Need HELP with Medium Armor Traits for Research PLEASE!!!!!!!

I need these traits on the following medium armor pieces if anyone could be so kind to help! If you have spare armor pieces with the traits or can craft them could you please mail them to me?! I'd greatly appreciate it!!!!!! Willing to compensate the best I can for your time! GT: MR WOOTASTIC


JACK- infused, divines, and nirmhoned

Boots- sturdy, impenetrable, training, infused, divines, nirnhoned

Bracers- sturdy, impenetrable, reinforced, infused, divines, and nirnhoned

Helmet- sturdy, infused, divines, nirnhoned

Guards- sturdy, reinforced, infused, divines, and nirnhoned

Arm cops- impenetrable, reinforced, infused, exploration, divines, and nirnhoned

Belt- impenetrable, reinforced, infused, divines, and nirnhoned
Edited by MRWOOTASTIC on September 7, 2015 2:45AM
  • jk.turner_ESO
    Console or PC? I can do all but nirnhoned if yer on PC American server...
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    If only there was "please" instead of "BAD!!!!!!!", I could eventually consider... (And if I were on console, that too...)
    Edited by anitajoneb17_ESO on September 6, 2015 2:32PM
  • Jaronking
    If your on Xbox 1 I could help out if you are send me a message my GT is Bigleach87.
    Sorry! I am on Xbox One. Thanks guys. I appreciate all the help
    NA server too. I suck at this. Lol
  • Ourorboros
    Sure would be decent of you to offer mats or gold for what you ask. That shows some consideration for those willing to help you, who had to spend some combination of gold, time, or effort to learn the traits themselves. Also, Don't expect anyone to give you nirnhone items free. No matter how much the price drops on nirncrux, it's still rare and learning all the traits was a big effort that deserves respect in the form of compensation.
    Breton Sorcerer Maester.White - BB meets GoT >Master Crafter< { 9 Traits completed 4/23/15 }
    TANSTAAFL--->There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.....Robert Heinlein
    Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea....Heinlein
    All those moments will be lost in time, like Time to die. "Blade Runner"
    ESO: the game you hate to love and love to hate....( >_<) May RNG be with you (*,_,*)
    I don't expect anyone to do anything. If someone is willing to help out another, great. If someone wants compensation for their items or time, then by all means, that's what I'd do. However, I am just another player asking for help from fellow players.
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    @Ourorboros :

    He could offer mats but he can't offer gold, forum rules do not allow trading topics.
  • failkiwib16_ESO
    Just a friendly advice, if you ask someone to make you nirnhooned, go buy a nirncrux and provide them with that first. Most crafters do not have nirncrux laying around, as it costs a great deal due to its rarity.

    You don't want the crafter to go and buy you the nirncrux either, as he will just do it from the first guildtrader and not run around and find out where the cheapest stones are sold. Also make sure it's the right nirn stone for the item, as there are 2 kinds - one for armor and the other for weapons.
    Yeah. I had no idea Nirncrux costs so much until I looked at it last night. It's insanely expensive! No need for that. Is just like some general help with the other traits so I can make some new sets. Thanks to anyone willing to help. I can replace traits stones and what not.
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