So I love DC. I've been playing it since launch. All my characters are DC. I've noticed over the months and months since launch that DC hardly ever dominates in ANY campaign. The "good old days" of buff campaigns when there was a kind of "gentleman's agreement" was the only time I've ever seen a campaign controlled by DC for more than a few hours.
I'm not a PvP fanatic. I like it well enough when I am in the mood for it. I contribute when I can, help the guild when I can, and sometimes spend entire days in Cyrodiil. That being said, I am more of a casual PvPer than what you would call hardcore. So someone with (unbiased) knowledge of the situation please explain to me why DC seems to suck so bad in Cyrodiil.
It's even more pronounced now with IC. None of the campaigns regularly control more than 2 or 3 keeps. I understand that DC has a lower overall population than the other two factions, but when a campaign is population locked, how does faction population matter? If it's pop-locked, that means there are equal numbers from each faction in the campaign.
Don't answer this question with "DC is a bunch of noobs" or "Hail the Mighty EP" etc
I really want to understand why one particular faction constantly get's wrecked. And right now it really sucks because even getting into the sewers is a PITA and once you get there, you have to deal with either AD or EP camping/farming both the entrance to the sewers and the door right outside of the base and there never even seems to be enough DC to form a decent counter strike.
I just don't get it.
Edited by Alphashado on September 9, 2015 11:36PM