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as FTP I don't mind missing 2 gold keys. but really? 5 groups for darkshade and not 1 can get past grobull?

I'm not here to listen to your noob troll replies. If u guys have legit tips on how this can be done I'M ALL EARS.

Yes I have tried on vr1, vr5, twice at vr14 and of course vr16

No. I don't suck
  • PBpsy
    Grodull with a PUG has always been one of those things that I do for a test of my patience. The engine is even worse. If you are a DPS (that doesn't suck) you can actually pull the weight of another not that great DPS though.
    Edited by PBpsy on September 8, 2015 12:00AM
    ESO forums achievements
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  • Snoopmyelf_ESO
    I'm a healer. unfortunately the burden rest's on my shoulders for that boss for sure but the main problems I came across today after 5 groups was either not enough DPS, or people I dunno...forget what it means to stack? they just get so excited to kill adds they forget the boss? I dunno.....
  • krees28b14_ESO
    It is knowing the mechanics of the fight. If a group cannot do it then they simply do not know the mechanic. Maybe the dps is low but not everyone can pull 20k or more. Been in plenty of groups where we got through it no problem. But, for those of us that do know the fights we have to teach those that do not know. Otherwise this will continue to happen. If we get mad a rage quit the group then we limit our chances of getting things done. Naturally, these people also have to listen to those that do know and not be a smart ass about being told what to do.
  • Pyr0xyrecuprotite
    I have done this many times before update 7 with same group - did not get through it today. (10 or so wipes, then some sort of server problem kicked all of us out anyway). The mechanics don't seem to have changed except that Grobull now cc's people even when he is down. The difference is just:
    1. we all have much less DPS than before update 7; regen also seems to be lower, as we run out of magic and stam faster.
    2. We were trying it scaled to vr16 for the first time. This means all the adds are also scaled to vr16, i.e. four levels harder than they used to be.
  • Carde
    Something I've seen a lot of groups overlook is that the smaller adds can be CCed/rooted (Bombard, etc). You just need everyone to be doing their best AOE their build can muster and piling them into a big old killzone and keeping them there.
    Member of the Psijic Order PTS Group
  • xaraan
    That's weird, we did it today and didn't have an issue. But we were using a healer/tank combo and 3 dps, maybe that extra dps made the difference.
    -- @xaraan --
    nightblade: Xaraan templar: Xaraan-dar dragon-knight: Xaraanosaurus necromancer: Xaraan-qa warden: Xaraanodon sorcerer: Xaraan-ra
    AD • NA • PC
  • Qyrk
    It's definitely the people you were with. Grobull is easy as as long as you have sufficient aoe dps. Oh, and stay out of red and avoid the lightning stuff on ground that stuns you.
  • Ruben
    I did it on VR16 with a group of not-hardcore guildies. Two of us just spammed Brawler and everything died, there is no trick.
    DK Stamina DPS
    DK Magicka DPS
    DK Tank
    Templar Healer
    Sorcerer Stamina DPS
    Nightblade Magicka DPS
    Nightblade Stamina DPS
  • Xendyn
    AOE dps for sure and they have to stay out of those circles. AOE and CC from your tank helps, too.As a healer, those adds go right for you so take them to the tank and your dps to get them off.
    Lag is ruinin' my 'mershun!
    A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.
    There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance - Socrates
    Member of the Old Guard, keepers of the game's history

  • Forestd16b14_ESO
    CC spam ..... aalloott of CC spam
  • Scarface3000
    Have 2 people with a 2h with Brawler. (Cleave morph)

    There being so many little squid things gives you a fat shield each swing, they go down in no time at all.
  • Paradox
    After essentially soloing ol' grobby this morning... I have to say... It's a skill issue, not a fight design issue.
    Ebonheart Pact
    Tank And Spank - DragonKnight
    I've quit the game until ZoS stops acting like the community are children, and start actually listening to us.
  • Valije
    2c: Brawler or bombard.
  • ssewallb14_ESO
    If I know my group has a dps deficiency I'll run destro and impulse on my offbar. In full spell damage gear you can basically solo the adds. The magicka return is enough to keep the heals going, and you can use repentance all day in that fight which is free. When he falls drop a meteor and Jesus beam away. Just make sure everyone understands the adds are mostly a distraction for the boss' teleport pbaoe.
    Edited by ssewallb14_ESO on September 8, 2015 3:51AM
  • Scyantific
    Got a pug (v16,v16,v6, v1 healer) through a V1 run of vet DC up until Engine. Grobull was easy with 2 v16 dps, but for some dumb reason they could not get it through their heads that during the engine fight the adds are the priority, and basically having no ranged DPS emot-smith.gif. That, coupled with this:
    Scyantific wrote: »
    Yep. Dwemer constructs hit like a f***ing truck now. And that thing with locking us out before taking out the large group was a pretty stupid change, IMO.
    made the fight pretty damn frustrating. And that was BEFORE the lagging and stuttering.

