Personally I can never see them being useful in PvP, no matter what ZoS does to them....
And in PvE... they will never be powerful enough to warrant using them at end game either or people would complain that Sorcs would be OP without having to even press a button.
Novelty item for levelling, and a niche soloing use.... I don't expect that to change.
And unless there was a way to make them more interactive then I'm happy to see them stay that way.... although this sadly takes up slots for potential useful skills.
Yeah Pets in PvP or end game PvE are a joke. The issues with them are sooo many and they are soo broken I can't see them ever being useful however here are a few suggestions.
1) Buff the crap out of them right now in Imperial dumgeon a single attack from nearly any mob kills the winged Twliged. Other players don't even bother killing them because even though it takes a single shot the damage they do and their effects don't bother the other players at all. If we are luckly the pet may just get in the way
2) The don't stealth well, I know I have been told they do but often if I am stealthed and show hidden my pet is still attacked and killed with a direct attack. They need to stealth with the sorc and NOT be detectable unless the sorc is detected
3) Improve the AI. A pet should only ever defend its master or attack the target the sorc has attacked in the last 5 seconds. It should never feel the need to run off and start its own fights. Also they should not draw agro from any monsters. Right now the insane AI makes them run all over the place picking up every monster in the zone just to get to the mob it could have attached from its starting point.
4) Did I mention buff the crap out of them, also get the winged Twlight heal to kick in at 50% or 60% of player health. The way zergs and other battles go other than the rare times where its one on one, by the time with Twlight decides to heal casts its heal the sorc is already dead.
I really want to play a Sorc as ZOS intended with pets but they just suck soo much in anything outside sole PvE. Even then they are very limited in use.
Emma_Eunjung wrote: »Yeah, there's a bunch of things that need to be improved for pets to work in PvP:
1) It's STILL not possible to refresh a Ward on your pets until the previous Ward is completely gone. Why hasn't this bug been fixed?
2) Pet attacks need to be more frequent, two seconds is TOO LONG. Players attack once per second (at least), so pets should, too!
3) The Twilight Matriarch's heal needs to be MUCH MUCH bigger, considering the long-assed 30 second cooldown.
4) Many healing spells STILL fail on your pets! Can't tell you how many Clannfears died on me before I figured out Mutagen wasn't doing jack.
5) Volatile Familiar needs a much more useful attack than just dying gloriously, LOL. Ideally, he would ROOT the enemy by biting his leg, and reapply the root as necessary. This would force the enemy to deal with the pet frequently (instead of you).
MudcrabsRus wrote: »All I'm going to say is, you are underestimating the power of the imp.
Emma_Eunjung wrote: »Yeah, there's a bunch of things that need to be improved for pets to work in PvP:
1) It's STILL not possible to refresh a Ward on your pets until the previous Ward is completely gone. Why hasn't this bug been fixed?
2) Pet attacks need to be more frequent, two seconds is TOO LONG. Players attack once per second (at least), so pets should, too!
3) The Twilight Matriarch's heal needs to be MUCH MUCH bigger, considering the long-assed 30 second cooldown.
4) Many healing spells STILL fail on your pets! Can't tell you how many Clannfears died on me before I figured out Mutagen wasn't doing jack.
5) Volatile Familiar needs a much more useful attack than just dying gloriously, LOL. Ideally, he would ROOT the enemy by biting his leg, and reapply the root as necessary. This would force the enemy to deal with the pet frequently (instead of you).
I hope they will add a skill bar for pets one day... with attack, not attack, support target, passiv, aggressiv or something like that. Z + left/right click is the only way to command the pet and if you do you cannot attack, if i could say my pet "allways attack my target".... that would be great.
I wouldn't mind that, but I feel like that should be in a summoner class.
I honestly feel that the sorc pets should be removed in general and replaced with something that makes more sense as a sorcerer is made out to be more of a lightening mage.
I know he's capable, for I'm using him since a long time.
He is not better than having 2 other abilities thoughThat's the point, pets take a lot of space and require you to sacrifise quite a lot to maintain them. They should AT LEAST compensate for this, which is not the case.
Wolfenbelle wrote: »I only use the Clannfear with my Sorc. Love the Cannfear because it's a tank for me while soloing even with the problems people have mentioned in this thread. But it's true that the pets are pretty useless in "end-game" content and PvP.
pjwb16_ESO wrote: »Remove the cast time of the Familiar and increase the damage of the explosion -.-
Like the idea of the volatile familiar giving a root on attacks. I honestly think each pet should provide something alone those lines at all times while alive, to give incentive for them to be targeted. Something like that root for the volatile, but for the clannfear perhaps a decent dot and the ability to chase down stealthed targets (saw that somewhere, forget where). And for the love of pets everywhere why don't they have any health regen?
Emma_Eunjung wrote: »
Yes, in fact there are already NPC Clannfears in the game that have potentially useful attacks. Have you ever run into Shadowrend and his Proxy in the Banished Cells dungeon? Shadowrend's Proxy has this awesome charging attack that stuns you, and then he immediately follows up with a "feeding" attack for 20K damage, LOL.
Haven't ZOS said before that they can track how many people are using certain abilities?
Just stop using the pets, maybe ZOS will get the message.
That's not true at all, I constantly see them all over the place. Maybe not in PVP, but in the rest of the game.
Because Noob Sorcerers want the Clannfear for the leveling progress to take care of them. That's it
I'm saying that is the problem, people are using them despite them being garbage. We need to educate new young sorcs. If the numbers of users go down, ZOS will have to face the facts.
So sad, they depend their decision on numbers. Only because many people are using force shock for damage, doesn't mean it's strong or something, same for impulse compared to steel tornado.
You can't depend on numbers. Pets are weak, they dominate an entire skilltree and passives for nothing. Sorcerer still has nothing special besides crystal fragments, hardened ward and Bolt Escape.