This one has now had a little time to explore the Imperial City and would like to share with you her thoughts, allowing for time to nap of course.
Santie was looking forward to all the sights and sounds of the city – maybe a nice tavern, some music and a nice pile of straw to sleep in. Santie thinks Red Diamond Tours was not showing the whole truth. All the taverns are shut, the bards are lying dead in the streets and there was not a comfortable place to nap anywhere. Also there were no convenient patches of sand or flowerbeds for khajiit to do what khajiit sometimes must.
Santie was hoping to meet up and adventure with some friends she had not seen in a long while, since they moved to Windhelm. This was ruined by a large drunken mob with red shields on their hats. Santie thinks you should have the choice in this city to be flagged as participating in the great inter-alliance street war or being able to choose to sit it out. This way those who want to hit their friends until they fall down in the gutter may do so while letting the rest of us enjoy hitting big things with scales and teeth in peace.
This one was also most disappointed to find that there was nothing worth “collecting” in the various barrels and crates around town. An abandoned city and all it contains should be the dream of every khajiit – or maybe just there were many of us who got there before poor slow Santie did. Santie has already much ginger and poultry at home and does not require any more spices or old meat for now.
Santie was told that the natural underground tunnels were a sight not to be missed. Santie found them full of people wearing yellow shields on their hats who were behaving as if the skooma was a bad batch that day. Santie would prefer to enjoy the scenic puddles and bitey ratty things at her own pace without being chased by a mob of crazed bananas.
So in conclusion this one thinks the city has potential as a popular holiday destination but some work is needed to allow Santie to enjoy herself without always being mowed down by baying mobs before she has had lunch.
Yours with paws
Santie Claws
Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
Find it here -
Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.
PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!