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[Video] ESO Dance Videos - Br'itsa in ESO [UPDATED OP July 2017]

  • xXMichonneXx
    Robot Love omg this is good stuff...Love love love the videos.
    XBoxOne NA
    910 CP
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    50 Imperial Stam Sorc DC
    50 Nord Stam DK Tank DC
    50 Redguard Stam DK DPS DC
    50 Altmer Mag Templar DPS DC
    50 Imperial Stam Warden DC
  • WhiteCoatSyndrome
    Amazing job! :smiley:
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
    A useful explanation for how RNG works
    How to turn off the sustainability features (screen dimming, fps cap) on PC
  • Time4Adventure
    /thankyou Roechacca, xXMichonneXx and WhiteCoatSyndrome! /bless
    I appreciate your comments and viewership! /bow

    I always feel like I should add a seizure warning to my vids...apologies if any of you had convulsions after watching
    (that were not induced by the realization you owe me gold. :p )

    /thanks, as always! <3
  • zyk
    These videos do an amazing job of showing how beautiful ESO can be. Everyone should watch them.
  • Banana
    Give this person a job ZOS
  • Time4Adventure
    Banana wrote: »
    Give this person a job ZOS
    I love bananas.
    YAY AD!!!
    GO! FIGHT! WIN!!

    >:) OP Updated with new video of Uber Hawts. >:)
    Wear your oven mitts or you are sure to get burned by so much sexy.

    Thank you for watching!
  • Druachan
    These are amazing and so well done. Best thing I've found in these forums for a long time.. I've done a bit of game footage capture and editing myself and I cannot begin to imagine the effort that it takes to produce these.

    Brilliant stuff.
    Say please, before you AAAAAaaaarrrgghhh at me.
  • Time4Adventure
    o:) OP updated with some high fashion from our high elves. o:)

    "Time!! This video is too HOT for a Wednesday!" you argue?
    Nah, good adventures, it is always a good day for dance!
    /slide /bump /bump

    <3 Thank you for watching!

    -edit: grammar be hard works.
    Edited by Time4Adventure on July 19, 2017 9:28PM
  • EttinTheBreton
    o:) OP updated with some high fashion from our high elves. o:)

    "Time!! This video is too HOT for a Wednesday!" you argue?
    Nah, good adventures, it is always a good day for dance!
    /slide /bump /bump

    <3 Thank you for watching!

    -edit: grammar be hard works.

    WHERE has this thread been since I started playing? :D LOVE IT! Can't wait to watch the rest of them. The way the emotes go perfectly with the music is remarkable. Very high quality :)
  • jbOblivion
    A great collection of videos, where the music choice, choreography/emotes, NPC reactions and camera angles come together beautifully. Highlights for me are the Final Fantasy-style pop song in Haute, the horse leaping in the background at the start of the 2nd video, the TG/DB/Khajiit montages (currently playing a similar character), to the random Khajiit and skeleton background extras appearing in automaton (2 mins in) and the dissolve at the end of Baws. Time4Adventure, you and your helpers have done an excellent job o:)

    ZOS should consider giving you an interview highlighting your work and post it under the community news section (category/art-media)
  • Ectheliontnacil
    Hahahah this is brilliant, so glad I stumbled onto this :)
  • Lyserus
    Here you are!

    I'm that chinese named youtube viewer recently appeared :p
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