Ye my char, took me 3 days to find sb that can craft glass@Alcast is your character that is shown on the screenshot wearin heavy armor?!
Just curious for the Chestpiece ^^
anybody have glass shield picture from in game?
1 fragment collected already. I will ask my 4 year old son to upload pictures once he collects enough for the set after I pass away from old age.
I have to agree with weapon colors being - wrong.
Weapons look amazing in pictures with that green glass look and then you get one crafted and ... It looks like any other runf of the mill weapon.
Some sort of alloy you dont care for because it is suppose to be green / clear / glass looking.
Armor is no different.
Im expecting this is a bug that will be addressed in near future ?
Again.those pictures are from Morrowind. Its made by another company under the same roof as ZoS. Who knows, maybe copywrite infringement? I mean, technically, they could sell off ZoS and keep Bethesda Game Studios or whatever the name of the division that made Skyrim.
Moonshadow66 wrote: »How it comes that there are players who can already craft a whole set? Do the fragments (or even whole pages?) drop like rain in IC, unlike in normal PvE land where the drop rate seems to be 0,00001% when it's fullmoon?
I didn't buy IC, so I don't know if there's a difference.
Only today I could complete the first page out of 14 (Gloves), not more than this, and I'm even doing writs with 5 veteran characters.
Took me 3 days to find a person that can craft Glass. That person had all Glass armor unlocked, except Hands atm.
Well, If you have 10Million Gold, i guess its not impossible >.>
if it wasn't for the terrible load times i would log in and show the leather, 1h axe and the shield.
Moonshadow66 wrote: »How it comes that there are players who can already craft a whole set? Do the fragments (or even whole pages?) drop like rain in IC, unlike in normal PvE land where the drop rate seems to be 0,00001% when it's fullmoon?
I didn't buy IC, so I don't know if there's a difference.
Only today I could complete the first page out of 14 (Gloves), not more than this, and I'm even doing writs with 5 veteran characters.
@tors Do it!
Considering you have a small chance at creating the entire motif when you merge the fragments I'd assume there are several people out there already who can make the entire set. I also know many people who have between 10 and 50 million gold as well and I don't know many people so it's entirely possible you could buy the entire set (I've seen every chapter for sale so far). What else would people with that much gold do with it?
Took me 3 days to find a person that can craft Glass. That person had all Glass armor unlocked, except Hands atm.
Well, If you have 10Million Gold, i guess its not impossible >.>
Asherons_Call wrote: »Doesn't look too bad just doesn't look like elder scrolls glass. However I never really understood this material for armor in the first place.. I mean come on, it's glass!!!
No, it's not glass. That is just the common name for it. You are collecting malachite shards to make it (primarily copper) and think that you are going to end up with the same stuff we make drinks containers out of?
No. Just no.
Asherons_Call wrote: »
Thanks for the enlightenment, I can now die in peace