The Lunar Collective - Active social guild, No dues/Weekly traders, Full guildhall/Daily events!

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
  • ChaosArcher84
    Hello citizens of Tamriel, The Lunar Collective is actively recruiting! The Lunar Collective or the TLC is an established guild for players who love TES.Whether you've been around since the very beginning or you've just started your adventures, our guild wants to welcome you to join our community.Currently we have 200+ active members and are looking to recruit mature, social, and active players to join our guild.

    TLC facilitates a wide variety of players that enjoy social play, solo play ,role playing, crafting, selling, trading, PVP, PVE, and end game content.At this time the guild is preparing for Homestead and the new chapter:Vvardenfell, make sure you read below to find the updates regarding this news.

    Social Activities-The guild encourages our players to use voice chat or text chat to socialize as much as possible.However this is not a requirement. We host 50/50 weekly raffles with optional entry, treasure hunts, skyshard hunts, guild games, and much more.

    Roleplaying-For our role playing community, we are working on a lore friendly storyline.players are still allowed to roleplay any way they'd like.we hope to start hosting RP events for our RP members ASAP.if you are an advid role player and/or writer you should contact me about possibly running the roleplay section of our guild.

    Crafting,Selling,Trading-No weekly dues are required to sell in our guild, we are now funding ourselves off of sales,optional raffles and donations We have expert crafters that are more than willing to help out other members in need.We usually have a guild trader every week and post the location in the MOTD. We welcome traders and merchants to sell in our store, this is a great way for new and experienced players to make gold.If you have any questions or simply need help figuring anything out be sure to ask the guild leader or an officer.

    PVE-The guild hosts weekly PVE events, we complete dungeons,trials,dolmens, and world boss'. We're always accepting members who want to actively participate in PVE.We also have players that enjoy questing together through both beginner and end game content .When you join the guild use the members voice chat 2 to find a partner or group.

    PVP-I'm currently working on putting together a solid PVP team.With the upcoming arrival of Battlegrounds(4v4v4), something the guild will be giving extra attention, We want to compose a team(s) of players that has great all around chemistry.Until June we will practice in the imperial sewers/city. We also want to have a claimed keep in Cyrodil as much as possible.If you play in Cyrodil, PVP regularly and would like to lead our warriors in the heat of battle, you should contact me about becoming a "war chief" For the PVP section of the guild.

    Guild Housing-Homestead is on its way, we will be purchasing guild houses for all our members to share.where members can craft, coordinate and even hang out at.Join our guild and donate if you'd like to help us buy larger housing! The larger the contribution the more house access you will be given.

    Vvardenfell-Vvardenfell has been announced! This June the guild hopes that you will join the rest of us on our new adventures. We will be teaming up to explore, quest, and challenge other players in the battlegrounds.If you'd like to find a group in advance then join our guild and chat!

    The main focus of our guild is to create a fun and social environment to help enhance every one of our members' playing experience.We ask all of our members to remain civil and tolerant with one another.

    Leave your gamertag below and I'll invite you ASAP.

    For more guild information feel free to read below through the guild thread and keep your eyes peeled for our upcoming guild website!

    very interested

    gt - KRY Phoenix
    -=where one man fails, another will conquer.-=
  • KATObloodpaw
    SirHoss wrote: »
    Just recently started playing, still trying to figure out the game mechanics. Nice to have a guild to trade and adventure with.
    I'm not 100% positive that you received the invite. It kept telling me account not found.

    Everyone else above should have received an invite. Thanks again everyone for your interest. We lost our trader this week, but should be back on track next week.
    GT:Shock Value1134
  • TheNinjaIX
    Soul Shriven
    Hey, never got an invite
  • KATObloodpaw
    TheNinjaIX wrote: »
    Hey, never got an invite

    Sorry about that friend, I think I overlooked you by mistake.
    GT:Shock Value1134
  • TheNinjaIX
    Soul Shriven
    No worries, got it now! thank you!
  • MetronP
    New to the game, would love to join!

    gt- Pvt STUBBIE
  • zorua9
    Soul Shriven
    gt: zorua9

    my current guild is inactive, plus when i can get the perk i can start ww bites.

