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Magika Nightblade Infinite Dark Cloak

  • Junglejim82
    Jay_Gally wrote: »
    Hexyl wrote: »
    There are a lot of counter for dark cloack. There was not for Dodge rolling.

    It's fine like this.

    Maybe I'm missing something since I'm a nightblade myself, but what counters do you speak of?? Now, won't most of those counters be null since single target won't get them out of cloak?

    AOE attacks sure, but single target burst players don't have a counter that I know of.

    Edit: I'm built for st burst but if you are unwilling to run a counter to stealth you deserve a stealth gank. It's not just NBS that stealth or use invisibility pots so I run caltrops or detect pots or both
    Edited by Junglejim82 on September 4, 2015 2:27PM
    Stamblade extrordinaire (for now)
    Mass Terror /elders of anarchy ps4 e.u
    Daggerfalls finest

    Always looking for serious pvpers not afraid to mic up. See below
  • Jay_Gally
    MrGrimey wrote: »
    Jay_Gally wrote: »
    MrGrimey wrote: »
    Jay_Gally wrote: »
    In full disclosure, my first and primary character is an Imperial Stamina Nightblade. So when the IC update go lives on consoles in a few weeks, I'm going to be affected with the nerf to the refreshing shadows passive along with the rapacious dodge roll penalty. So I'm a bit salty when I came across this vid when I was looking into new magicka builds in anticipation of the update.

    Btw op, imperial makes the best magicka or stamina NB due to your health passive, so no need to be salty about it just because you're not a magicka race. It's literally a pay to win race that can do both kinds of specs, ask any top PVPer and they will tell you the same. Now, that makes me salty

    I've heard that from a few ppl. I'm a bit reluctant to change my ways and learn a new strategy with a magicka build since I haven't even yet reached my stam character beyond vet2 rank. I'll also have to rank up the resto staff/ light armor line since that's what I've seen for magicka nightblades. Eventually I'll prob re-spec it. Any personal advise?

    Ok, so you're not even vet14 and you're trying to get a move that's giving you trouble nerfed? I have a redguard NB, and they make even worse magicka NBs than an imperial. I have destro, resto and light armor leveled to 50 and I've never specced magicka with my NB. I might try magicka, I might not, some of the top PVPers are saying that stamina is still better for NB, but it's too early to tell.

    My biggest advice is while you're still leveling and grinding with your current spec, put on a few peices of light armor, and put a destro and resto ability on your loadout bar. Even without those weapons equipped, you will level up those skill lines while playing. Btw, magicka NB works better with dual wields than with a destro due to higher spell damage. This way you will have an option to try it out instead of complaining about something that you have no experience with

    It's not giving me trouble at all. I utilize cloak in my build myself. Again, if we're penalizing stamina users there needs to be an equal penalty to magicka as well sweet jesus.
  • leepalmer95
    Is this thread seriously nb's complaining about nb's?
    PS4 EU DC

    Current CP : 756+

    I have every character level 50, both a magicka and stamina version.

    RIP my effort to get 5x v16 characters...
  • Alucardo
    I can perma cloak, if I'm not actually fighting anything and just cloaking the second it finishes. I'm not sure how useful standing in one spot casting cloak like a butt head is to your team, though.
  • Jay_Gally
    Is this thread seriously nb's complaining about nb's?

    Thank you for your time
  • Jay_Gally
    Alucardo wrote: »
    I can perma cloak, if I'm not actually fighting anything and just cloaking the second it finishes. I'm not sure how useful standing in one spot casting cloak like a butt head is to your team, though.

    It's useful in tandem with a dodge roll (hasty retreat) and cloak to get away...
  • Alucardo
    Jay_Gally wrote: »
    It's useful in tandem with a dodge roll (hasty retreat) and cloak to get away...
    Well, yes. Every class has some form of defence mechanic. Nightblades don't have shields and such, so their best defence is stealth, which is somewhat useless thanks to detect pots.
    Edited by Alucardo on September 4, 2015 2:35PM
  • Jay_Gally
    Alucardo wrote: »
    Jay_Gally wrote: »
    It's useful in tandem with a dodge roll (hasty retreat) and cloak to get away...
    Well, yes. Every class has some form of defence mechanic. Nightblades don't have shields and such, so their best defence is stealth, which is somewhat useless thanks to detect pots.

