Prof_Bawbag wrote: »You have nothing to back that theory up at all. Motifs are one thing, uber weapons and armour are another thing. Ultimately, cosmetics are all they are. The only thing remotely questionable (as far as getting an upper hand or helping hand is the XP potions). The horse training affords me no advantage at all other than being left behind everyone else in Cyrodiil on our way to a keep etc.
Prof_Bawbag wrote: »You have nothing to back that theory up at all. Motifs are one thing, uber weapons and armour are another thing. Ultimately, cosmetics are all they are. The only thing remotely questionable (as far as getting an upper hand or helping hand is the XP potions). The horse training affords me no advantage at all other than being left behind everyone else in Cyrodiil on our way to a keep etc.
XP potions for grinding levels, Champ Points, leveling skills, etc
Tri stat food
Tri pots
Horse training - gets you back to the fight faster
Game is already P2W.
Here is a visual:
Prof_Bawbag wrote: »
I can make a lot better potions/food than the ones you get on the CS. And levelling provisioning isn't exactly a grind. Tons of mats and shoots up faster than a junkie in a drug den.
Prof_Bawbag wrote: »I can make a lot better potions/food than the ones you get on the CS. And levelling provisioning isn't exactly a grind. Tons of mats and shoots up faster than a junkie in a drug den.
Motifs are just the harbinger of where the Crown Store will ultimately go.
Development effort will be pointed toward the revenue stream. As much as I wish it weren't true, the slide toward clear p2w is inevitable. A company can take the long view, that a solid quality game with quality updates is better for the long term health of the product, and corresponding customer loyalty and longevity, but most stakeholders don't sign for that. They want the now, the next, the "what can you do to improve next quarters' projections". Better and better cash shop items will be the slam dunk.
Which you can easily get without. Champ points? Pff. I doubt I have as many as other players given how often I take a break from this game, yet I can still handle myself in PvP. Skill level? I didn't even realize I maxed out half my skill levels before VR2 until I had to respec.XP potions for grinding levels, Champ Points, leveling skills, etc
No different from purple recipes.Tri stat food
Like potions but paid for.Tri pots
Or you could use those things called wayshrines.Horse training - gets you back to the fight faster
Game is already P2W.
Prof_Bawbag wrote: »I can make a lot better potions/food than the ones you get on the CS. And levelling provisioning isn't exactly a grind. Tons of mats and shoots up faster than a junkie in a drug den.
And are ingredients like Perfect Roe easy to find?
Please remove your tin foil hat and join the real world.
Prof_Bawbag wrote: »I can make a lot better potions/food than the ones you get on the CS. And levelling provisioning isn't exactly a grind. Tons of mats and shoots up faster than a junkie in a drug den.
And are ingredients like Perfect Roe easy to find?
Which you can easily get without. Champ points? Pff. I doubt I have as many as other players given how often I take a break from this game, yet I can still handle myself in PvP. Skill level? I didn't even realize I maxed out half my skill levels before VR2 until I had to respec.XP potions for grinding levels, Champ Points, leveling skills, etcNo different from purple recipes.Tri stat foodLike potions but paid for.Tri potsOr you could use those things called wayshrines.Horse training - gets you back to the fight fasterGame is already P2W.
I don't think you know what P2W means. This is the sort of stuff available on GW2 gem store, but no one calls them out on it. What makes ESO different? That you are playing it? These advantages are minimal and can be achieved without paying a dime. Pay 2 Win is when you cannot hope to achieve this level without shelling out some cash like say Clash of Clans, or any of the bazillion clones on the mobile market.
A v16 black rose set also isn't purely cosmetic
A v16 black rose set also isn't purely cosmetic
Neither are potions and exp boosters.