    The random Aussie bloke. I just want your hugs!
  • LordNevarine
    Soul Shriven
    Send me an invite please!

    GT: Lord Nevarine

  • zorua9
    Soul Shriven
    zorua9 wrote: »
    gt: zorua9

    my current guild is inactive, plus when i can get the perk i can start ww bites.

    i am online now....... (if i get accepted XD)
    The random Aussie bloke. I just want your hugs!
  • KATObloodpaw
    Everyone above should have received an invite. Welcome to the guild everyone. Remember to join the guild chat if you want someone to play with
    GT:Shock Value1134
  • AlvinAwesome212
    May I please join? GT is AlvinAwesome212. I just started the game and loving it.
    Name: AlvinAwesome
    Guild: The Lunar Collective
    Alliance: Ebonheart Pact
    Status: Active
  • MetronP
    Thanks for the invite! Only lvl 20, but I have been holding onto stuff that I can put up to sell when I am granted permission!
  • LeoV
    Soul Shriven
    Hey after finally getting back into ESO and reaching 160CP finally I'm looking for a guild, very active player here. If you guys still have room I'd be for sure interested in joining.

    GT: Leo Vee
  • yawnosaurus
    Soul Shriven
    Could you please send an invite. My GT is yawnosaurus
  • silvestre97
    Soul Shriven
    Requesting an invite, thank you.

    GT: Semper Devil
  • FreezingBlue
    Soul Shriven
    Hello, I am brand new to eso, and would like to join the guild.
    GT: FreezingBlue60
  • Esolife00
    If still recruiting GT DEATH 2489 and thanks
  • KATObloodpaw
    All above should have received will all be promoted to member once you join so that you may sell in the store. If the guild leader is not online to promote you,you can ask ANY other guild member to promote you from inactive to member.
    GT:Shock Value1134
  • swampy033
    Soul Shriven
    Hi if you guys are still recruiting, I'd love to join.
    My GT: hammer033

    I have 1 character so far, 18 NB - Geochambe

  • AlvinAwesome212
    Thank you for the invite. Glad to meet you guys!
    Name: AlvinAwesome
    Guild: The Lunar Collective
    Alliance: Ebonheart Pact
    Status: Active
  • TheArgonianFan2015
    If this guild is still looking for more members.

    My GT is: TheNamelessHero91

    and I am interested.
  • KATObloodpaw
    If this guild is still looking for more members.

    My GT is: TheNamelessHero91

    and I am interested.

    This gamertag wasn't working
    GT:Shock Value1134
  • TheGreatTr33
    my Gt is Tree cG
  • JDawgg1975
    Soul Shriven
    I'm interested.

    GT: JDawgg1975
  • Ondgaa7447
    Soul Shriven
    Hi I would like to join this guild. I'm a pretty active player and would be interested in joining. My gamer tag is Ondgaan7447.
    Edited by Ondgaa7447 on February 18, 2017 10:49PM
  • BooffSwanson
    Soul Shriven
    Booff Swanson

    Id like to join
  • Elder2017
    Soul Shriven
    i would love an invite TwoFast Eddie

  • KATObloodpaw
    Ondgaa7447 wrote: »
    Hi I would like to join this guild. I'm a pretty active player and would be interested in joining. My gamer tag is Ondgaan7447.

    "Ondgaan7447" was not found. Anything I'm misspelling ?
    GT:Shock Value1134
  • Ogechi
    im interested gt Ogechii
  • bosticmw
    Soul Shriven
    I would love to join up, I'm a casual player who enjoys quests, dungeons, and pvp. Currently my main is Night'hunter in the Dominion.
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