NewBlacksmurf wrote: »I don't think the game would benefit at all from something like this.
I do think that the Cyrodil Campaigns should vary in size and features as well as IC by campaign.
There is an arena in IC so, perhaps if adjusted this would accomplish both.
By itself I don't foresee benefits to taking PvP away from where PvP currently exists.
NewBlacksmurf wrote: »I don't think the game would benefit at all from something like this.
I do think that the Cyrodil Campaigns should vary in size and features as well as IC by campaign.
There is an arena in IC so, perhaps if adjusted this would accomplish both.
By itself I don't foresee benefits to taking PvP away from where PvP currently exists.
FuzzyDuck79 wrote: »I don't know either way. I can't see much point to even smaller scale pvp, unless it had an objective to it, like having a special bonus in Cyrodil like Emperor does. But on the flip side it would cater to the people that want to duel 1v1. I agree with the above post tho about keeping the pvp in one place as it is now. Plus let's not forget the link between ESO and previous games. If a duel arena suddenly popped up somewhere it would have to fit with the history and lore of Elder Scrolls.