    Dungeon was far, far more bearable once I rolled with my usual group (we even managed to 3-man it!) since all of us had reliable self heals (Rolling Power Surge + 50% spell crit on my sorc, other two were a 2h stam Sorc with hilarious amounts of self heals who melee'd the guardian to death, and the other was a magicka NB with Funnel and Sap). It was basically emot-black101.gif the game.

    Basically, if you're rolling a Templar healer, just drop the tank and go with 3 ranged/spell casting DPS. It makes it far easier, tbh.
    Edited by Scyantific on September 8, 2015 4:05AM
  • Cookiethief
    I did it yesterday v15.....I cleared through it no real hassles
    My biggest fear in life is, ending up marrying a girl who is lactose intolerant, think about it you would have to purchase double the amount of milk every week, cause you enjoy the goodness of full cream milk and she is drinking soy beans, and her milk takes up extra room in the fridge, or when you are doing a midnight run to the fridge to get a nice cup of milk and to accidentally pour some Soy milk. I couldn't imagine a worst way to do married life. - Barry Scott
  • PBpsy
    Paradox wrote: »
    After essentially soloing ol' grobby this morning... I have to say... It's a skill issue, not a fight design issue.

    I wouldn't call it a skill issue since I think it doesn't take much skill to handle that boss. It is more of a stubbornness issue. Some DPS that you find in PUGs will simply refuse to change their awesome personal and original, fun build to include enough sustained AOE to handle that fight.
    Since the most used mechanic in the game for dps requires fast switching between AOE and single target DPS this means they will not be able to handle a lot of the bosses.
    Edited by PBpsy on September 8, 2015 2:54PM
    ESO forums achievements
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  • failkiwib16_ESO
    Well players can not stack at this fight....

    if you are a templar healer and the team runs out of magicka you can try to cast elemental drain, mystic orb, spear shards or repentance on the bodies.... if you are a healer that is not templar, you can only cast elemental drain and mystic orb, unless you have a master restoration staff you will not be able to feed them with stamina.

    Basically try to buff your team during the fight, they have to use AoE on the adds, and single target when the boss goes down. Also tell people not to hit the boss when he is up, because he will reflect most skills back ot the caster.

    In case of low dps on team, there is really not much you can do as a healer, other than keep trying to continue healing. If your dps is needed to finish off this boss, then you will never be able to get through the endboss.
  • asteldian
    Easiest tip - have a magicka Templar with Puncturing Sweep. Rest of your party can sit and watch.
  • Robbmrp
    We haven't tried it post IC patch. Prior to IC, the Tank would hold the boss when the adds came out, everyone else would DPS adds and then hit boss when they drop. This always worked really well. Hopefully it's still viable.
    NA Server - Kildair
  • Aerieth
    You don't really need AoE DPS for the boss. The smaller ones die when the boss goes into the down phase. Just keep killing the big ones while the healer kites the smaller adds around. Maybe AoE them down if the healer can't keep himself alive. What does make the fight a lot easier though is a Dragon Knight using talons on the adds for the duration of the fight.

    The most important part is to pull off decent dps when the boss is down and taking damage. Save meteors and other burst damage for that and you should be golden. The boss is definitely doable at VR16 scale, even with VR14 gear. Good luck! :)
    Edited by Aerieth on September 8, 2015 4:42PM
    @Aerieth - PC EU Megaserver
    Ilatria Shadowcore - Lv 50 Nord Vampire Nightblade - Tank / Stam DPS - Daggerfall Covenant
    Maiine Shadowcore - Lv 50 Breton Vampire Nightblade - Magicka DPS - Daggerfall Covenant
    Aerieth Shadowcore - Lv 50 Imperial Vampire Nightblade - Healer - Daggerfall Covenant
    From patch notes long forgotten:
    "Fixed an issue if you had a summoned pet, it could potentially be grabbed by an invisible Molag-Bal and get stuck in a floating posture."
    "Dogs can no longer teleport while chasing cats (much to the disappointment of the dogs)."
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