    So you can see my point. Now dodge roll once if the stams there if I was trying to defend myself and cloak out and that's essentially it if I can't get away.
  • Jumper45
    How is this ANY different then any other mmo where the "rogue" class just vanishes.. They have ALWAYS had a get out of jail free card. The flip side is they have no real protection or heals like the other classes do atleast in eso you cant perma stealth like other games its just a few seconds window. Who ... what ... why... WHY is this even being questioned. Its been the same for like 25 years now. what .. ? - facepalms- Also what in the hell is a ambush build suppose to do if every time they go to ambush they lose all their resource in combat... its part of the rotation for dps. You'll trash their pve damage.
    Edited by Jumper45 on September 4, 2015 4:08PM
    “All right, I've been thinking, when life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade! Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager!
    Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man whose gonna burn your house down - with the lemons!” (Portal 2)

    17 Years MMORPG Experience healing and I still havn't figured out why people stand in red circles.
  • MrTarkanian48
    Piercing mark>Ambush>Burst= Game over Magicka Nightblade in Light Armor. Even if they have efficient purge they burn alot of stamina to get the mark off. Hit them with a Mass Hysteria til they run out of stam, then CC and finish. Perm a cloak might let them escape from getting killed if you can't get the mark on them, but I don't see it making them some offensive juggernaut. Most are also vampire so Mark then Dawnbreaker.
    Wood Elf Stam NB (PVP)
    Redguard Stam Sorc (PVP)
    Altmer NB (DPS)
    Imperial DK (Tank)
    Redguard DK (DPS)
    Altmer Templar (Healer)

    EP - PS4
  • revonine
    Piercing mark>Ambush>Burst= Game over Magicka Nightblade in Light Armor. Even if they have efficient purge they burn alot of stamina to get the mark off. Hit them with a Mass Hysteria til they run out of stam, then CC and finish. Perm a cloak might let them escape from getting killed if you can't get the mark on them, but I don't see it making them some offensive juggernaut. Most are also vampire so Mark then Dawnbreaker.

    Magicka and stamina NB's are pretty well balanced when it comes to 1v1 combat against one another. Although in reality due to the nature of the class it's just down to who get's the jump on who first really.
  • hardcore_gmr
    Jay_Gally wrote: »
    JDar wrote: »
    There's a reason Cloak is the first skill in the skill line for nightblades. It can be the first thing you ever put on your bar! The developers meant for Cloak to be fundamental to the gameplay experience for nightblades. If you start recklessly chopping at it with the nerfhammer without understanding that you're going to ruin the class. So you can't compare this to dodge roll or bolt escape.

    Without cloak, magicka nightblades have low spell power and very little armor because you have to wear light armor to permacloak. With cloak up our spell damage is comparable to sorcs, but of course without the powerful Hardened Ward at our disposal.

    Just because you're "salty" that your stamina nightblade can't do the cool things you see magicka nightblades doing is not a reason to nerf it. Furthermore I suggest you try leveling to VR14 and getting some experience under your belt with your stamblade and then tell me if you think you're at a huge disadvantage. You're not. Stamblades are still doing very well, maybe even stronger still than magicka nightblades.

    I don't like heavy armor templars that block and heal themselves up after my burst almost kills them but you don't see me calling for nerfs on Breath of Life do you? That's basically what you're doing here.

    Finally, please keep in mind that Deltia is out of combat when he permacloaks in that video. In real situations, you're going to be in combat with lower regen rates and running low after using your magicka abilities. I frequently die because I didn't have enough magicka to escape a bad situation. That's another way to counter cloak. Run them out of magicka.

    I think you're missing the point. There is no disincentive to not spam cloak like there is for dodge roll. If we're penalizing a method of survivability for one class/ resource, do it for all. Fair enough right?

    So because others were salty about some stamblades infa dodge rolling I can't be about other class abilities that need to be looked at again??

    Also assiasans blade and strife are the first abilities unlocked for their respective tree. Are they "fundamental" to nightblade gameplay? Most would say no. Not for stam users anyway.

    There is difference here between dodge and cloak, dodge is a survival skill for all classes whereas cloak is a survival skill specific to nightblades. Therefore to penalize nightblades twice for a universal skill would be unfair. As for penalizing players to be "fair" to stamblades, I don't know what to say, except that the penalty only effects those that would seek to abuse the dodge mechanics, I personal am not effected by the dodge roll penalty because I am not roll spamming and my stam blade plays fine. This may not be the case for all stam blades as many stam night blade players would abuse dodge roll to an unfair advantage as their normal method of play. I personally have never been a fan of infinite rolling, it has always felt cheesy to me. Of course it must be noted that stamina nightblade does fine without dodge rolling every second, but playstyle is the determining factor there.
  • Cyrediath
    use aoe.
  • QuebraRegra
    the OVERLOAD AOE spam seems to get me almost every time. By the end I've burned thru my magicka, lost health and things get ugly.
    Edited by QuebraRegra on September 4, 2015 9:43PM
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