With fewer and fewer PC/Mac players leveling new characters it has become extremely hard to get together groups for the Undaunted pledges - perhaps especially PUG groups. It is not uncommon to see players lf1m tank or healer for an hour or more and then give up.
Part of the problem is that, of course, the group tool was broken for so long that now nobody is willing to even try it (except he newest players which then makes for the weakest kind of group.) So, when lfg you can basically sit in a zone spamming messages while not able to do anything useful in that zone (except bank, and the like) or can go do something useful or fun in a level appropriate zone and give up on undaunted.
There are so many other grinds in this game that is not very reasonable to generally ask guildmates to partake in Undaunted quest grinds that they do not need.
I don't know what a resolution might be. Cutting the time to level up Undaunted in half at least perhaps?
Edited by Itoq on September 27, 2015 11:35PM