Seige was great for a short time. Did what it was supposed to do. They really need to up the damage on it again.
LBxFinalDeath wrote: »The only siege that seems to wreck shop still seems to be the coldharbour ballista, It still feels like it instakills people, the coldfire stuff pretty garbage if you use them to attack other players.
The cold-stone is pretty good still.
I see positives already to this though, less people sitting at the top of forts with ballista aimed at the only way up to them racking up kills on clueless friendlies.
Oil is still really strong. I took a 19k hit today. Without the 50% reduction I would have been insta-killed. It was hard to see the red circle with all the crap going on the stairs too. That 19k hit significantly screwed me over with the nerfed heals and regen.. and the fact the rest of DC was fighting NPCs at the main gate when I thought they were behind me. i cri
You sure you didn't take a long number of ticks, 'cause the death recap just adds them all up.
Lava_Croft wrote: »Siege is nearly useless against anything but walls and doors.
QuebraRegra wrote: »