Enemy Cleaves in IC

So, I am wondering if they are bugged, or intended to be this powerful. If you every fight that cleaving dremora catiff (i think thats the correct mob), it will spam cleave over and over and over until stunned or killed. Is this a bug? also its extremely hard to avoid because it has an almost instant cast time, is this intentional? if you noticed it is not instant, for about .1 second before each cleave it shows a red semicircle in front of the enemy. I have never seen before an enemy that spams a special skill as often as this one.
VR 16 Orc Stamina Dragonknight

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  • dsalter
    Conquers wrote: »
    So, I am wondering if they are bugged, or intended to be this powerful. If you every fight that cleaving dremora catiff (i think thats the correct mob), it will spam cleave over and over and over until stunned or killed. Is this a bug? also its extremely hard to avoid because it has an almost instant cast time, is this intentional? if you noticed it is not instant, for about .1 second before each cleave it shows a red semicircle in front of the enemy. I have never seen before an enemy that spams a special skill as often as this one.

    yeah they screw me over many times, i'v learned to just use trap beast and heavy attack spam them from just outside the cone. cheap trick but not much i can do, they hit pretty hard
    PLEASE REPLY TO ME WITH @dsalter otherwise i'm likely to miss the reply if its not my own thread

    EU - [Arch Mage Dave] Altmer Sorcerer
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  • Egonieser
    Tremors are now taking advice from Wrecking Blow spammers xD
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  • OmniDevil
    I don't die nearly as much as the 25k Taking Aim Legionnaire Deadeyes. The others I can spot, see and counter. Those Deadeyes. By the time I spot them, it's usually too late.
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  • Sausage
    I think they are intentionally working, you need to dodge.
  • Conquers
    I am not claiming they are OP, I'm asking if this could be a bug. Deadeyes, for example, are definitely not bugged its just a matter of realizing they are taking aim. I'm asking if either the cast time is accidentally too short, or if the fact cool-down is accidentally too short. If working as intended, I have no complaints, as they are easily killed if stunned or kept at range.
    VR 16 Orc Stamina Dragonknight

    We need a loot currency system in this game!
  • WarrioroftheWind_ESO
    fairly certain its intentional. Either target them first, hard CC them then pick them off at range, or circle strafe. They don't have that much HP. Also like the Ravagers in Haddock's Market, they only do the bonus dmg when they have orange glowy hands. If it wears off at some point they're harmless.
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